Trinity Jethcut

Trinity Jethcut

Well-Known Member
Trinity Jethcut

Full Name: Trinity Aaron Jethcut
Birth Date: 2nd of December 2010, Trinity and Gabriella missed the cut off for starting school the year before, as they weren't 11 till December and school starts in August, so they'll turn 12 in first year!
Current Age: 11
Basic Appearance: Trinity has long, naturally curly, brown hair. She's almsot identical to her twin sister, Gabriella, apart from the fact that she has a large, apple shaped birth mark on her neck, which is a little darker than her skin colour. Her eyes are quite big and mis-matched. Her right one is blue and her left one is green. Her sister's the same, apart from her right ones green and her lefts blue. The mis-matched eyes come from her dads side of the family, every Jethcut family member Trinity has met has had one green eye and one blue. It's basically like there heritage.(sp?)
Parents: Demitre and Nelexta Jethcut.
Siblings, if any: One twin sister, Gabriella Jethcut.
Pets, if any: Trinity was never allowed a pet as an infant, as her mother's allergic to a lot of their hairs, and she thinks all they do is mess up houses, but shes finally been allowed an Owl for starting Hogwarts. A snowy owl Trinity calls Treasure.
Area of Residence: Ayre, Scotland. Trinity lives in a large house out in the countryside, the Jethcut manor. She's going to be attending HNZ as that's were the family's holiday house is and that's were they'll be during school holidays, so it's easier.
Blood status: Pureblood pending approval.

Will get these done as soon as Trinity's sorted :)
Hogwarts House (And why): - Best school subjects (And why):
Worst school subjects (And why):

What would their Patronus be? Some sort of dog. Because she's a loyal and steady friend.
What would their Boggart be? Her sister becoming a death eater, like everyone else in her family. Her and her sister have finally became close again.
What would their Animagus form be? (If they ever were to become one) Probably a dog, for the same reasons as Patronus.
What would your character see if he/she looked in the Mirror of Erised? Her family, happy and loving, normal. What memory could they use to create a Patronus? Trinity hasn't had any Patronus worthy memorys yet.
Imagine that your character keeps a diary or journal. Write a page that could possibly be found in it:

Dear Diary;

What I would give for a normal family! I hate being in this house. I'd run away if i had the guts. My fathers a pure-blood crazy death-eater who cares for me not one bit. He's pretty much got me and Gabriella's futures set up for us. Not that Gabby minds. My mother, who's always been nice to me but is still a death-eater, is too scared to stand up to my father! So basically, I'm invisible in this house. Me and Gabriella used to be like best friends. But then she changed and is now like a young female version of my father, I caught her drawing fake dark marks on her arm the other day. Future death-eater in the making? oh yeh. Mum and dads 'friends' are over like every day, and I have to admit, I'm scared to death of all of them. Gabriella always listens at the doors and trys to sneak into the rooms their in to hear what there talking about, but they tell her it's adult stuff and she should go find some kids her own age to hang about with. I'd play with her, but she says im a baby, and she's far too grown up for me. We just arrived here in New Zealand this morning, and I can't wait till tommorow to go out myself and hopefully make some friends.
Anyway, I'm absoloutely shattered, all the un-packing, so I'll write some more tommorow.
Adios, Trinity.
Personality: In Trinity's family, she's the quiet, inivisible one. She's nothing like the rest of them and since she knows there's no way she'll be in Slytherin, she's scared they'll disown her when she ends up in another house. When you first meet Trinity, she'll come off as shy and quiet, but once you've broken through her shell, you'll be her friend for her life. You wont get her to shut up. She's extremely loyal to her friends. Trinity can be a bit of a pushover, but with her upbringing she knows how to stand up for herself, and could very well, she just prefers not to. She hates conflicts and fights. Trinity's hyper, fun, bubbly and really friendly. But you probably wont see the hyper, fun, bubbly side to her until you befriend her. Until then you may think she's a bit of a shy weirdo, but she's extremely friendly to everyone.

Hobbies: Trinity loves to sing and she writes her own music. She's also a wee bookworm.
Because Trinity feels basically invisible in her family, she feels like noone cares about her and what she thinks, noone listens to her, she expresses herself and her feelings through her music.

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