Two roads intersect

Minoas Stratis

Animagus | Mercenary | Spell Inventor
OOC First Name
Blood Status
Mixed Blood
Relationship Status
Sexual Orientation
Olive Wood 15" Core of Aethonan Feather
30 (07/2007)
First week of the new year flew by without Minoas realizing it. Except from lessons, quidditch try-outs had also began and had wrapped positions up a day ago. The gryffindor was relieved that he was chosen to represent his team as one of the three chasers and he was planning not to let down his captain for that choice. Still, Gryffindor needed that Quidditch Cup apart from the House Cup that they have won last year and he was determined to contribute to that achievement by offering his flying and chaser skills. He didn't get comfortable after being chosen as one of the main chasers to lay back and just wait for the first match. He had started dragging himself out of bed early in the morning to exercise outside the castle, to improve his physical condition and be ready to smite the opponent teams.

That morning was no different. He was out in the grounds, greeted by the morning dew that was making each step slippery. With his scarlet streak in hand, muffling a yawn now and then he remembered that slytherins had booked the pitch that morning for their practice. So he changed his route although he was tempted to spy a little bit and find out what they have been up to for the upcoming match. An alternative, potential place to practise was the lake. Its gray surface was serene and still, waiting for the sun rays to shower it with its golden light. The clouds however seemed to have a different opinion as they were blocking for now the presence of the rising sun.
Minoas stopped a few inches from the water and kicked a pebble that plopped the waters to wrinkle them. With a smile on his face, he mounted his broom and shot into the air with an explosive, high speed.

He instantly shuddered when the cold wind slammed on his body but he ignored the feeling and made a quick lap of the lake's periphery. He reached the maximum speed just to intensify the buzz in his ears each time he was flying by a tree close to the shore and then went for his favourite part. Flying close to the lake's surface so that his momentum would stir the waters underneath him to leave behind him a foamy line. He could be doing that for hours but as the opposite shore was coming closer to him at great speed, he recognized a figure in the blurriness of his eyes and reduced speed to see who was it.
Yerik Rhys loved his early morning work-outs. The other students in his dormitory where still asleep and the common room was completely deserted when he walked through it. Her mother had made sure that his quidditch gear still fit and was mended, if necessary, every time he went back home. Having his room in the towers also meant that he was far away to the Great Hall and made him an early riser to have some breakfast before going outside for his habitual work out. As usual he was more or less the only one in the Great Hall for some breakfast and the house-elves had already set a plate for him at the Raveclaw table. It wasn't difficult for them to pick up on his habit as he was one of the few people at Hogwarts to want a very early breakfast. Her breakfast was always something healthy and with carbs, so he could keep up during his morning practice. He smiled as a few other people entered the Great Hall and sat down at the various tables. The prefect quickly cleared his plate and stood up. Instantly his plate was gone before he had even left the table. Stepping out of the castle he took a few deep breaths to get a feel for the air of that day. The air didn't slice his throat, but it was that nice coldness that he preferred. Yerik Rhys did some warm-up exercises and then went into the air.

Every morning he rounded the Lake and topped the work-out off with a dive in the Lake to get refreshed after, whenever he can. It would be nice to have some music around here while playing but since they weren't in the muggle words, there was no excuse to bring a i-pod or something, since it wouldn't actually work or something. Here at Hogwarts Yerik loved to listen to the early birds rising and singing their early wake up songs. Next to that it gave him the time to wake up and sort his own thoughts. Sometimes he used this time to lecture himself on some sort of behaviour that he had expressed and that he wasn't happy with himself being a loner. The claw just hoped that, that would change soon. Today, however, was a day of simply enjoying the morning. The lake seems to be the only available place to practice his skills in Quidditch, since the pitch is preoccupied as he had heard a before. So with a content smile on his face he hovered around the Lake. Practicing at the lake wasn't new to him, since he used to do this during his spare time.

He couldn't afford losing another game, being a beater meant a lot to him and with their new captain. Yerik Rhys needed to trust her to take care of the Raveclaw team, he couldn't afford anything now. Soon enough they'll have a game set and when that happens he needed to be ready. Hence his habitual quidditch practice every morning, though he might miss a few practice here and there. The fifth year made sure to practice as much as he can, sure the lake wasn't the best place to practice now but it was the only place he could think of. He had heard years ago, probably a decade that some students played or practiced Quidditch in the library. That sounded fun but Yerik Rhys never liked breaking the rules at any cost, especially now that he earned his prefect badge. In all honesty he wanted to be a Headboy but there's a lot of competition for the position, with hard-work, perfect attendance and discipline he might do it. Returning back to reality held tight to his broom and lowered himself to grab his bat, if only he have some friends, a chaser supposedly. Then they could practice with each other, before setting the bludger free he noticed that he isn't alone.
Decelerating abruptly, he caused small waves of water travel to the shore which was a few meters away. He balanced his broom, hovering above water and casted a look at the stranger who looked busy with something.
It turned to be a familiar face but it took him a few moments to recognize it. He remembered the guy from a couple of years ago. They had met at the abadoned lavatory and they had discovered that secret passage behind the stone wall. Minoas wasn't good at remembering names and he had the impression that the guy had a rather unusual name for him to remember. Still he could recall his house which was Ravenclaw and that because they had competed before in quidditch. His gray eyes jumped from the bat in ravenclaw's hands to the small trunk that was confining the restless bludgers and he found what could spice up his training.

"Hey!" he waved from his broom at the ravenclaw. "I remember you! You are that guy from that flooded lavatory." he regretted saying that the very next moment. It wasn't sounding the best way to begin a conversation but he didn't know how else to do it when he couldn't recall the name. He could remember however that the guy wasn't really talkative and he had a hard time to find common interests. At least quidditch looked like that had won the heard of both of them. "What are you waiting for? I'm going to pose a real threat for your team by scoring one goal after another. You know what you have to do." he smirked and stooped lower to his handle, ready to avoid those bludgers. He was in a competitive mood and he hoped that the Ravenclaw was up to some friendly competition to improve their skills.
As far as he could remember met a gyrffindor at the very same lake years ago, in which their conversation didn't ended goo. He couldn't help pitying himself, disliking what he was before. Loner. There were a lot to reminisce that he almost forgot to free the bludger and to see who was there with him, a familiar face appeared. Yerik Rhys knew him to be a gryffindor but didn't really remembered his name, they have a conversation and started to wonder below the lavatory. Although they didn't found something that worth telling, he liked how the gryffindor precept things. He wasn't like his old self anymore, Yerik wants to change for the best. Drawing nearer to the guy, he smiled lightly recognizing him. "Long time no see." he stated, his smile forming into a grin. It was nice that some people knows him, though they might not really know his name. He also knew that he's a quidditch player like him, a player for Gryffindor. He had saw him on the pitch a few times already, never did he attempted to talk to him during the game or to anybody. Since he's all pumped up and focus for the game, there was no need to waste his time on other people.

Rhetorical questions didn't need to be answered of course, so he just nodded in agreement. It's been a while since he had saw the certain student and now the two acts like they've been friends for a long time. Yerik Rhys found it easy to mingle with Gryffidors and Slytherins, not so much towards the Hufflepuffs. He almost wanted to laugh at loud, hearing the boys words. Somehow playfully threatening him and his team, Yerik wouldn't agree to any of that. "That's enough talking, just show me what you've got." he chuckled. Everyone knew that Ravenclaws wouldn't dare to lose, if ever then it was fate who decided that. The prefect didn't thought that he would boast, since he thought it wasn't in his nature but guessing from his determination, there's a reason to do so. "I hope you're prepared." winking at him as he released the bludger. Warming up his arm while holding his bat tightly, getting a tight grip to get things ready. Once the bludger was up and ready to go, he swiftly mounted his bream, ready to take a shot at the boy.
Minoas nodded and smiled back at the ravenclaw's comment of not hanging out lately.
"True! It it wasn't quidditch to see you around at the pitch. I would have guessed that you had dropped school." he commented and he smiled back. Minos was generally a social guy but he used to occupy most of his time with his own personal activities and that wasn't really helping him to make more friends. Since last year that he had started researching about spell crafting, he had really limited time for his friends and he had decided to spend it on his closest ones. Still, he liked meeting new people or reunite with old acquaintances.
"Sorry but it seems I have forgotten your name. I believe it was quit unusual and unique. After so much time I can't really remember it." he frowned apologetically for that but it wasn't to right to hang out with him and still ignoring his name. "If you also need to refresh your memory, the name is Minoas. Friends also call me Minos." he reminded his name as it wasn't that common as well to be carved into someones memory, after so much time.

Finding out that the ravenclaw was up to the challenge, Minoas smirked.
"Good! Let's put our skills to the test!" he stated and rubbed his hands together before having a good grip of his broom's handle. "I'm always prepared!" he jested with a smug and his eyes locked on the beater and at the bludger he released from the trunk. With a maneuver, he approached the closest shore and grapped a pebble from the ground, big enough but not so heavy. It could fit in his palm. "Since I don't have a real one right now I should name this pebble, quaffle." he chuckled and tossed the round pebble in the air to secure it back into his palm. "I'm off to score!" he informed him as he started flying towards the opposite shore in the distance, having to cross the vast lake first. He started flying slower at first but as the ravenclaw started following him and sped up, he acted accordingly.
The ravenclaw prefect chuckled once more, Yerik Rhys dropping out of school? Never. That would never happen in a million year, "I'm never going to drop out." he said with a smirk, shaking his head a bit as he can't believe he said that. It sounded like a joke to him, never did he even imagined leaving school, except during the holidays. He didn't exactly knew the boy but thinking it over, he is a gryffindor and he must love adrenaline rush like him. Who knows the the might actually be friends at the end of the day, it would be the first time for Yerik to gain a friend. It wasn't easy to remember his name since it didn't sound typical or anything, that some people would just make up some names for him in which he found rude. He liked his name and there's no reason to be ashamed of it, Oh, now I remember. Minoas. Minos. he said, this time he tried to repeat Minos to his mind over and over. Hoping this time he could remember his name, "Yerik." He didn't want to be that formal, skipping the handshake and all. Minos too had a strange name, one of the other things he knew about him was that he's from Greece. Yerik could still remember when he said that his father was thinking to buy a vacation house in Santorini and he did just a few months ago. His father promised that they would see it after all the furniture are complete.

"My skill? How about yours? That is if you have some." he teased him, then looking at the bludger he moved away a little as it bounce on the ground going for it's aim. Minos. He just wished there were no students in sight or it would turn out terribly. "I do hope so." Yerik Rhys said, taking his aim at him. As the pesky bludger bounced up he hit the bludger hard with his bat, making it to go to Minoas directly. He watched Minos reaction, quickly he followed Minos pursuit. The claw couldn't believe he'll use a pebble, it's particularly small to be quaffle. "Not if I do something first!" waiting for the bludger to hit him, he was ready to take another aim if needed to. Yerik really loves his position as a beater, if he's stressed he can always grab hit bat and the bludger. Not that he intend to harm anyone, it was just soothing to let loose and have fun during Quidditch. Following Minos trail, the bludger directly went on his way a few inches more and the gryffindor could be off his broom according to his calculations.
The ravenclaw's reaction showed to Minoas that he was taking his studies seriously, maybe he was even enjoying them. He was after all a ravenclaw. Weren't the ravens supposed to be studious except from intelligent?
Minoas was also good at school. He didn't necessarily have to spend hours studying, thankfully for him he had the ability to learn easily especially if he was interesting in what he was studying. So he was only spending a couple of hours on homework per day, sparing the rest of his time in other activities. In contrast to Yerik however, he could drop school if he was going to feel that there was nothing useful anymore to be offered to him.
"Yerik." he repeated with a nod as he stopped to hover for a moment and wait for him. "I'll remember your name as well." he assured him and accelerated again as he saw him prepared to shoot the bludger.

The gryffindor smirked when Yerik questioned his skills. Enough words were said, Minoas was going to reply with actions. He looked over his shoulder as he lowered closer to the lakes surface. His was waitng for the right moment to react. Yerik might thought that he had him but Minoas was swift on a broom after three years of practice. He was half way to what he was expecting to achieve. Yerik had hit the bludger from a higher point and Minoas had lowered enough to change the course of the pursuing bludger. Its inclination was downwards as the gryffindor was flying low to the surface rather than following him at a straight course. When his ears caught the characteristic sound of the iron ball piercing through wind, the gryffindor suddenly changed his course and leaned to his left. The bludger couldn't react to this sudden change of direction and it ended into the lake's waters, leaving behind it a pillar of water.

Minoas hovered a few meters away from the agitated waters, playing with the pebble between his hands.
"Nice try but I know how to trick these nasty bludgers." he said while wondering how they were going to retrieve the sunk ball. He was keeping a distance from that spot because he knew really well that bludgers could be really unpredictable. It could shot out of the water, offering Yerik a great opportunity to hit it back to him and catch him out of guard. They had both stopped somewhere in the middle of the lake. Minoas would feel much comfortable if he was closer to the shores. He could avoid Yerik's bludgers easier where there were physical obstacles rather than in an open area. "Maybe you should use the second bludger as well." he mocked him and continued to the opposite shore, where he had set in his mind to be the imaginary goal posts. He had actually targeted a specific tree top that he was planning to hit with the pebble in hand.
It's fun when you're with a good company who too likes action and fun, other than reading and just studying like some of his fellow Ravenclaws. As much as possible he made sure to keep up with his schedule and fit in his practices. He couldn't dare to miss Quidditch, other than muggle sport Quidditch made him feel alive. With him being a prefect now, it took him a lot of effort to juggle his studies, patrolling, clubs and to gain peers. Over all it didn't made him exhausted but rather excited for the fact that he's slowly coming out of his shell. Anyway he had his holidays to thank, since he'll take a break from all the school work and such but the truth he is he does misses school when he's on his vacation. A typical Ravenclaw for some, then again not all Ravenclaw were like him. Take for example that Darkhart girl who got kick off out of school for bullying a prefect like him or whatever, she deserved that. He looked at his way, hearing his name as Minoas repeated it, he smiled a little hearing that he'll remember his name. Some didn't cared about his name and he couldn't care less about it. Still as much as possible he wanted to be known in a good way, not from some made up rumors from a stupid gossip magazine.Though now being a prefect he knew that once a new version of the magazine would come out, there's a big possibility for him to be included.

As long as there's nothing about him being a addict at sex, for Merlin sake he's just fifteen and quite innocent to be thinking of such things. Glancing at Minos, he saw him smirking probably being proud of his skills as well. Quidditch players are always competitive, especially when your in a different team. Yerik Rhys completely understood him, mounting his broom he followed Minos and adjusted his pattern. He knew that it wouldn't be easy to get him that quick, as the bludger somehow missed him, he instantly out of his thoughts and concentrated on the so called game. Gripping his bat tighter waiting for the bludger to come his way. Swish! As the bat hit the bludger, this time he analyzed his opponent position making sure to him this time. It jumped into the lake water and went up to catch the Gryffindor, "Let's see about that." jokingly threatening him as the bludger immediately was now a few inches away Minoas body. Yerik on the other hand, flew near to the bludger, and took another hit to really hit the boy this time. He was prepared for this, practicing since he was eight years old."I can take you down with just one bludger." he assured as he waited Minos to be hit by the bludger any minute by now.
The tree tops at the shore were reflected in his pupil that dilated from anticipation. He knew that Yerik was older by one year and one year could add some more experience. For now the gryffindor had to concentrate and reach the targeted tree. He flew as faster as he could, leaving behind him Yerik with the bludger. No matter what he was now planning to do, Minoas was going to be far away, out of his range. However, as he was flying close to the surface he noticed just right under his hanging feet, a shadow following him from underwater. His reflexes responded in time and he leaned his body to his right at the time that the bludger emerged from the waters and shot into the air. It was so close that the whistling from the iron ball left him a buzzing in his ears.

Without reducing the speed he had bult, he brought his left hand on his ear and closed his eyes to withstand the buzzing. When he recovered, he heard close to him the sound of the wooden bat hitting the iron, round surface and instictevely performed a barrel roll without looking behind him how close the bludger was or what was its direction. His last moment movement saved his head from being hit by the bludger that flew in front of him furiously. "Whoa, I was totally going to be hit by this one!" he shouted to overpower wind's whistling. It was true that he was lucky about that one. The barrel roll was a reaction of his mind and body that he didn't manage to think of before performing. The bludger that moved ahead after miraculously avoiding it, was now returning back at him after realizing that it was tricked by the gryffindor. Minoas waited for him and at the right timing he dodged it, letting it travel back to Yerik. "I hope you are good at avoiding them cause this one is seeking for your warm embrace." he smirked and moved on to the shore as he left behind him the bludger to hit its owner.
From his angle he could see all the things nearby, it made him feel powerful at some point. With his hands still holding the bat, Yerik Rhys followed his pursuit in hopes to get him hit. Sadly it didn't took him down, though it was so close only a few inches separated the two. "Damn." he whispered and continued on, making his way and thinking of what to do next. Being a beater's his expertise and no one could take that away from him. He fasten his pace and tried to get the bludger follow his direction, the claw knew he could be too hit but it wouldn't. With focus and dedication he could bring Minos down soon. As he saw the bludger coming his way, he positioned himself and took a tight grip of the bat, this time making sure to get Minoas at any cost. Swinging his bat as the bludger wanted to hit him so bad but if failed, he got it to bounce back to his opponent. He's really getting a hang of this, since it was like playing quidditch though they are a lot of thing missing, like different players and such. They even had to make their own rules, inclluding the use of pebble as a quaffle. Though he didn't know where Minos would goal or throw his pebble later on.

Yerik Rhys smirked truthfully, hearing that he might get hit by a bludger. Him get him by a bludger? Never. He was always alert at all times and is ready to hit it with his best shot whenever it would return to him. The prefect watch it go to Minoas direction, hoping to get his arm or something. He had no intention to hurt him at all but it would be nice to get him hurt so he could win too. Hovering his broom, he changed his position while circling the whole lakefront. It felt so awesome to fly above the lake, still he adored the quidditch pitch more. Taking a hold of his broom, Yerik Rhys went for his position and took control of it. Making his way to Minoas but waited for the bludger to hit towards him before doing so. Then stopped at the middle of the Lakefront, just so he could watch if the bludger would hit the gyrffindor or not. He was prepared of the outcome, and would do it all over and over if he needs to. Up in the air he sat in his broom, both hands on his bat, balancing himself. He made sure to get his hit right, there was no chance Minos could escape his hit.
After sometime in their extemporary quidditch pitch which included the whole lake, Minoas was starting having trouble keep flying with the barrage of bludger against him. Sure he could avoid easily a bludger but not when that bludger was always sent towards him unstoppably. "He's good." he uttered to himself, breathless while avoiding another well-shot bludger. The shore now was nearer, he just had to press himself and make good use of his agility. He started maneuvering, flying like a speedy dragonfly that each time coming closer to the water, was leaving behind him a jet of water from his high speed. "C'mon you can do it." he murmured and clenched his teeth, his eyes narrowing at the end of his course.
Then he heard again the sound of the bludger screeching behind him and instantly positioned himself upside down on his broom. Arms and legs locked on the broomstick while he was hanging a few inches from the water. He watched the bludger passing over his broom. If he was still on it he would have undoubtedly been hit. He took back his position as the bludger had missed him and moved away. Now he could do it. The shore was there along with the tree that he was aiming for.

A smile of relief formed on his face but not for long. Ready to shot the pebble, he got abstracted by a peculiar sound growing closer to him. It wasn't another bludger, no he new their distinctive sound. It was something else that it was reminding him the sound of flapping wings. He turned to see the source of that sound as he was now only a few meters from the shore. The only thing that he managed to see was a pelican before bumping into him with a squawk, knocking him off his broom. Fortunately for Minoas, he was flying low and his fall ended up at the shore close to the water. Moaning, he slowly tried to stand up, realising the pain that was sinking like daggers into his shoulder. Before he was able to properly stood up, the pelican landed next to him. The waterbird was familiar. It was one of Minoas family's mail birds and this one had a grudge for the gryffindor

"Why you always have to do that Pelyx?" he complained to the bird as he was rubbing his shoulder to sooth the pain.
The silvery-white pelican with the curly nape feathers and grey legs seemed to be carrying something in its bulging pouch. Suddenly, the pouch quavered and the large pelican spat a wrapped package straight on Minoas head. The thud was followed by a cry of pain. The pachage surely contained something made of hard material, probably wood. As Minoas was thrashing about on the shore, the pelican that was roosting on a large rock was clacking its beak while flapping its wings ecstatically with what it had done to the boy.
For a beater himself, he found the bludger to be his partner in crime during a game. Sure it would come to him in every game but he got that as a signal to hit it as hard as he could, making it's way to the rest of his opponents. He then looked at Minos, who still seems to be avoiding the bludger. Just one hit would make him happy, really. "Damn." he muttered to himself, seeing Minos was still on his broom. This made him impressed, only a few have tried to avoid his hit. That was until he saw him fell on his broom, he wanted to jump for joy. "Just what he deserves." whipering to himself as he moved away from his spot and getting a closer look of Minos. Of course that didn't mean that the game has ended and victory was his. The typical Yerik approached Minos still on his broom, hoping to give him a hand. Some would say him to be that fatherly but that wasn't the right word, more like caring. "Are you alright, mate?" he asked him while offering his hand towards the boy. From the looks of it, he wasn't that hurt and he could probably continue the game if he wishes too. His jaw almost dropped when a good looking pelican approached Minoas.

Not that he haven't seen one, but just the sight of birds make him thrilled. With bird watcher, there seems to be a problem when they see bird, mostly they get distracted. Just like how Yerik is now, he couldn't help to stare a little at the bird. At the same time he laughed seeing it had a package for Minoas, that was a smart idea. Using pelicans to deliver a package with their spacious beak and all. Also, it seems the package was heavy that made Minoas cry in pain. It made him laugh more but still kept it proper, waiting for his hopfully new friend to say something. By now he's too busy cursing the birds, on the other hand Yerik Rhys remained there watching the two hate each other. The Lake still seems to be less crowded today, all of them were on the quidditch pitch to watch a game or something. If only he have his notes with him and write a few things about the bird along with his camera, it was a thing he loved to to up to now. Yerik Rhys still remained there up on the air, a few inches separating him from the lake water.
Minoas' eyes felt weird, heavy and his vision blurred a little in spurts while he was feeling dizzy. He stood up slowly, hands on his forehead. "Yeah, thanks. I'm fine." he replied to Yerik was was hovering close to him.
"This is not going to look good later." he stated and his gray eyes unleashed million curses at the pelican that was tending its plumage. He crossed his arms on his chest, raising an eyebrow and looked at Yerik who had started laughing.
In the end, he broke into laughter as well. It should have been quite comical the scene of a pelican spitting a package on someone's head and he realized that now that the pain was slowly going away.

Laughter ceased and Minoas detected the interest that Yerik had took on the waterbird.
"This is Pelyx. My parents use him for sending pachages without being noticed. An owl carrying a package becomes a target but thanks to Pelyx's pouch we can deliver pachage without being noticed." he introduced Yerik to one of his pets and explained why it was more preferable as a package postman. "He doesn't really like me as you can tell." he said, keeping his distance from the pelican as if it was going to spit another package on his head.
"We generally have different kind of bird depending on what we mail and when we want to be delivered." he added to that and looked around him.

He spotted the package a few meters away among pebbles. He picked it up and shook it to get an idea of what it could be. He ripped the wrapping that revealed a wooden box with golden, carved letters on it. "Sweet! That's some magical dye for broomsticks' decoration!" he exclaimed as he had totally forgot that he had ordered that a few months ago. He search around him again for his broomstick which was floating in the water close to the shore. He summoned it with his wand and attempted to dry it out with the hem of his quidditch robe.
As he was doing so, the pelican roosting on th rock started clapping its beak again as if it was demanding something. "Umm...thanks Pelyx. You can go now." he told to the bird that didn't stop complaining.
"What's wrong with you?" he wondered and abstractly scratched his swelled forehead that hurt him.
Yerik Rhys isn't like his sister, Geni. Sadistic and Naive, though from the sight of Minoas getting hurt by a bird it made him laugh. Usually birds loved him as he loves them, he couldn't understand why the boys bird hate him so much to do such a thing. Glancing at the pelican, he looked at it's reaction, it does hate Minoas. He could sense the feeling of hatred too with Minos, no one blames him for the pain the bird gave him. What an unusual yet creative way to use different kind for delivery. Unfortunately, his father's isn't a fan of birds like him but does agree for him to have his own aviary when he reaches seventeen or eighteen. In his opinion it's unfair but he'll accept it, though he'll probably just make his own to his future house. He wouldn't enjoy it since he'll be graduating by then, buzz kill. "Obviously. he chuckled once more, looking at Pelyx. "It's a nice idea, what other kinds birds do you have?" he asked, this time curious. Hovering above Minoas, though he should wait since there's a package for Minos waiting to be opened.

Staying on his broom, still looking at Pelyx then to the ground. There wasn't a need to stare really but he couldn't help himself to get excited with birds. The Ravenclaw didn't want to be rude so kept his gaze away from Minos who was opening his package, he couldn't help hear him over though. Something about a magical dye for his broom, no envy for him. Since he didn't needed those and since everything he wanted was given by his parents. He smiled, amused with his reaction with his gift. He hovered there, not sure of what to say next. "Does this mean that the game is off?" he smirked, raising his chin to be noticed. Then the pelican, Pelyx caught his attention still ranting about how he hates delivering things for Minos. Yerik Rhys could see in his expression, since it was easy for him to read the expressions of the birds whenever he wishes.

OOCOut of Character:
My apologies for my lame post. :erm:

Minoas frowned as he was trying to decipher the bird's behaviour. It wasn't long until he got it.
"Of course." he said with a smile and flourished his wand. "Accio fish!" he casted and a couple of trouts jumped out of the water to end up in pelican's pouch, directed by Minoas' wand.
"It's hard to know what exactly they want when they can't talk." he commented as the pelican shallowed whole its treat. He should have been able to understand animal behaviour by now. His training was requiring this before being able to turn into one but he was still having trouble with this stage.
He could sense that Yerik was sharing with him the same love about animals.

He looked really interesting with the idea of using different type of birds for sending mails and he asked which could be the different species.
"I can summon them if you like." he suggested while putting his wand back in his pocket.
The pelican, now satisfied, open its large wings and flew away from them to land on the lake's surface.
The little treat had enlarged its appetite for more food and it started fishing, using its beak and pouch as a net.
"We can always start again." he returned the smirk back to Yerik. "I can beat you, even while carrying my package." he pointed at the wooden box in his hands. He was sure that he wasn't that good to deliver his package magically to gryffindor's common room from there so he had to keep it with him. He wouldn't like either to entrust Pelyx with it to take it there. He could imagine him bringing chaos in the peaceful room with his squeals and bites.
At times it made the prefect wonder if he looks too odd for some to love birds more that other species of animals. It would took him a lot of time to meet new friend who'll share to same interest as him and that being bird watching. Of course, Quidditch on the other hand would easy to talk about. He took a short glance at Minos and wondered if he's interested in birds as he does, thought from the looks of it. Probably, not. "Not really." he chuckled a bit more, as he does understands them but not particularly everything. Yerik Rhys could hear their needs without even able talking to them, at times he felt that it would be an amazing gift to talk to birds. Just like how parsel-tougue works for some, it would be amazing. Sometimes it would make him think to train for something, anything that could help him with talking to birds. His eyes started to lit up at Minos words about summoning them but he figured it would take him a lot of time and he couldn't resist. Even though he needed to, exams were coming and needed to review after his practice for today. He couldn't miss anything planned, "Not today, mate. I really need to review after this." Yerik Rhys said to him. It made him devastated to say those words but it was his choice.

With another stolen glance from the pelican, Yerik Rhys smiled and ended his glance. "I'd love to do this next time. See you around, Minos." he said and got off his broom when he's on the grounds. Standing still with his broom beside of him, he took this time to linger at the moment where he actually managed to befriend someone. It would take some time to befriend a whole lot more of students but he figured with a lot of will power he'll manage to find new friends. With his final words hanging on his mouth , Yerik Rhys stared to leave Minos on the lakefront. "See you on the pitch." he stated without looking at him, left hand waving away. It would be such a same to hit him with a bludger during the game but he thought it would be fun, to have someone to annoy during Quidditch Games. Yerik Rhys felt good today to be able to talk someone other than birds and other than his siblings, most especially Geni, his sister. It was even different talking to the same gender as talking to girls who all wanted was to talk about gossips and get to know every detail of him even his birthmarks.

OOCOut of Character:
I'm so sorry for the delay. I've been caught up with some things, I think it's best to start a new topic for the two soon, maybe after what happened to Quidditch and the like. :)

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