Two, three, four...

Morrigan Graves

Well-Known Member
OOC First Name
Oak 14 3/4 Essence of Raven Feather
Morrigan was bored here. Her intelligence was waited here though she couldn't tell anyone the proper alignment of the stars at any given moment. She did know what alignent it had to be in to pick the most potent poisons, what potions did what. The meaning of a few runes though she was looking forward to taking the class on it. That and Arithmancy She was planning on taking Divination because she had nothing better to do with her time and they needed three to make a full course. Morrigan also thought that it would be an intresting view on the believe systems of mankind though she didn't really believe that the future was plotted out that way. Morrigan sat by the lake looking at three strings intently. She was studying bate at the moment. Dull work but necessarily if something ever she needed to know it.

Morrigan tended to think like this. There where a lot of murders done on the water after all. They where also done with poisons done with the fish in the lake. What Morrigan really wanted was a human corps so she could study what one looked like. Morrigan had wanted to be an Alchemist at one point of her life but she had changed her mind. Something about the stories of the lives of her classmates made her want something more. Morrigan could seem tactless from time to time but then she had Gwen to smooth thing over. Their parents even said that Gwen was Morrigan's soul. She didn't know about that but as she watched the lines that sank into the lake she wondered if it where possible to die of boredom.

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