Trying to Make Myself Feel Better

Kate Archer

Well-Known Member
OOC First Name
Knotted 16 1/2 Inch Sturdy Cherry Wand with Billywig Stinger Core
Kate had decided that today she was going to bake something.She had no homework as she had finished it all last night.When you can't sleep and there's nothing else to do homework can be a good at distracting you.She had been trying not to take the sleeping pills because she always felt terrible in the morning and some mornings she had been late to class because she hadn't woken up on time.Sadly she was still refusing to go to sleep so most days she was wrecked but she always got her homework down because she would often be up till all hours of the morning so homework and reading is how she occupied herself for the seven or eight hours she had to just sit and wait for morning.It wasn't an exactly healthy life-style but this was the way Kate would have to love for the next six months.At least she wasn't have as much panic attacks so she wasn't losing energy.But she was getting sick often so she lost lots of nutrients that way.So she decided she was going to enjoy herself this afternoon and make something nice for herself and maybe just have a little fun.She walked down the corridors to the kitchen.When she entered she smiled at all the elves that swarmed around here.She was going to just make a few batches of chocolate chip cookies which always made her feel better.She knew the recipe so a cookbook was not needed.She wasn't sure where all the equiptment and ingredients were "Hey,guys so could you help me make chocolate chip cookies please?"She asked the group and they immediately started working.She admired the elves they were so nice and friendly.She got an apron and found that the elves had already set up a little area and everything was ready "Thanks,everyone"She said smiling. She then began mixing everything up.While she was cooking she started singing Walking on Sunshine
Jake got out of bed that morning, a spring in his step and a smile gracing his face, a surprise considering the Slytherin had surpassed another sleepless night, or rather, a night with barely half an hours' worth of sleep. Not a huge obstacle for Jake to cross, but one that left the tired wizard longing for food in his system. Jake had slept past breakfast, only sleeping once he was supposed to start the day, ironically. Over the holidays, sleep was still hard to find for the fourth year, so the conclusion Jake had made that being in an uncomfortable environment was the cause of his sleeping problems was unlikely. During the holidays, Jake had been pleasant, especially with the company of his grandparents to push away his nerves. When the wizard was younger, his grandmother and grandfather did not pay much attention to Jake, not until they realised what kind of wizard he was becoming, at least. Jake had never really thought about how powerful a wizard he was, until his grandfather pointed it out. The Slytherin smiled at this, before making his way out of the Slytherin common room, and into the dungeons. His clothing made for a poor choice to battle the dank chill of the dungeons, Jake crossed his arms, ineffectively masking the cold from his malnourished body. Luckily as quickly as Jake came into the cold, he left it, to enter the great hall, missing breakfast meant he had to make his way into the kitchen to get some food.

It was when Jake entered the kitchen, when his eyes fell upon an all too familiar face of a friend. Kate Moon was in the kitchens that morning, looking cheerful while she was mixing a bunch of ingredients into a bowl. The fourth year managed a small smile while approaching her, announcing his presence with a surprisingly loud "Good morning!" in her direction. Jake stood to Kate's left, and waited a few moments to enquire what she was doing exactly, she was making something for sure, but what she was making, Jake had no idea. "What are you making on this fine morning?" Jake finally asked, resting his head on his hands, his elbows resting on the bench while waiting for an answer. Jake was disappointed in himself they had not had the chance to meet up during the holidays, but there were always the next holidays to look forward too.
Kate was half way through the recipe.She was taking some of the mixture as she went along and continued singing the happiest songs she could think of.She had sun while cooking in a long time and she was feeling much better as she cooked.It brought back memories of her and her mother cooking in their old house in Ireland.They had been the times of running around barefoot through her mam's garden.the summer had actually been warm back then but it had been getting more cold and went as the years went on.of course those had been the days of inocence.She missed those days a lot of the time.She had gone through some tough times and she had learned through experience that the world or the human race isn't in any way perfect.There were lots of flaws in everyone,some bigger then others.There was too much wrong with this world muggle and magical.Even though she was sick her magical knowledge and her general ability was improving.She wasn't sure whether she would pursue a job involving magic.There wasn't anything really out there for her in the magical world.A healer was a possibility or maybe be a singer when witches and wizards.Kate didn;t know there was so much to offer and she really had no idea.

Kate jumped when someone said rather loudly "Good Morning"Because she had been mixing the mixture at that time she had dropped the mixer and the mixture had squirted everywhere "Sh1t"She said attempting to turn off the mixer.When she did she stopped and looked down at her apron,they were cover in cookie doe and she could feel it one her face whoever had frightened her had got sprayed too.She looked to her left where the said person had gone and smiled when she saw a familiar face ,Jake. "God you scared me"She said turning back to the mess. Luckily the bowl hadn't fallen over so most of the mixture was intact. "Hey,I was making cookies"Kate said wiping off the micture from her face "You gotta bit of cookie doe on ya"She said trying not to laugh,she mustn't of looked much better either

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