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- OOC First Name
- Brian V
The Basics
Character's Name: Tinny
Area of Origin: New Zealand
Species:House Elf
Hair: None
Eyes: Large Purple Eyes
Height: 28 inches
Other Distinguishing Features: Like her father, Tinny is a House Elf that has unusually green skin making her quite noticeable in a crowd.
A Little Deeper
Personality: Tinny is a proud but fun loving House Elf, she can be quite sneaky and will often break the rules while justifying them to herself. She enjoys drinking Butterbeer and has a habit of talking to her drink thinking nobody can hear her. Tinny is also in love with the wizarding sport Quidditch.
Tinny was born to the House Elves Tin and Winny. Before working at Hogwarts she had four previous owners/families that all mysteriously died of unnatural causes. Like her father, Tinny has brilliant green skin but instead of blue eyes has bright purple eyes. Like her father she also has a habit of getting into trouble even when unintended. Tinny is a nice house elf that enjoys throwing parties, playing with children, and of course drinking Butterbeer. All of these things makes Tinny quite an unusual Elf and generally not accepted among her own kind.
Father: Tin
Mother: Winny
The 'Twitchy' Family: Tin met his wife Winny while visiting a comatose patient at St. Mungo's (along with torturing him by accident). Being a free House Elf he went with the family and his new love Winny and dubbed them the 'Twitchy Family' despite not actually being related to the man. Shortly after moving in, Tinny was born. The entire family got along and Tinny learned the basics of being a House Elf from her parents. One day while running an errand, Tinny returned to the house to discover a mysterious explosion had destroyed the house and killed everyone within. Ownership of Tinny was transferred to a pair of cousins that lived together.
Edgar and Paul Calvins: Edgar and Paul Calvins were brothers that lived together with Tinny, they had never had a House Elf before and were excited to have her in their services. The brother's introduced Tinny to Butterbeer and would give it to her on a daily basis. They enjoyed throwing parties and Tinny would often help much to her delight. One morning after the trio had stayed up late throwing a party, Tinny was horrified to find that both brothers had been poisoned. There was a brief investigation and Tinny was soon transferred to a nephew of the brothers.
Rubard Horriad: Rubard may have been a nephew of the Calvin brothers however he was actually much older than they had been. He was a bitter old man that enjoyed torturing Tinny through different means. He would beat Tinny if she even took a sip of Butterbeer and would often mock her by drinking it in front of her. His house was fully of clutter and junk and Tinny was not allowed to properly clean. Oddly enough, Rubard was in love with the game of Quidditch and had a room dedicated to all things related to the sport. Tinny was not allowed in the room but would often sneak in and look over all of the fascinating things he had collected over the years. For years Tinny mourn her old owners and was not at all sad one day when Rubard was found strangled and drowned in his morning porridge. Once again another investigation occurred and Tinny was sent to live with a 2nd Cousin twice removed, the last remaining member of the family.
Aggie Weatherboon: A little old lady with no friends or family, she was shocked to find herself in the ownership of a House Elf. Tinny became her best friend and the pair would often talk to each other while drinking fire whiskey and Butterbeer. Aggie would often take Tinny to the park and enjoyed letting the small children play with her. Tinny learned then that she greatly enjoyed children and would often go out of her way to talk with them. Aggie and Tinny spent many happy years together until unfortunately Aggie slipped on a banana peel and passed away a few days later.
Character's Name: Tinny
Area of Origin: New Zealand
Species:House Elf
Hair: None
Eyes: Large Purple Eyes
Height: 28 inches
Other Distinguishing Features: Like her father, Tinny is a House Elf that has unusually green skin making her quite noticeable in a crowd.
A Little Deeper
Personality: Tinny is a proud but fun loving House Elf, she can be quite sneaky and will often break the rules while justifying them to herself. She enjoys drinking Butterbeer and has a habit of talking to her drink thinking nobody can hear her. Tinny is also in love with the wizarding sport Quidditch.
Tinny was born to the House Elves Tin and Winny. Before working at Hogwarts she had four previous owners/families that all mysteriously died of unnatural causes. Like her father, Tinny has brilliant green skin but instead of blue eyes has bright purple eyes. Like her father she also has a habit of getting into trouble even when unintended. Tinny is a nice house elf that enjoys throwing parties, playing with children, and of course drinking Butterbeer. All of these things makes Tinny quite an unusual Elf and generally not accepted among her own kind.
Father: Tin
Mother: Winny
The 'Twitchy' Family: Tin met his wife Winny while visiting a comatose patient at St. Mungo's (along with torturing him by accident). Being a free House Elf he went with the family and his new love Winny and dubbed them the 'Twitchy Family' despite not actually being related to the man. Shortly after moving in, Tinny was born. The entire family got along and Tinny learned the basics of being a House Elf from her parents. One day while running an errand, Tinny returned to the house to discover a mysterious explosion had destroyed the house and killed everyone within. Ownership of Tinny was transferred to a pair of cousins that lived together.
Edgar and Paul Calvins: Edgar and Paul Calvins were brothers that lived together with Tinny, they had never had a House Elf before and were excited to have her in their services. The brother's introduced Tinny to Butterbeer and would give it to her on a daily basis. They enjoyed throwing parties and Tinny would often help much to her delight. One morning after the trio had stayed up late throwing a party, Tinny was horrified to find that both brothers had been poisoned. There was a brief investigation and Tinny was soon transferred to a nephew of the brothers.
Rubard Horriad: Rubard may have been a nephew of the Calvin brothers however he was actually much older than they had been. He was a bitter old man that enjoyed torturing Tinny through different means. He would beat Tinny if she even took a sip of Butterbeer and would often mock her by drinking it in front of her. His house was fully of clutter and junk and Tinny was not allowed to properly clean. Oddly enough, Rubard was in love with the game of Quidditch and had a room dedicated to all things related to the sport. Tinny was not allowed in the room but would often sneak in and look over all of the fascinating things he had collected over the years. For years Tinny mourn her old owners and was not at all sad one day when Rubard was found strangled and drowned in his morning porridge. Once again another investigation occurred and Tinny was sent to live with a 2nd Cousin twice removed, the last remaining member of the family.
Aggie Weatherboon: A little old lady with no friends or family, she was shocked to find herself in the ownership of a House Elf. Tinny became her best friend and the pair would often talk to each other while drinking fire whiskey and Butterbeer. Aggie would often take Tinny to the park and enjoyed letting the small children play with her. Tinny learned then that she greatly enjoyed children and would often go out of her way to talk with them. Aggie and Tinny spent many happy years together until unfortunately Aggie slipped on a banana peel and passed away a few days later.
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