Too much time on the hands

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Sapphire Bookchild

Well-Known Member
OOC First Name
Ana V.
Cherry Wand 12 1/2" Essence of Wood Rose


17. Beauxbaton. Wild. Kind. Leader of the Stripped Stocking Society. </COLOR><i></i>
We might as well start with the oldest of the bunch seventh year Francine Fleming. She is on a person vendetta to take down the school's queen b but this doesn't mean that she isn't a nice person. If fact unless you have something against her chances are she quite likes you. Her dream is to open up an alternative line of clothing when she leaves Beauxbatons under the label "S3" That being said I need everything for Francine from friends to the girls that think she is a total freak to everything in between. If there is a guy out there for her too than they are more than welcome to post as well. Francine is up for anything.


16. Beauxbaton. semi-plastic. shallow. Does too many things to have spare time <i></i>
Next up is another Beau bon-bon by the name of Judy Sherman. She went through a shallow phase not too long ago and is still a mean girl but has gotten nicer since she got back into Ballet and started Quidditch. There is no telling if the title of Captain will go to hear head or not but to those that are kind or those that have heard of her ballerina status she's nicer too than people that brake to mold at Hogwarts. Though she can be horribly shallow she does have her nice points from time to time. Again friends, enemies, and anywhere in between would be nice for her so I can figure out what is going to happen to her next.


14. Hufflepuff. voiceless. super artistic. spends more time in her dreams than in reality<i></i>
We bring it back to Hogwarts with Sapphire. She's a fourth year Hufflepuff who dreams live in color. She doesn't have any plans for the future yet but if things go right she may become a comic book illustrator or something of that nature. She's of a quite nature not because she's shy but because long ago her caretaker cursed her into silence. Since then she's gotten by on sign language and notebook paper and has gotten along just fine. She doesn't do well with spoken spells but once the age comes when they are really taught wordless spells Sapphire will get better in her studies. What I need for her is friends and maybe a few that pick on her for being mute. She's all squared away as far as love is concerned even if her mother is going to make her life hell because of it.


12. Gryffindor. sporty. smart-mouthed. A mudblood and proud<i></i>
This one here is Lola Caracoloa. This is one that I haven't used nearly enough. This girl LOOOOOOVES sports. Soccer, foot ball, basketball, anything that has to do with sports she has either played it or is willing to give it a try. She get's ok grades but hey she's a second year. She's one of eight children and she's the only one with magic in her entire family, something that one of her brothers wants to hate her for but can't. Lola can keep to herself but if someone is in her face about being muggle born or picking on one of her friends you can be sure that she will pull out the switch blade she keeps in her mouth. Anything goes for Lola though I don't see her having a boyfriend until she is well into fifth year.


11. Ravenclaw. bookish. loud. Riot Girl<i></i>
<COLOR color="#12127D">Last but not least Morrigan Graves. She is loud for a Ravenclaw. She tends to use her brains evil instead of good but she's not bad in fact she likes to talk to people in general. She's loud, boisterous and always willing to help in a fight or just general getting into trouble. This attitude comes from being one of a set of quadruplets who's soul purpose in life seems to be getting ahead of the other three. Morrigan's attention getting ways can seem either fun or annoying depending on the kind of person those who want to plot with her are. Enemies, Friends, brother (or sisters) in arms, all is fair on this battle field.

Woo that's long. Anyway post at will and happy plotting :D
Teddy - If Francine wouldn't mind a non-exclusive fling I have Teddy here. He's just realised he can do whatever he wants and is taking advantage of it. He's still a nice lad but he won't sticking to just one girl for a while.

Astrid - Astrid could be a friend for Morrigan. She's a first year Hufflepuff. She is friendly and loyal and quite talkative. She knows what she wants and she won't take anything from anyone that she doesn't feel is fair. She is generally extremely happy and tries to look on the positive side of little set backs.
Teddy & Francine:

Teddy seems like her style seeing as Francine is more about her fashion line than she is about the boys she dates. She would probably roll her eyes if she ever saw him with another girl so yeah they can RP together.

Morrigan <3 Astrid:

Dude I can see them being bffs just because the nose follows them where ever they go. Morrigan talking and Astrid talking would equal a whole bunch of other people talking which would be hard on the teachers. Her siblings wouldn't like her much making it all the better for Morrigan to hang around with her.
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