To the Beat of my Own Drum

Kynleigh Davis

Well-Known Member
OOC First Name
Yew Wand 14" Essence of Fairy Dust
Kynleigh Davis. Second year Gryffindor. Free spirit. Small and energetic mischief maker. The petite blonde wasn't just satisfied keeping to the confines of her dorm room, the common room, or the castle itself. She had entirely too much energy to be confined to one enclosed space for any length of time. Heading down to the lake she gazed out over the water, thinking how beautiful it looked with the sun beating down on it. Nearing the waters edge she picked up a few pebbles and skipped them across the flat surface causing it to ripple.

Copping a squat on the soft green grass Kynleigh crossed her legs in front of her and leaned backwards on her arms as she looked up at the blue sky and the puffy white clouds. She giggled slightly and started saying out loud, to no one but herself, the shapes of the clouds. "Bunny. Ostrich. Mandrake. Snuffaluffagus. Nanna's hair," she said laughing at the last one.
Ostensia knew she should probably be doing her homework right now and not wandering about. Usually the bubbly blonde was rather good with keeping up on her schoolwork. But today she just had no muse to sit down and actually do it. There was no point in just sitting there and taking up space in the Library to get nothing done. So Osa decided that getting outside for some fresh air and maybe a walk would help her get her homework muse back. The outdoor weather greeted her with a warmth that made Ostensia grin to herself. The sky was so blue and the clouds fluffy as mounds of cotton. 'Why can't it be this beautiful everyday?' She thought to herself as she stepped out of the castle further and towards the lakefront. Osa figured that the water would look beautiful under the sun today. As she walked towards it her mind shifted to another thought. That boy she had met by the rosebush not too long ago. Damian. Oooh he was so cute, and they became friends. She really liked having a friend that was so nice to her. He was older than she was too. Ostensia figured she was starting to get a crush on him but didn't make much of it, most crushes never turned out to be anything anyways.

When Ostensia reached the Lakefront she heard the sound of another girls voice. Immediately she grew curious and started to make her way toward the sound of the girls voice. It was a girl sitting on the grass and looking up at the sky. For a moment Ostensia let her blue eyes follow the girls gaze before she smiled. "Who are you talking to?" Ostensia asked with a soft giggle as she brushed some of her blonde hair away from her face and looked toward the girl. She heard the girl say a bunch of words out loud and wondered what she was talking about. Better yet, who she was talking to. Osa saw no one out here but the girl and herself. Maybe the girl had an imaginary friend or something?
Kynleigh heard the soft rustle of grass, but didn't bother looking away from the sky figuring if it were someone interested in talking to her then they'd address her directly. Soon enough she did hear a females voice say something to her. Still not tearing her green eyed gaze from the skies she said in a sing song voice, "Everyone and yet no one at all." Things like this were probably the reason people found the Gryffindor to be odd, but it didn't much matter to her. The petite blonde looked in the direction of the other girl and smiled saying, "Really just anyone who happens to be listening and if no one's listening then I guess no one at all, but...seeing as how you've happened upon me I suppose I'm talking to you then."

Kynleigh leaned back on her arms, once again turning her eyes upon the bright blue sky. "Cloud shapes. Really are quite marvelous, don't you think? Would you care to join me?" Days like these captured serenity at it's finest. They were absolutely perfect. Just realizing something the second year looked back to the girl again saying, "Where are my manners? I've forgotten to introduce myself. Kynleigh Davis. Gryffindor second year. And you are?"

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