Tomas Conrad Wode

Tomas Wode

Falmouth Falcons Seeker
OOC First Name
Blood Status
Relationship Status
Interested in Somebody
Sexual Orientation
Straight 11 1/2 Inch Unyielding Holly Wand with Unicorn Hair Core
2/2032 (18)


Name: Tomas Conrad Wode
Name meaning:</SIZE></FONT>
[li]Tomas (toh-MAHS) means "twin"</LI>
[li]Conrad (KAHN-rad) means "brave, wise"
[li]Wode (woah-d) means ''mad, insane''[/li][/ul]
Place of Birth: Born and raised in Leicester, England
Current residence: Leicester, England
Nickname/Alias: Tommy
Age: Fourteen
Birthday: February 14th, 2032

Nationality: English
Blood Status: Muggle Born
Sexuality: Heterosexual
Relationship Status: Too Young Too Care
Zodiac Sign: Aquarius
Element: Air
Planet: Uranus

Education: Hogwarts School of Witchcraft & Wizardry, New Zealand
Hogwarts House: Gryffindor
Hogwarts Year: Year 4
Hogwarts Titles: Seeker
Occupation: Student
Wand: Straight 11 1/2 Inch Unyielding Holly Wand with Unicorn Hair Core
[ul][li]Length: A fairly average length for a wand, not at all uncommon or very special.
[li]Style: Straight and smooth: what else is there to say?
[li]Wood: A protective wand, Holly takes on many traits of the core that it holds. A rare wand to find, Holly is notoriously difficult to pair.
[li]Core: The animal is known for its healing qualities and unbridled beauty, so it is no surprise that wands with unicorn hair are particularly successful at performing healing spells. Wands with this core bond with their first caster, making wands with this core not good as hand-me-downs. These wands are useful with charms and transfigurations.
[li]Flexibility: Unyielding: A wand which takes a special skill and determination to master; but once mastered its spells leave an unforgettable impression.[/li][/ul]

Sorting Post:
Tomas walked to the front of the Great Hall with the other unsorted students, excited as ever. He could hardly believe that he was a wizard and that there were so many people just like him. He had thought that after seeing the enormous castle from the outside that nothing would surprise him nearly as much afterwards. Never had he been so wrong before. As he looked around the room, Tomas noticed that he drifted away from the other students and quickly joined them. The eleven-year-old had never seen anything as beautiful as the Great Hall before. Then the woman began to start to call out their names, and after waiting for quite some time, he heard his name.

"Wode, Tomas.''

He jerked visibly from his thoughts at hearing his name being called out and could feel his heart pound faster and faster. Tomas wasn't the nervous type normally, so it felt strange that he should be so now. As he walked forward and seated himself on the three-legged stool, he became even more nervous. He inhaled deeply and smiled as the talking hat was placed on his head. ''Right. Do what you gotta do.'' Tomas whispered to the hat.

"Hmmm... most difficult... most interestingly curious... <SIZE size="150">GRYFFINDOR!"

*Tomas was a Hatstall

Play By: Ezra Miller; previously Finn Wolfhard
Height: 149 cm
Weight: 39 kg
Hair: Medium long, curly, brown
Facial Hair: N/A
Complexion: White
Eyes: Dark brown
Special Features: Tomas has a few minor scars on his arms and legs
Allergies: Peanuts,
Dominant Hand: Right

Five words to discribe Tomas: Daring, loyal, clever, protective and thoughtful
Likes: Playing with friends, his dog Max, Lego, football,
Dislikes: Farts, working hard, serious people, bullies,
Secrets: Tomas is afraid to sleep in the dark
Goals: To become a famous football player
Fears: His dog dying, heights,
Strengths: Self-motivated, optimistic, quick learner,
Weaknesses: Impatient, asking for help, focusing on something,

Erised: Him in a Leicester City uniform holding the Premier League cup
Boggart: His dog Max being dead
Patronus: An Australian Shepherd
Animagus: -
Amortentia: Smell of the sea, TBA

First kiss: Not happened yet
First crush: Tomas is too young to have crushes

Overal Personality: Tomas is shy and kind; he can be seen usually smiling. He believes that, even when books have information, the most intelligent people are the ones that help and care about others well-being and not about theirs only. Tomas can be brave at times when the situation demands it but he hates using his magic to hurt others, he prefers to heal.

He can easily be quite concerned about his friends, which makes him kind of protective and loyal. He doesn't really like fighting with his fists either, but will if he has a reason. If he is being bullied or made fun of, he will usually try to keep calm and wait for them to lose interest in him, but he is pretty strong and has a will to fight if needed. Tomas prefers to be alone instead of walking around with a handful of friends. He is also very clumsy (constantly tripping over himself or letting objects fall out of his hands)

History: TBA

<COLOR color="#000">Roleplays:
[li] Finding Something Today with Veronica Willows
[li] Three's a Crowd with Phoebe Holland & Veronica Willows
[li]<FONT font="Verdana">Perchance with Veronica Willows[li]Becoming the Usual Thing with Veronica Willows & Phoebe Holland[li] Worth the Risk with Ethan Mendoza
[li]<FONT font="Verdana">Oh, It's You with Phoebe Holland

<LI>[li]Here We Are Again with Veronica Willows[/li][/ul]


<SIZE size="50">Name: Everard Wode
Relation: Father
Born: August 6th, 2001
Died: N/A
Cause of Death: N/A
Blood Status: Muggle
Marital Status: Married
Occupation: Construction worker
[th colspan="5"]The Wode Family[/th] [td]
Name: Matilda Wode
Relation: Mother
Born: November 12th, 2002
Died: N/A
Cause of Death: N/A
Blood Status: Muggle
Marital Status: Married
Occupation: Paralegal[/td][td]
Name: Hugh Geoffrey Wode
Relation: Younger brother
Born: July 24th, 2036
Died: N/A
Cause of Death: N/A
Blood Status: Muggle
Marital Status: Too Young
Occupation: Student [/td][td]

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