Timothy Van

Timothy Van

Well-Known Member
OOC First Name
15" CherryWood Core Essence of Griffen Claw
Timothy Van​

<SIZE size="150"><B>Name: Timothy Robert Van
Age: 20
Blood Status: A
Brithday: July 2nd 2005
House: Ravenclaw
Relationship Status: Single(Not Looking)
Mentallity: Insomniac
Father: Gerald Van
Mother: Lavina Van/Stewart
Brother: Austin Van​
The Cruel Life of Timothy Van​
Timothy was diagnosed with Insomniac Cancer at age 5. It was the brutallity of how everyone treated him that made him this way. There is infact help for Timothy though. However, he does not want it for the fear they will take away his best and only friend, his brain. His brain and him are two different people stuck in one body. However, the brain is evil and sick. He his cruel and could qualify as a Grade A Death Eater, however the brain doesn't like to be part of an orginazation, he likes being with and combined with his best friend and only friend Timothy.
When Timothy was about 7, the brain had full control of how Timothy thought. He made Timothy do things of unimaginable, like kill and hurt infants and women. It was a sickening thought, but Tim and his brain believed they were doing something that would help the world and all people with their same type of illness. By age 10, the brain began to let Timothy have more control of his own thoughts thus making it so Timothy was the one whom chosed to be Dark and Evil, just as his brain was. By Age 15, Timothy had commited 5 Murders, all of which nobody knew he had done it. He had hurt many and even tried to kill his own brother, Austin Van.​

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