to let the wolf out of the bag

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Briar Rowan-Cullen

Strength in diversity
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Briars rowan, 15", with centaur (aspens) tail hair and my werewolf fur
49 (2/2013)
well i sort of started bringing this up yesterday (in spam) so i thought i had better officially bring it up here.
I want a few people to start noticing that Briar Is a werewolf. of corse even though briar is not ashamed of what she is, she isn't going to dance around broadcasting it (not yet at least) she will probably only tell people who she either feels close to or people who suspect it. (although if she doesn't like them then she wont confirm it)
this will not be happening until after the holidays as there are a few plots that need to be done first.

so what am i looking for.
people who are around briar a lot, who will be able to firstly work out that she is acting differently than last year, and if getting ill often (before she was never ill, and now isn't real ill just fake ill), this could be people in her classes, people who she does prefect duties with, people on the gryffindor quidditch team etc. (this doesn't mean that i have RPed with you a lot it just means that they would spend a fair bit of time near each other ic)

people who have experience with werewolves (like a family member with the condition) my also notice that she is acting strangely and showing some of the classic symptoms as although i wouldn't call briar popular in the classic way, she does tend to stick out a little and i would imagine most if the older students would have at least heard of her even if they don't know her.

once again there is a couple of weeks before this will start happening (basically after her january transformation when she gets a few more scars possibly including one across her face, which will (if she gets it) be pretty noticeable.
I have Lily. They met each other before they started at the school but we haven't RPed since. They'd still be in the same classes though as she's a sixth year Slytherin. Perhaps they could bump into each other and get talking and Lily (being intelligent about magical creatures) may pick up on a few hints but won't ask until they get closer.

I cant remember who she is, but it sounds like a good plan, maybe they get put together to practice some spell or some assignment, whatever. the fact that she is slytherin may make it interesting, as she isn't as easy to trust snakes as any other house. but if she asks directly and hasn't given briar much reason to not trust her briar wont lie.
Angelica "Lily" Green?? She had been crying in the forest after her father attacked her and Briar found her and helped. Don't know why I remember it so well. :)
That sounds like it could work. It would be the same for Lily because she doesn't like Gryffindors but I want to her to accept them a bit more so it would be great for Briar to be the first Gryffindor she learns to be friends with.
Do you want to start or shall I??
That sounds good, i can remember that plot now. she patched her up, and did she even offer her her room at the leaky cauldron to stay. I think she may have done.
Maybe we should wait until next term i have a glut of plots at the moment. but certainly when they are back and things have calmed down a little. I will shoot you a PM then
Okay :) I'll try and remember. Hehe.
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