Thomas Ethan Smith

Thomas Smith

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OOC First Name
Sexual Orientation
Myrtle Wand 15 1/2" Core - Tail of Charmed Newt

The Basics
[Character's Name:]
Thomas Ethan Smith
[First name:] Thomas: Twin
[Middle name:] Ethan: Wisdom
[Surname:] Smith: To smite
[Character's Birthdate:] May 14th 2010
[Hometown:] Nelson, New Zealand
[Current location:] Obsidian Harbour, New Zealand
[Blood Status:] Half Blood
[Wand:] Myrtle Wand 15 1/2" Core - Tail of Charmed Newt
[Hogwarts House:] Ravenclaw
[Occupation:] Auror
[Martial Status:] Single

Short dark brown hair, somewhat windswept effect
[Eyes:] Brown
[Height:] 5'9"
[Style:] Very smart casual, a shirts and a pair of jeans is what Thomas would wear on a regular basis

[A Little Deeper
Smart: Thomas, as a former Ravenclaw, is a smart person and loves to learn new things. He received top marks in all of his exams while at school. Thomas loves to read and learn things for himself instead of rather being taught.

Hard working: Thomas always works hard to achieve his good grades, even if it meant having to sacrifice some free time. He would sit up late revising and doing work especially close to exam time.

Dedicated: Thomas is obviously very dedicated due to all the hard work that he put into his studies. Although he also had other priorities that he made sure to upkeep which he did. As a member of the Quidditch team he always made sure to attend practices; as President of Club Academia and Co-President of The Brotherhood of MAGIC he made sure to arrange regular meetings and attend them when necessary, furthermore as Prefect he made sure to keep up with his duties and never missed a meeting or patrol.

Friendly: Thomas, though a Ravenclaw, has a touch of a Hufflepuff in him and is friendly towards everyone, unless he doesn't like them after past experiences. It doesn't take much for Thomas to befriend someone and when he does he's a very loyal friend and would do anything to stick up for them.

Open: Thomas was shy for a lot of his earlier years at Hogwarts New Zealand but after learning to open up towards a few people he found it easier to be open to people and talk to them more willingly and not sit in a corner with a book. If Thomas saw someone that looked lonely or needed help he wouldn't hesitate in going up to them and seeing what he could do for them.

[History:] Thomas grew up with his mother and father in a loving household and never had to want for anything although he was never spoilt either. Thomas was brought up as an only child although that wasn't the case, something he didn't find out until his second year at Hogwarts. Thomas loved his mother and father dearly and he looked up to his father who was an Auror. Unfortunately his father was away a lot so Thomas never got to see him a lot but this made the times he was able to come home more meaningful and this allowed Thomas to appreciated things early on in life. On the day of his 8th birthday Thomas' father was killed on an undercover mission. After that Thomas and his mother spent most of their time at his mothers parent's house in France. While Thomas missed home he enjoyed it there as it gave him a lot of time to read and learn how to bake and became fluent in French after staying there for quite some time.

It wasn't until his 10th birthday did Thomas find out that he was to attend Hogwarts New Zealand. His mother didn't want him to attend any Wizarding school as she didn't want the same thing to happen him that happened his father but after much persuasion Thomas was off to Hogwarts New Zealand. Having not had any friends in the past Thomas found it hard to interact with his fellow classmates for the first few weeks of term although that all changed when he met Autumn Gwin; his first best friend. After that he found it easy to open up to other such as Joceline Richarde, Arisa Havishmen, Scorpius Knight, Ares Taylor, Wendy Chaos and Anita Adelina Paramore Martinez. Thomas was doing great in his classes, had met friends and joined a few clubs - he was loving Hogwarts New Zealand. By the end of his first year he and Autumn Gwin had began dating, sure that this was true love (at 11). Although this ended up in his friendship with Joceline Richarde ending after it turned out that Joceline had feelings for Thomas herself.

During second year everything seemed to be going great for him and Autumn and he even found out that he had a twin brother; something he didn't like originally but soon got used too. After the Christmas holidays he and Autumn began to grow apart slowly but surely. While the two were growing apart Thomas found himself attracted to Isabella Chaos; a Slytherin the year above him. He knew that it was wrong to have feelings for someone else while he was still dating Autumn but he couldn't help himself and they unofficially started dating as neither could bring themselves to break up with their respective partners. It wasn't until the summer before 3rd year when the two couples happened to meet up at the Hogs Head did things become clear and the two couples broke up, letting Thomas and Isabella free to date. Now Isabella's boyfriend Thomas found himself with less friends than he already had as a lot of people either didn't like Isabella or what Thomas had done to Autumn. While Thomas wasn't exactly happy with his actions he was happy with Isabella and that's all he cared about.

For the next two years things slowed down for Thomas a lot. He still attended classes, the clubs he joined, Quidditch; the usual. He was even able to rekindle his old friendship with Joceline, something that he was glad had happened. He would have liked to rekindle the same friendship with Autumn but he knew that wasn't going to happen as she left the school for unknown reasons. At the end of his fourth year Thomas and Isabella broke up; on mutual terms realising that things just weren't going to work for them anymore and the way they had gotten together was wrong, especially on Autumn and Mike - although the two remained friends afterwards.

In his 6th year Thomas was made Prefect and one of his first duties was to help a returning student get back on their feet - Autumn. Having wrote previously and decided to put the past behind them Thomas was more than glad to see his old friend back, on friend terms. Having his semi normal life back Thomas felt his sixth year fly by and before he knew it was he in his final year. His final year was spent mostly studying for his dreaded NEWTs but he was also given the responsibility of maintaining his Presidency of Club Academia which he obtained and becoming Co-President of The Brotherhood of MAGIC. Before he knew it his seven years at Hogwarts were up and he had to move on to bigger and better things.

After Graduation Thomas and his twin brother Ivan moved into their own flat outside of Obsidian Harbour in New Zealand. Not long after his application to be an Auror-In-Training was accepted and he has been working there since, until 2035 when he became a full Auror after passing all of his training.

[Mother] Josephine Smith (nee: Thomas)
[DOB] January 15th 1963
[Blood Status] Half Blood
[Occupation] Houswife
[Education] Beauxbaton

[Father] Simon Smith
[DOB] February 4th 1961
[DOD] May 14th 2015
[Blood Status] Half Blood
[Occupation] Auror
[Education] Hogwarts Scotland, Ravenclaw

[Brother] Ivan Petrov
[DOB] May 14th 2010
[Blood Status] Half Blood
[Occupation] Beater for The Vratsa Vultures
[Education] Durmstrang

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