- Messages
- 4,117
- OOC First Name
- Johanna
- Wand
- Knotted 16 1/2 Inch Sturdy Cherry Wand with Billywig Stinger Core
- Age
- 5/2015
Kate had decided that today she was going to bake something.She had no homework as she had finished it all last night.When you can't sleep and there's nothing else to do homework can be a good at distracting you.She had been trying not to take the sleeping pills because she always felt terrible in the morning and some mornings she had been late to class because she hadn't woken up on time.Sadly she was still refusing to go to sleep so most days she was wrecked but she always got her homework down because she would often be up till all hours of the morning so homework and reading is how she occupied herself for the seven or eight hours she had to just sit and wait for morning.It wasn't an exactly healthy life-style but this was the way Kate would have to love for the next six months.At least she wasn't have as much panic attacks so she wasn't losing energy.But she was getting sick often so she lost lots of nutrients that way.So she decided she was going to enjoy herself this afternoon and make something nice for herself and maybe just have a little fun.She walked down the corridors to the kitchen.When she entered she smiled at all the elves that swarmed around here.She was going to just make a few batches of chocolate chip cookies which always made her feel better.She knew the recipe so a cookbook was not needed.She wasn't sure where all the equiptment and ingredients were "Hey,guys so could you help me make chocolate chip cookies please?"She asked the group and they immediately started working.She admired the elves they were so nice and friendly.She got an apron and found that the elves had already set up a little area and everything was ready "Thanks,everyone"She said smiling. She then began mixing everything up.While she was cooking she started singing Walking on Sunshine