Open Through The Looking Glass

Conan Burke

irish ☘️ | shell collector 🐚 band-aid hands 🩹
OOC First Name
Blood Status
Mixed Blood
Straight 12 1/2 Inch Sturdy Dogwood Wand with Fwooper Feather Core
17 (08/2046)
Conan knew it wasn't long until it was finally his turn to go to Hogwarts. The boy was beyond excited. He had heard so many great things about the school from his siblings. Conan's mum had dragged him and his younger sister to Obsidian Harbour for some errands, but he didn't really see the point in going if he didn't really need to be there. He trailed behind his mum and sister, grumbling from time to time, as he much rather be anywhere than with his mother and her errands. As he walked behind his mother, he noticed the wand shop nearby and gasped excitedly. He knew it wouldn't be long until he got his own wand. The boy hurriedly made his way towards the shop window, leaning slightly against the window and his face close to the glass that his breath was fogging the glass slightly from time to time as he was breathing in and out. The store looked so cool and it looked like there weren't many people inside.
Remy's mum didn't want to take him shopping in the magical district, so he'd enlisted his grandma instead. The poor lady didn't like magic too much either, but at least she didn't look like she was sucking lemons whenever Remy brought it up. She'd wanted to go get ice cream, and Remy decided he was big enough to wander around by himself and preferred a few minutes of freedom over desserts. He wanted to see the wand shop, knowing it'd only be a matter of time before he got his own. Remy watched in amusement as he saw another boy looking through the window. Thinking he was probably Remy's age and might be going to Hogwarts, he stepped up to the window to look like he was also interested in the wands. "Are you trying to lick the window? I promise you, it's not sugar candy." he raised his eyebrows at the boy.
Conan whipped his head around when he heard a voice, cheeks a little red from embarrassment. "Um... No... I was trying to see all the cool wands!" Conan says with slight embarrassment. He grimaced a little at the thought of licking the window. The boy looked about Conan's age and Conan wasn't going to say no to making a friend. "I cannot wait until I get my wand! How about you? Are you going to Hogwarts this year?"
Remy smiled at the boy, trying to look friendly and like he approached strangers all the time to make friends. He nodded sagely at the boy's explanation, although was a little confused as to why he didn't just go into the store to look at stuff. Perhaps he was a thief, casing the joint before a heist. "Right, yeah." Remy nodded. "It'll be cool to do real magic." He wasn't quite convinced magic would be anything other than scary, but didn't want to be a downer to a potential classmate. "I'll be starting Hogwarts soon. I'm Remy, by the way." He squinted through the window again, eyeing all the different wands. "Y'think they'd let us try out some of them?"
Conan nodded excitedly when the boy mentioned doing magic. "It would be so cool!" Conan says excitedly. He couldn't wait to finally get his hands on a wand and to finally do spells. He had seen his parents do magic around the house and such with their magic wands and he couldn't wait until it was his turn. "Same! I'm also going to Hogwarts. Are you excited about Hogwarts?" Conan asked the boy. If he was interacting with a possible friend, he was sure going to try and interact with them. "I'm Conan," Conan says with a smile as he introduces himself to Remy. Conan turned his head back to the window, trying his best to get a good look at the shop. "I hope so! It would be so cool to try!"
Remy felt like the stakes had suddenly gotten a lot higher with the confirmation that Conan would be going to Hogwarts too. He hoped the other boy wouldn't turn out to be awful, because then Remy might end up trapped at school with an enemy and he didn't want that. "Definitely, yeah. Can't wait to learn proper spells, not just kid stuff." Remy could actually wait a long time for spells, he knew they could be dangerous and wasn't sure if he was prepared for that, but it sounded cool in theory and he was sick of the dinky toy wand he'd gotten a few birthdays ago. "Hey, I dare you to go in and see." he raised his eyebrows at Conan and gestured with his head towards the shop door.
Conan nodded in agreement. "Learning proper spells is gonna be awesome for sure," Conan says with a small smile. Sometime soon the boy knew he was gonna get his own wand. Very, very soon. He was happy that he didn't have to make pretend spells with a stick he found in a park or something. Conan narrowed his eyes slightly, looking between the store and the boy. "Depends... What's in it for me?" Conan says, joking a little. He didn't really want to gain anything big from this, though he was a little unsure about it.
Remy clicked his tongue in mock frustration. "I hadn't thought that far ahead, hold on," he rolled his eyes at Conan as he rifled through his pocket. "Uh, I've got three boiled sweets and a cool pebble?" Remy held out the treasures for Conan to judge. The sweets had funky strawberry-print wrappers and were his grandma's favourites, so Remy had it on good authority that they were decent. He didn't really mind if Conan chickened out - Remy probably would have, but it was fun to challenge him just to see.
Conan thought for a moment as Remy showed what he had to offer if he went in. The boy wasn't really sure what to do. He didn't really want to seem like a chicken, especially in front of someone who was going to be a future classmate of his this upcoming year. He looked between Remy and the wand store a few times. "So, just go in there? Nothing else?" Conan asked.
Remy chuckled at Conan's hesitance, hypocritically as he thought the other boy was pretty brave for not just turning down the idea outright. Although, they may have lost sight of the original goal of trying out the wands in the excitement of the dare. Remy had mostly forgotten that part as he looked over his shoulder to check his grandma wasn't around. "Uh, go in and touch the corner of the counter. Otherwise it doesn't... count." he said solemnly, hiding a grin at his unintentional pun.
Conan thought some more about this dare. Before nodding his head. "Fine, I'll do it," Conan says with a small nod. He looked around his surroundings to see if there were people watching, before quickly making his way to the store, he noticed someone was in there, he tried his best not to be odd when touching the corner of the counter, before pretending to look around the store so it wasn't that obvious (though he did the obviousness terribly) before making his way out of the wand store. "I did it. Now pay me the candy" Conan says jokingly.
Remy barely stifled a laugh as he watched Conan go into the shop. The sheer stupidity of it all was hilarious to him - it wasn't as though it was illegal to walk into an open shop and look at its wares. The possibilities for completely mundane hijinks were endless. He grinned as Conan came back out and gave him a slow round of applause. "You earned it fair and square," he said, handing over the candy and the pebble. "You're the bravest of us all." Remy teased.

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