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Stefan Archer

head librarian
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Knotted 12 1/2 Inch Sturdy Fir Wand with Thestral Tail Hair Core
4/2015 (46)
Hello, hi!

Right, so I'm fairly lazy, so I'm going to keep this brief, so if you want to know what they are like, read the bios, or feel free to ask me questions about it.
More specifically, I'm just going to say what they need, if you have someone then we can talk plot, see what works and if they are a good match!

First, Ailsa Evans, now she's pretty good with friends, she has a few of them, though I wouldn't say no to more since she would definitely benefit from having them. What I'm really looking for for her is something long term, a long term relationship, we can talk about if final or not, but something in the romance fields. I'd say she was straight, but while still young she wouldn't be above testing the waters of other things.

Next, Avie Mitchell, Avie's pretty good on most fronts honestly, but I think he would enjoy more friends. Currently he's going through a bit of a rough patch, but he's going to start getting better, he'll be more childish and stuff. I think he'd appreciate more friends, maybe a few people to start picking on him slightly or getting annoyed with him. He would always enjoy more friends, he's a loveable sort.

After that, Cavani Laskaris, now for her she needs friends, she has like none and would really enjoy a few more friends. She's got a bit of a fling going on, but she might benefit from a friendship that becomes something else down the line. I'm pretty open to plots with her, so just fire away with plots and such.

Celestyn Helkovaara, needs just about everything. Friends, girlfriend, people to hang out with, he's a solitary guy, so anything with him would take a long time. It's just not an overnight type thing, so anything with him would be long term.

Dove Williams, she's one of my newer people, she's a Beauxbatons student, who is in need of everything. She needs friends, enemies, possibly something for the future, a future relationship and perhaps we can even talk about finals.

Eilidh Evans, will be attending Hogwarts after next semester, she'll be sort soon, I project Slytherin, but I might be wrong about it xD. I need stuff for her, for when she gets to hogwarts, these kind of plots could wait until she's sorted. She needs everything, so anything you might have throw my way.

Felix Garcia, he's good in terms of relationships, but he's going to be coming to New Zealand more often because of his sister moving so he would need friends in New Zealand also, he would also not mind friends in Spain, so anything and everything works.

Georgia Rose, she's also at Beauxbatons, she needs everything, friends, boyfriend/girlfriend, anything. I'm open to plots and stuff, so anything you want to do or try out I'm willing to listen to it.

Haskel Luftmensch is another one of my new guys, now, he's a little complicated, he doesn't need any relationships, he's not interested in relationships. But, he needs friends, people to be around him. He needs friends most importantly.

Isaiah Jeffreys is a third year, and he lacks friends, and relationships, so he needs just about everything. His brothers will soon be at Hogwarts and he will be feeling a little old, and lonely, so he needs more friends and a relationship of some sort.

Lily Fossil is one of my oldest characters and I've brought her out of the depths recently. Because of this I have absolutely nothing for her, so anything and everything is welcome. She needs friends most importantly but relationship stuff would be good too!

Orwell Brocken he's pretty good on the friend front but I want to find him something in the forms of a relationship. Something for the future which would be a slow build kind and if they would be finals or not that can be decided. I'm open to things with that too.

Vicenzo Antolini, this dude need many things, he's going to leave Beauxbatons and move to France to work. So, he needs friends and such, and possibly a relationship. He would never be with a muggleborn or muggle so that cancels those out.

Lastly, Zander Valentine, this dude needs friends, people who are willing to sit with him, help him out and such, since moving to New Zealand he hasn't had much and it's not been a very good few days or months, or really years, so he needs friends desperately. He's not so much in need of anything else.

If you want to RP with anyone not mentioned here feel free to pitch it! Anything and everything is welcome!

So, I have an idea for you:

Jean Snow- I was going to offer Jean for an RP with Ailsa, but I think him and one of your Beauxbatons girls could be more interesting. We could even have them send owls to each other and do a long-distance type thing during the school year if they do get along well? It could be fun considering he /does/ have growing feelings for Victoire. :r Otherwise, it could be a summer break thing?
I like how this is you keeping it brief xD
Anyways, there is an Antolini RP that you can reply to if you are bored.
And also, there is Finn Urie who I love and want to use more of. He is a goofball and a prankster but also frivilous and stubborn. I think we started a RP together with Avie. But you know my replying skillz. But, if you want to RP, I will try to promise to be more on top of it. He could be anyone's friend, and would play pranks on people, and not realize that it could be upsetting to them. He would just think it's fun.
Cyndi, That sounds good! Do you have a preference as to which one would be better for it? I like the idea of seeing how they work to see if it then develops into something longer than just a summer thing. Georgia is obviously a little older than Jean, she's a fifth year going into sixth year, where as Dove is a second year going into third year, so there's a slightly larger gap between Dove and Jean, than Georgia and Dove. In either case I'll be perfectly happy, so it can be up to you, which ever you think would go better with Jean.

Donna, Oh yay Finn! Well, he could be a friend to Lydia Archer who is a second year Hufflepuff like him. He could also end up making a good friend with Isaiah, Isaiah is a very kind of mature person, but with the right kind of influence he would definitely start pulling pranks, he'd just also tell Finn very bluntly if ever he thinks the guys taken it too far. So that might make a good friendship, and well, after this semester Avie will start getting used to his normal tricks, so perhaps they could meet then? Avie loves meeting people so he'd happily be his friend! Which ever ones you want to try out are good with me!

Also, that was totally brief......for me..
Stefan Archer said:
Cyndi, That sounds good! Do you have a preference as to which one would be better for it? I like the idea of seeing how they work to see if it then develops into something longer than just a summer thing. Georgia is obviously a little older than Jean, she's a fifth year going into sixth year, where as Dove is a second year going into third year, so there's a slightly larger gap between Dove and Jean, than Georgia and Dove. In either case I'll be perfectly happy, so it can be up to you, which ever you think would go better with Jean.
Even though their personalities seem very different, I keep going back to Georgia and thinking that she and Jean will be interesting, whether good or bad I have no idea. :p She intrigues me more for him though, so can we give them a try?
Professor Cyndi Kingsley said:
Stefan Archer said:
Cyndi, That sounds good! Do you have a preference as to which one would be better for it? I like the idea of seeing how they work to see if it then develops into something longer than just a summer thing. Georgia is obviously a little older than Jean, she's a fifth year going into sixth year, where as Dove is a second year going into third year, so there's a slightly larger gap between Dove and Jean, than Georgia and Dove. In either case I'll be perfectly happy, so it can be up to you, which ever you think would go better with Jean.
Even though their personalities seem very different, I keep going back to Georgia and thinking that she and Jean will be interesting, whether good or bad I have no idea. :p She intrigues me more for him though, so can we give them a try?
I'm good with that! I'm always hoping to RP with Georgia, I think they'd make a good combo, different perhaps but good! I'll start something up soon, any preference as to where? Within New Zealand, or could I put it in Europe/France?
Stefan Archer said:
Professor Cyndi Kingsley said:
Stefan Archer said:
Cyndi, That sounds good! Do you have a preference as to which one would be better for it? I like the idea of seeing how they work to see if it then develops into something longer than just a summer thing. Georgia is obviously a little older than Jean, she's a fifth year going into sixth year, where as Dove is a second year going into third year, so there's a slightly larger gap between Dove and Jean, than Georgia and Dove. In either case I'll be perfectly happy, so it can be up to you, which ever you think would go better with Jean.
Even though their personalities seem very different, I keep going back to Georgia and thinking that she and Jean will be interesting, whether good or bad I have no idea. :p She intrigues me more for him though, so can we give them a try?
I'm good with that! I'm always hoping to RP with Georgia, I think they'd make a good combo, different perhaps but good! I'll start something up soon, any preference as to where? Within New Zealand, or could I put it in Europe/France?
I won't be able to reply until the holidays are opened, but I think France makes the most sense. Up to you though. :)
'Ello Emzies! :hug:
Okay, so I have a couple of things going on right now, so I'm only going to offer three characters that need a little love and we'll see what happens I think!

The first up is Archturus Engel. I recently acquired him and am re-vamping him, so his last name might be subject to change - not that that very much matters. He's one of my future first years, and a muggle born, and I'm offering him to Eilidh Evans. I don't see them rping right now, in fact I'd prefer that we hold off until after sorting or something. But anywho, he's not that stoked about magic. He sort of see it as picking his life up and shaking it around, and is not pleased by this. He is very blunt, and will be missing home dearly - especially things such as the internet, and electricity in general. He's stubborn, a little too sarcastic for his own good, has somewhat of a big mouth and a major stubborn streak. He's not easily controlled and rebels easily if he feels that someone's trying to step on him. He's fiercely independent, but not outright malicious, and will be feeling some serious home-sickness when he does arrive at the school. He might be difficult to befriend, but I'd like to throw him at people and see what happens. Hopefully, he'll eventually take what he's got and suck it up, but in order to do that he might need either a supportive friend, or someone to outright tell him to suck it up and get over it. xD

The next three are some of my third years that really need... well, everything. I don't rp them enough, honestly. You can mix and match them to whomever you wish, because I'm open for everything. They're mostly for your third years simply because it's easier to get them to know each other and such, but if you think they'll be useful for someone else, go for it. xD

Nicodemus Magonus is my Gryffindor third year, and is a very sensible, rule-abiding, understanding and honest boy. He's very caring, and very responsible, but is by no means a pushover. If he has an opinion, he will express it rationally, but he is not one to bend to another's will for their sake. He's going to go through a rough year next year, and he really needs a couple friends that he can talk to and feel wanted by, because he is a very lonely boy. He often works alone because he's very shy and a bit of a wallflower, but is also very lonely and this only makes him shyer. He's not what you would call out-going, or extroverted, but if he has something to say, he will say it. He has a love of history, something he's inherited from his father, and grew up in a magic-less environment, so gets a bit of a kick when reading about history from the magical perspective. He can get a little sarcastic on occasion, though this is mostly playful jest between friends - or if someone (somehow) manages to annoy him to such a degree that he might poke a bit of fun at them. But really, he's a very gentle soul, I don't see him getting annoyed at anyone.

Enrico Antolini is the baby of his family, and one of my Slytherins on offer. He loves food and flowers, and is generally an excitable kid. He especially loves making and eating food, however - although his knowledge in the kitchen is basically making desserts, and even in this he can be a little dangerous. He is accident-prone. He will trip on nothing, and bring everything down around him, but his endless amounts of confidence are usually enough to get him right back up and walking again. He's a bit of a dreamer, but otherwise is a rather grounded kid with regards to how the world works - he will dream all the dreams possible, but doesn't actually think that all are possible. He's a planner, and has set goals and strategies in place to get him where he wants to go, and so whilst a dreamer, he's pretty realistic about them. Though he does have his moments of complete excitability, where everything seems like an excellent idea, and they're often not. In the least, he's pretty entertaining, but can be rather tiring. xD

Finally, Evander Tuuri. Evander is my final third year, and a Slytherin. He's part-goblin, and so is like... 3"? I cannot quite remember his height right off the bat - but he's short, man. Anyway, he's a very determined kid, and doesn't like people assuming he's at all incapable at doing anything from climbing staircases, to moving chairs around. However, he's not easily offended, and if he feels that someone is being honest and not seeing him as some incapable little creature, he will accept their help when he needs it. He is not a pushover, and what he lacks in height he makes up in personality. He won't skip over issues he has with someone, and firmly believes that being honest is best - even if this honesty involves stating a hard truth he believes. If he disagrees with someone, he'll say it, but doesn't often make the connection that sometimes people don't like being disagreed with. So whilst he might think that even if he disagrees with everything the other person thinks a friendship can happen, the reality is is that not everyone thinks that way.

Those three need friends, relationships - anything, even enemies if it should swing that way. Basically, I want to rp them more. Although I'd really like for Nicodemus to can some people he can lean on in the future. But otherwise, all is welcome for plotting. xD

*As a quick little add, I've got my centaur and counsellor (Cain and Daniel) that I'm always up for throwing into an rp. xD
Stefan Archer said:
Dove Williams, she's one of my newer people, she's a Beauxbatons student, who is in need of everything. She needs friends, enemies, possibly something for the future, a future relationship and perhaps we can even talk about finals.
So, I realized I replied to an open RP with Dove and immediately forgot about it, so I might get back to that ASAP. :r
Tenilee, first off, Arch and Eilidh, I think they'll be interesting as a pairing to RP, and yeah I agree with waiting. So when the time comes, I'll start something up and then PM you it.

With the others I'm thinking, Nicodemus in a friendship with Isaiah, I figure they'd play off one another, Isaiah's a quiet person but friendly enough, good person to lean on. A good friend.
Enrico and Ailsa, as a good friendship, Ailsa's different from him, she'll make fun of him and laugh at him, but she'd like his confidence and definitely enjoy his kitchen knowledge.
Finally, with Evander, I'm thinking Orwell, just because of the fact they'd interact well with one another, and I can seem them getting into arguments if they disagree on something but both hold true to their convictions.
What do you think? I can start two of them if you start the other?
Sounds like a plan! ^_^
I can cover EnricoxAilsa if you like? ^_^
That sounds good!
I'll start the Orwell&Evander come the new term, if that suits and start the other one now, just staggering out the topics.
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