Tora Yamauchi

Kyoko Sato

Active Member
OOC First Name
Full Name:
- Tora Yamauchi . Her name traslates to 'tiger within the mountain'

Date of Birth:
- 24th October

Current Age:
- 28

- Tora is a beautiful japaness girl. She has a young, innocent looking face which betrays her true personality. She as dark brown eyes and gentle flowing brown hair. She is a tiny built and people think they can use that to their advantage but they would be wrong. In times where she is in a fight her face is always expresionless and gives away nothing.

- She is the exact opposite of how she looks. Young and innocent - more like tough and mysterious. When you first met her or go by how she looks she seems vapid and childish when she is actually very mature and strong. She can be dangerous and aggressive if you make her angry or get on her bad side but she never goes looking for a fight. If you are friends with her she is lovely and kind, she is loyal to her friends but is unforgiving if you break that friendship. The reasone for her unforgiving is that when she was younger her trust got broken a lot and she is always unsure who to trust and if she does trust someone and they break that she feels very hurt. Tora is well known for her mysterious look and feel, when others look at her they want to know stuff about her because of this mysterious aura she has.

- Tora was adopted into a family in New Zealand after being abandoned at the age of seven at an orphanage. She lived with a father she cannot remember anymore who never like her and dropped her into the orphanage in the middle of the day and when someone opened the door he ran to his car and drove away. Tora has no memory of anything that happened or anything at all untill she was eight and living in New Zealand. All she knows is that her mother died but she wanted to keep Tora. Now Tora never wants to met her father.

She lived with her 'parents' Andrew and Laura Gilbert untill she was twenty and moved out and got her own place. She hardly ever sees her family anymore but she calls them almost everyday. Her parents adopted a young boy named Matt a few years before she moved out and Tora and him are very close. Her parents adopt young wizards and witches to help them realise their power and teach them.

- Now living by herself she has a pet java sparrow named Onyx.

Area of Residence:
- New Zealand

Blood Status:
- Unsure . Tora was adopted out of japan and has no idea who her parents were.

- Japanese

Special Abilities:

Interests or Hobbies:
- Tora likes to work out. For her size and height people think they can push her arround but she loves to prove them wrong and being physicaly strong does that.

Additional Skills:

- Tora has many strenghths including determination. If she wants something she WILL get it. She is not snobby about this but if she strive for something she is very stubborn and wont quit easily.

Weaknesses and Fears:
- Tora has a major fear of being hurt. She does not trust easily and when that trust gets broken it hurts her. She hates anything that could leave her heart broken or unwanted, because her father had already done that and she doesnt want it to happen again

Describe your character in three words:
- Mysterious || Orphan || Unforgiving

Favourite place to be:
- Anywhere and everywhere. She loves life and finds beauty in everything arround her

- Tora spent her school years slidding under the radar and did not make many friends.

Hogwarts House:
- Ravenclaw

Hogwarts Hopes and Ambitions:
- All the way through school she wanted to work for the Ministry of Magic.

Best school subjects:
- Defence Against the Dark Arts and Potions

Worst school subjects:
- Muggle Studies

Current Job:
- Is Applying For Jobs now she has finnished school-

Plans for your future:
- To work in the Ministry.

Your Patronus:
- Bali tiger - the smallest tiger breed which are now extinct.

Your Patronus memory:
- Tora was with her parents on holiday from school she was just finishing her Fourth year at school . Her parents took her too the UK.

Your Boggart:
- Tora is very frightened of bats. It's a very irrational fear and she is un sure what frightnes her so much about them. Sometimes she has nightmares about them comming to get her and trying to kill her. It seems very childish and she does not like to tell people about it
Your Animagus:
- -

Mirror of Erised:
- She would see what her real mother looks like.
Hi there Tora,
I just have a few questions for you, hopefully they will be able to help you with the development of your character.

1- How did Tora learn to fight?
2- How does Tora feel about her adoptive parents?
3- What are Tora's strengths?
4- What are her weaknesses?
5- Why is Tora so unforgiving?
6- Is there a certain reason why Tora is afraid of bats?

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