Trista Paramore[C]

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Trista Paramore

Well-Known Member
OOC First Name
Kelsey ^_^
Coconut Wand 14 1/4" Essence of Star Dust
Character Name: Trista Paramore
Image(s) you want on the banner (person, background, etc):

Name of the person you are using:Erin Sanders
Text you want on the banner: What's life without a little fun? Trista Paramore
Font(s) you want text in (you may pick any font you want from For the first part and Green Piloww for the name
Colors you want on your banner: Pastels The colors I mainly want are the blue and green like on the shoes in the pic and the yellow and pink like on the shirt in the pic
Do you want a House Crest? If yes, which house: No
Size: The size of Kailey's
Other (Anything special you want to add such as eye color or anything really): Could you make the hair a lighter brown and the eyes Silver please?

[I'll be paying from Kaileys account if it's okay that I'm giving this request.]
Since there are 4 banner shops it is imperative that you state who your request is for in the subtitle of your request. Who exactly is this one for?
Crap I forgot, It's for you Sophia! :"> I feel dumb right now.
No worries, don't feel dumb.

Anyway, let me know what you think about this.


As always anything can be changed or altered.

EDIT: I somehow missed that you asked me to lighten her hair. I did, but I'm not entirely pleased with it, so I thought I would leave you with both to pick from.

Thanks Sophia! I'll pay you right now
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