Time for some fun.

Stephanie Duboit

Well-Known Member
OOC First Name
Steph sat down by the lake and looked into the glistening water. She was in the mood to beat someone up and she didn't care who. The first person to walk near her was going to get a surprise.
Steph wasn't bothered which house she went in before she got to the school. She hadn't been told what each house meant. Now that she knew, she wished that she could be in Slytherin. She couldn't understand how she was in Ravenclaw. She wasn't exactly intelligent. She used to read lots to pass the time but that was it.
Steph looked behind her to see who was going to be her victim for today.
`Hey steph how are you? i havent seen you in ages` when there was no reply izzy thought to herself there must have been something wrong.`whats wrong?` then she worked it out for herself.

Steph saw who the irs person was and a grin grew bigger on her face. She stood up and looked at Izzy as she had walked down the lawn to the lake. When Steph met Izzy, the Hufflpuff had bored here so much but she was pretending to be interested because professors were around and she wanted to keep up her spotless appearance. "Oh, hi Izzy. I expect we're about to have loads of fun." She said walking over to the girl.
`Huh what do you mean were going to have fun i havent seen you or talked to you in ages and...`that was as far she she got.
Steph had an evil glisten in her eyes as she walked over to Izzy. She shove the Hufflepuff to the ground and loomed over her. Steph had always hated the fact that she was the smallest in her 'family' so she loved being able tolook down on people. "That's what I mean and there's more to come."
she landed with a thud on the ground leaning back on her arms as steph pushed her.she tried to get up unable to,steph was to strong for izzy.`what was that for?!` she said still trying to get up. `what..she stuttered`more to come this isnt fun.get off of me.`she said getting madder at the minute.
Steph laughed. "Not fun?? This is the most fun I've had all day. How can you say it's not fun??" Steph punched her in the stomach to show her how fun this could really be. "Now, come on. You can't say that wasn't fun." Steph grinned down at the girl knowing that the punch probably hurt her a lot.
`it may be fun for you but its torture to me u dont even know me and you still want to pick a fight out of me.`when steph punched her deep in the stomach izzy grabbed it in pain and knew that steph could she the tears in her eyes.`Its not worth smiling at` she said kicking stephs legs from underneath her which gave her some time to get up.steph got back up but looked a little scared izzy was quite alot taller than steph now she was the one who could tower over steph.
Steph looked at Izzy, angry how she would do such a thing. Steph rugby tackled Izzy to the ground and kneeled on her chest making it hard for Izzy to breath. "Not so tough now are you??" Steph spat in Izzy's face. "Don't you ever try anything like that again or you'll end up like my worthless sister-in the hospital wing." Th fact that Izzy was taller han Steph was bad enough but the girl pushed her luck when she tripped Steph up.
She lay on the ground very still squashed by the lump sat on top of her she wanted to make it look like she was finding it hard to breath but actually she was still breathing normally.`Im sorry `she shouted as loud as she could.she wiped her face on her sleeve `i wont i promise i learnt my lesson your far to strong for me.I didnt even do anything wrong you started it i had to get out from under you!Please understand that.`They were the last few words steph got off her and izzy started asking for an explaination of what had put her in that mood.
Steph heard somone walking and when she looked up, she saw her sister frozen not to far away. Last time they had sen each other, Steph had beaten Leslie up causing her to have the broken arm and bruises that she had now. Steph gave her sister an evil grin then turned back to Izzy. "Do you really wanna end her like her??" Steph pointed towards her sister. "because if you carry on the way your going then you will do." Steph punched Izzy in the stomach again causing her to get winded then she took another look at her sister still with the evil grin on her face and she walked up the lawn to the castle.
Leslie had been told to rest while her arm was healing but she found it too boring. She had to geout the common room and walk. Once she was outside she was glad of it. She could smell the breeze as it rushed past her.
Leslie walked down to the lake so she could dip her feet in te water but once she got down there, she wished she hadn't. She saw her sister beating up someone who she exected was in the same year as Steph. She froze at the sight of the two girls on the floor. She's become a monster. Leslie hated what her little sister had turned into and wished she could turn back time so they could be the way the used to be.
Leslie watched as Steph walked away and once she was a safe distance away, Les turned around and ran over to the other girl. "Are you ok?? Did she hurt you??" Leslie knew how cold-blooded Steph could be and knew the pain she could cause people to have. She found that out the hard way. "Do you need a hand up??" Leslie held out her good hand and pulled the girl up.
Izzy was holding her stomach when she heard the voice.`Yeah im fine thanks,ill be ok she said looking up what did she do to you?!`she took the girls hand and got up still clutching her stomach.`thank you is she allway like that?`
"Nowadays she is. She wasn't alays like that though. She used to be a really nice little girl." Leslie stopped as she remembered the old days when her and Steph were great sisters "She's my little sister you see." Leslie put on a smile so it didn't look like she was about to cry.
She barly even knew this girl but yet they had so much in commen. Im izzy Whats your name? she asked before going into a big disscusion about how steph had been punching her so hard in the stomach and sitting on her chest and thowing her to the floor and that you had saved her from being hurt alot more.
"I'm Leslie Duboit." Leslie expected that there was probably some explaning needed as Izzy seemed to have no idea why Steph was attacking her. "Steph has managed to make friends with two slytherin girls who aren't exactly the best friends to have. They've changed her into what she is now." Leslie loathed the two girl who had minipuated Steph into a Gryffindor hating, cold blooded bully.
so what you are saying is that shes made friends that have turned her into this state of anger and hatred .yes?She sighed she had thought that steph was a rather respectible girl and one in which she could get along with, her thought had changed now that leslie had set the scene of how she used to be and how she was know.`Your sisters a bully why dont you tell somone about the things you have whntnessed and had done to you?she said later regreting it.
"Yeah. That's basically it." Leslie sat down at the edge of the lake, took her shoes of and dipped her feet in. She lovethe feel of the cold water running around her feet and making them feel refreshed and smooth. "I suppose I still care for her. I don't want her to throw hr education away because I get her expelled. I want to give her a chance to change back, to realise the wrongs she's doing. Th he can make new friends and get on with her life in school."
What if she never changes back to how she used to be.Its not fair to treat anyone like she treats us.she said hervoice slowly fading away. Im sure she will be able to make new friends if you give her a chance though its not like life to have 2 friends for the whole of your school life.So how are you?She said suddenly wanting to put the topic out of leslies head.
"I don't know. She never listens to anything our parents say so they can't do anything and if I tell any of the professors all they'll do is expell her." Leslie couldn't believe the position she was in. She never thought she'd have to be so tense aroundher little sister. "It's not just two friends, it's four; two Slytherins, a Ravenclaw and a Hufflepuff. Notice the fact that none of he friends ar Gryffindors." Leslie noticed how Izzy seemed to be trying to change the subject. "I suppose I'm not too bad except for being in agonising pain mentally and physically."
`That is true i know what you mean shes your little sister why would you want to ruin her life because of a small fight.Have you ment any of her little `gang` are they all monsters like her always wanting to pick a fight?Or have you ever seen them picking on people and wanting to talk to someone about it.Yeah you look like she caused you an awful lot of pain im so glad i didnt end up like that.`So hows school?
"I haven't met an of them but they all give me dirty looks when they see me. The boy-Sam Ithink his name is-seems to be ok. I've actually been smiled at by him." Leslie thought about the way the girls all stared at her and it made her shiver. "Afetr she attacked me, I walked to the hospital wing and ended up fainting when I got there. My head got hit way too hard." Leslie noticed how Izzy tried to change the subject. "It's alright, I suppose."
`well if one of her gang, arnt being horrid and constantly scowling then surly thats ok because steph cant change his mind about you. you should try and talk to him when you next see him smiling but never let steph catch you that could be the worst thing possible to do esspecially if you still had a broken arm you wouldnt be able to fight back.Oh my god why didnt you get someone to take you t the hospital then at least someone would of been able to get you there safely.`
"It's not just Steph. The four girls are trying to get him to change. I can't risk talking to him, knowing my luck Steph will be watching over every second and if she isn't then one of the other girls will." Leslie looked at Izzy. "I didn't see anyone. Anyway, if I did, who would want to help me??"
`Any one would of helped you,if they saw the pain you were in they would of helped you even a proffessor would of helped you.Honestly Leslie you should of told someone asked for some help!`

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