Trixie Hales

Trixie Hales

Well-Known Member
Ebony Wand 15" Essence of Phoenix Talon
The Basics:
Name: Trixie Juliet Hales
Birthday: January 10 2011
Currently: 12 years old
Blood Status: Muggle Born
House: Ravenclaw
Class: 1st Year
Raised in: Auckland, New Zealand

Hair color: auburn
Hair style: Straight and long, coming down past her shoulders.
Eye color: Light brown
Height: 5’2

At Hogwarts:
Your best subject: Defense against the dark arts
Your worst subject: Herbology
Extracurricular activities: Member of the S.P.E.W
Favorite place at Hogwarts: The Cliffs
Least favourite place at Hogwarts: Herbology classroom
Do any of the staff members scare you?: No
Do any inspire you?: Yes

Pets: A white cat
Interest/hobbies: Trixie likes to have a lot of ‘self-time’ where she can reflect on her life. She also likes reading and discovering new things.
What you might like to do after Hogwarts: Haven’t decided yet.
Someone you look up to: My mom.
Patronus: An eagle
Boggart: Losing her mom, because she doesn’t really have anyone else in this world that’s close to her.
Five words that best describe your character: intelligent, Dreamer, Shy, Honest and Loyal.

For her whole life Trixie hasn’t had very much time to develop a social life because she’s been too busy trying to live up to her moms expectations. This has caused her to be a shy and reserved person around strangers, however she tends to be quite talkative to those she’s warmed up to.

Growing up with her single mother, they have always struggled financially. Because of this, it created a strong bond between them both. She has never met her father, but as far as she knows he walked out on them not long after she was born. Throughout her life, she exceeded academically solely because of the fact that they were underprivileged and was brought up to believe that if she did well in school, rest assured, she will always do well in life. Trixie never would have guessed that magic existed in this world prior to receiving her letter, and was hesitant at first to accept it because she didn’t want to leave her mom. In the end her mom convinced her to go, pointing out the fact that it was a one in a million chance that would never come by again.

Trixie is an only child who grew up with her single mother. She was told that her father walked out on them right after she was born, and tends to blame herself for it. Not much information is known about him as her mother rarely talks about him. Her mothers name is Maria Hales, and is a muggle waitress at a local restaurant in Otahuhu, Auckland. Maria was never fully educated as a child, therefore her knowledge is very limited. Because of this, she has always struggled when it comes to finding jobs.

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