Time for Something New

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Adalyn Jez

Well-Known Member
OOC First Name
Well here is Adalyn.
She is sort of a messed up soul eversince she was younger and just starting school. She finished her 7th year at Durmstrang surprisingly as her family thought she would be a drop out. But she stuck with it and finished up at the Dark school. Now she is just currently around as I haven't decided what to do with her. Therefore I'm looking for someone else, one of you, which has been thinking of doing something with one of your characters. Natively she's from Italy. But she can be anywhere you want her to be :)

Someday I hope she looks more like this
so if you have a male or female near her age or older let me know and we can work something out :p

This is Frances Spade
She is currently in her 7th year at Beauxbatons. After which she will be heading farther from home(New York) and head to New Zealand to look for a life there. She used to be a Slytherin and a mean one. However now she is a much more pleasant sort of person. Just don't get on her bad side that is.
She needs some friends people to talk with and help her find a job that the little princess can handle. She has only ever modeled before as a job and at home everything gets done for her. New Zealand will be quite different for her.
She needs some loving as well. But this will have to come in time. Slow relationships are always good. Start as friends and then move into a steady relationship sort of thing I can see happening for her.

This is Jordan Trace Vanderhol.
5th Year Hufflepuff, Quiet guy, but that doesn't mean he doesn't know what is going on. Within the two years above and below he knows just about everything about everyone. He pays a lot of attention to others while most don't even know he is there. He has had only a few encounters with others. He joined the Quidditch team this year and managed to get Hufflepuff a lot of points in his first game as Chaser. So Quidditch lovers are more than welcomed to be his friends. He hasn't been lucky in the Romance department and being sort of a quiet guy it doesn't seem like he will. I currently have a plot for him to fall for another girl but it won't go anywhere. So prehaps if another girl was to also become his friend and crush on him, after a while he will realize that the girl he thought he wanted wasn't the girl he really needed.

Feel free to Reply Here or PM me on Indiana Night! Thanks

hey steph i have wolfie the nurse here for any one if you wanna play. also i have stefan a puff to if you want to play with him aswell
Hey Steph :)

I have Elijah here who hasn't had an easy life himself. However he likes making new friends and and having fun. He's very trustworthy and loyal and will always look out for people.

Can be a friend or whatever you want him to be really ^_^
Hey guys! Sorry I've taken a few days to respond.

Whish character (s) were you both thinking of roleplaying with? :p
umm idm as i flexible
Elijah Whitelock said:
Woops completely forgot to add it in my post. :doh: I was thinking Adalyn maybe?
I think Adalyn would be good for him if he isn't use to breaking the rules so much, as she'll be sure to be breaking quite a few anyway.. :D

With Wolfie being a Nurse I think Jordan is a good option, so that prehaps Wolfie can convince him to be a bit more social and not the loner he is!
yh steph that souns cool
He's never been a goody-two-shoes but he's not exactly a horror child either. I think they'd get on quite well though :D
Okay so I can start the one in the Hospital wing for Jordan and Wolfie. :) Sorry it's been a busy few days.

And Adalyn is sort of on the run just getting away from everything she knows so I'd say wherever in the world he is would be a good place for her to just get away, just to make things easier xD
yh thts cool steph just let me know when started ok?
Sure, he is currently in New Zealand if that's ok?
Would you like to start it or shall I?
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