Tyler, Rosalie Anne (old, ignore)

Rosalie Bevin

Well-Known Member
Sexual Orientation
Knotted 18 Inch Whippy Aspen Wand with Fairy Wing Core

FULL NAME: Rosalie Anne Tyler
NICKNAMES: Rosie, Rose, RosyBear (Her husband only)
BLOOD LINE: Muggle Born
RACE: Human
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HAIR COLOR: Rose has long wavy brown hair. Her brown hair is from her mother. Sometimes it is blonde. Thats when her husband wants to 'Play a game'.
EYE COLOR: Rose also has deep brown eyes. They come from her father. Her eyes are the windows to her soul. They always betray what she is really feeling. Her husband tortures her for this, as he can see in her eyes she hates him and is deathly scared of him. He exploits that.
FACIAL FEATURES: Rose has a oval shaped face. With high cheekbones, and soft eyes.
PHYSIQUE: Rose is quite petite. She isn't exactly short being around 5'7, but she isn't tall either. And she is towered over by her husband who is 6'3. She is skinny though.
DISTINGUISHING FEATURES: Mostly, its the bruises she always tries to hide, but everybody sees.
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WHAT IS YOUR BOGGART?: "My Boggart, would definately be my husband hurting our Child. She is such a sweet girl and I would just die, if anything were to happen to my little butterfly".

WHAT WOULD BE YOUR FUTURE OCCUPATION?: "I would like to be a healer, but I am afraid it shall never be"

WHAT IS YOUR PATRONUS?: "My patronus is a swan, soft, elegent, yet misunderstood".

WHAT IS YOUR PATRONUS MEMORY?: "My Patronus memory, is the day I had Haylee, she is my whole world"

WHICH LIVING PERSON DO YOU MOST ADMIRE?: "At this point in time, it is my haylee, she dosen't know what is going on around her, and she just goes on her merry little way"

YOU LOOK AT YOURSELF THROUGH THE MIRROR OF ERISED. WHAT DO YOU SEE?: "I see myself with Haylee, and a man who will respect and love me, I see a real family"

WHEN AND WHERE WERE YOU HAPPIEST?: " I am happiest when I am with Haylee"

WHAT IS YOUR MOST OBVIOUS CHARACTERISTIC?: "My most obvious characteristic is my shyness, and the way I try to avoid any topic to do with my home life."

WHAT IS THE TRAIT YOU MOST DEPLORE (HATE) IN OTHERS?: "Lying, cheating. Anything that has to do with my Husband"

WHAT ARE SOME OF YOUR STRENGTHS?: "Well, My most definate strength is Haylee, I have yet to discover any others, I have no friends, Daniel has pushed all of them away".

WHAT ARE SOME OF YOUR FLAWS & WEAKNESSES?: "My most obvious flaw is Daniel, but I think you could probably call Haylee one of my weaknesses, as I wont leave my husband because of her."

WHAT IS THE TRAIT YOU MOST ADMIRE IN OTHERS?: "Honesty and Loyalty. I have never seen it in action in my marriage, but it is something I have longed for".

YOUR DISLIKES: "My Husband most definately, And I hate DeathEaters. Daniel is a Deatheater, so that is a double whammy".

YOUR LIKES: "My gorgeous baby girl Haylee, and I love chocolate Icecream."

WHAT DO YOU VALUE MOST IN YOUR FRIENDS?: "Well, I don't have any friends at the moment, but they would have to be considerate".

HOW WOULD YOU LIKE TO DIE?: "Form either old age, or killing my husband, but he has to come with me"

IF YOU WERE AN ANIMAGI, WHAT ANIMAL WOULD YOU TURN INTO?: "I would turn into a spider. Daniel is completely freaked by spiders"

WHAT IS YOUR MOTTO [WORDS YOU LIVE BY OR THAT MEAN A LOT TO YOU]?: "When life is tough, Move on" if only I could make those words an action"
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HOMETOWN: "Auckland, New Zealand."
PARENTS: George and Daliah Reynolds- Muggles.
"My parents are loving and forgiving. They have forgiven me for not talking to them. If only i could actually explain to them why they have never met their Granddaughter."
PETS: "I don't have any, but I am considering buying Haylee a kitten"
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My Diary said:
Dear Diary,

It happened again. I really tried to stop it this time, I truly did. But Daniel seemed
to know what I was trying to do. I'm unsure as to the damage done this time, and I'm
too scared to look in a mirror. I am just thankful that Haylee was in daycare.
I wish I could find the strength to leave...
Yours in writing,
Hi Rosalie,

just a few questions...

1. how did it feel to be the only witch in your family?
2. was it difficult growing up knowing you were different somehow?
3. What was your reaction to getting your letter to Hogwarts?
4. What career have you at the moment?
5. Have you ever considered turning your husband in to the ministry if you know him to be a DE?
6. When did you first realise he was cheating on you?
7. What were your hopes and aspirations for yourself when you were a child?
8. Do they differ greatly now?
9. Has Haylee shown any magical ability?
1. how did it feel to be the only witch in your family? It was really rather lonely actually. My parents did try to support me all they could, but they really didn't understand. I was forever hiding things from them, and I didn't feel I could talk to them if ever I was having magical problems.
2. was it difficult growing up knowing you were different somehow? Yes and no. I didn't know I was a witch until my eleventh birthday. And luckily for me I didn't have any magical outbursts as a child. It was only once I was older that it happened. But otherwise my parents were pretty supportive.
3. What was your reaction to getting your letter to Hogwarts? At first I thought it was a total joke. There was no proof it was real. But then I kept getting letters, they convinced me that it was all real. And they came to me no matter where I was, so it was amazing.
4. What career have you at the moment? At the moment I currently have no work. Daniel doesn't allow it.
5. Have you ever considered turning your husband in to the ministry if you know him to be a DE? I have considered it. Many times, but I am worried what could happen. He never lets me out of his sight, and I know that when he's not around, some-one else is.
6. When did you first realise he was cheating on you? Believe it or not, i caught them in the act. He reckons its over now, but I'm not stupid.
7. What were your hopes and aspirations for yourself when you were a child? When I was a child I dreamt of becoming a famous healer, and to get married to an amazing man and have three amazing kids. Its more of a dream form when I got older, but still similar to my teeny kid days.
8. Do they differ greatly now? No, its pretty much the same. More fool me I suppose.
9. Has Haylee shown any magical ability? Oh yes. Haylee is a very talented child. She often accidenly sneezes up a storm, and when I try and cut her hair, it just grows back home it was. She's very cheeky.

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