To Realise What's Wrong

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Stefan Archer

head librarian
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Knotted 12 1/2 Inch Sturdy Fir Wand with Thestral Tail Hair Core
4/2015 (46)

So I have this Character. You might know him.
His name is Stefan Archer and he is an 11 year old, Slytherin.
He's also colourblind. He sees in Grey, White and Black.​

Now Stefan is pretty much alone all of the time. And he
is used to it. In his home his father is a very bad person
towards him. Stefan has bruises, and scars from what his
father has done. And it is not bothered to be hidden.
Stefan is too afraid to tell anyone about what happens
behind closed doors. But, it's clear to those who would
see him, during the holidays, and right after them. So,
you might be asking yourself, what I am looking for.​
Well, I am looking for either a girl or a boy. Let's call
him/her Sam since that's a unisex name. Now
Sam, may or may not already know him. But, Sam
would point blank see Stefan hurt and jump to the
worse conclusion. (Which is in this case, what is
actually happening) but Only hint, ask innocent
Stefan would of course deny anything. (he would
claim it to be an accident) From fear, and this
would be clear to Sam. Who would keep at it.
Maybe they get put off it, and think that Stefan
is being honest, but this would last a little amount
of time. Sam would keep going until, in the end of
the 2nd year, (that's when I'm thinking) He sits down
with Sam, and blurts it out. Then ditches the person
out of his life. To which point Sam, tries to get his
way back in and make Stefan talk about it, and
help give him the strength to fight back.
And friends forever!​

Okay, so this is kinda thought out, but suggestions
would be welcomed.
So I'm looking for someone to be Sam. Doesn't matter
the gender or house, but they have to be nice.It can
be someone he knows or someone he doesn't.
Also, a few more friends for Stefan would be awesome.
Anyway, I'll shut up now, and let you contemplate
and then post.
Hey there Emzies. ^_^

I have Hamza Khalid whom I can offer for Stefan. Granted that Hamza is a year older than Stefan is, but that's only a year apart, not really much of a difference if you ask me. Anyways, I'm looking to get back into RPing with Hamza. I've been neglecting him for a while and I really should start RPing with him. First of all, Hamza's character shows nothing but goodness and kindness in him. Hamza is a very good outgoing individual, he takes care of his friends well, he values his friends very highly and will do anything to keep them happy to say the least. I can foresee Hamza and Stefan being really good friends. Hamza does a good job of getting very close to a person. He is honest, caring, and shows nothign but goodness, as I have said before.

If you want to plot more about Stefan's father being abusive and what not, Hamza's father is a Ministry official, so we can do some more plots, in different ranges, etc. ;) I have a lot of ideas in mind, just want to see what you think now. :)


I think they would be well suited for the kind of strong friendship I'm looking forward.
He seems like someone that Stefan could easily speak to. Maybe a little wary to begin
with. But, over time they could become closer.
I think we should start something, but, I think you can understand, if I want to see
if anyone else posts before I decide upon a "Sam". The characters just have to click.
So, would you like to start something, or shall I?

I think Kate would be a good friend to Stefan she is very caring and notices a lot of things most people don't.She doesn't like it when her friends or anyone is hurt.She will always stand by people.She is mostly happy and understands people.


I read through Kate's Bio, and I think he would take a while to open up to her.
Due to the fact that she has a sister, and he would wonder how much he could
trust her, but, I think over time, he'd be able to. So, I will say the same to you
as I did for Hamza, I think we should start a topic to see how the are together.
So, Would you like to start something or Shall I?
Would you mind starting a topic please? ^_^ I'd appreciate it.

Well you know James killian is already made his way into stefans life regardless of how Stefan closes himself off, so he is open for the part of Sam if you want him for it.
tara will defiantly like to RP with stefan again. remember her she was the indian girl who drew him in the garden. i don't think that she will realise what is wrong, but i reckon they could be friends.
Hey Emzies,

I can see that alot of people are eager to be 'Sam' but I just thought I might 'submit' my 'application' as well. The only reason, is because Shiloh, has had an abused friend before. When she was back in England. The girl ended up killing herself alittle while before she left for New Zealand, though Shiloh is unaware of this suicide. Anyway so I just thought I would say something because she would recognise the signs right away, and would immediately jump to the worst conclusion on account of having encounted it before. So just let me know. I understand that you may want to role play and see how they click, but I think they might get along pretty well, depending on what circumstances they come together.

Looks like a great idea for a plot, would work good if they were leaked onto it if you get what I mean.

Anyway, i'll stop posting everywhere and go to sleep.

I shall start it asap. And PM you a link.

See, I thought they would be a perfect match, but, I'm not positive. Stefan doesn't know
him very well, and is getting to trust him. But, I can see James fitting the role of "Sam" well.
But, like everyone else, a new RP would help me in deciding.
So, would you like to start something? Or Shall I?

I think they were good as friends. Stefan wouldn't want to talk to Tara about his home life.
He would feel awkward, but I think they would make good friends, So once again.
Would you like to start Something? Or Shall I?

That sounds definitely interesting. I can see that working well. Stefan would be to
afraid of suicide to do anything. But, I think having someone who knew a little more
about the signs, would be a good "Sam".
But like everyone else, I want to at least try it out.
So, Would you like to start something? Or Shall i?

Emzies, sorry, but do you think that maybe you could start them for me?. If you really want me too though I will.
Not sure what you'll think because there's a bit of an age difference, but oh well...

I have Sidda here. She's feisty and brave and a bit of a tomboy. She's frank and a bit tactless, but she has a heart of gold and is very caring. She can fend for herself, and will willingly defend others. She'd probably suspect something, ask lots of questions, give him a chance to say, ask outright, then when he denied it, somehow manage to hold her tongue but would look out for him a lot. She would fiercely protect him and if he ever admitted it to her, would probably take care of him but would have to be physically restrained to stop her from going to his Dad and ether jinxing him, trying to beat him up or doing a combination of the two. And if he ditched her, she would just be annoyingly persistent in knocking on his door etc. making him come out and face her. She may resort to attacking him in his sleep and dragging him somewhere to talk, kicking and screaming. :shifty: That's the kind of person she is. Caring, to the point of tough love. :p

Funny thing is, her middle name's Samantha...

Anyway, tell me what you think. ;)

Hey Emzies

Thats great but could you start the topic please I've been really busy lately I would really appreciate it.Thanks


I Have started the topic and PM'ed you a link.

I actually think that would be brilliant. He'd probably find her very odd, and try his
hardest to ditch her. While also enjoying how different she is to him. And how
odd she is. Stefan would probably be a little scared of her. But, I think, it might
be quite fun. Like a completely dysfunctional friendship, type thing. If you get
me. And he would really value her as a friend after a bight of time.
I would very much like for them to meet. So Would you like to start something or
Shall I?

I shall start the topic soon and PM you the link

Um, could you start something? I'll reply asap, and sorry for the delay in posting this! ;)
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