Thomas Barnwell

Thomas Barnwell

Journalist♡reporter♡ trouble maker♡
OOC First Name
Blood Status
Half Blood
Relationship Status
Single (Looking)
Sexual Orientation
Cherry wand 11 5/8" Thestral Tail Hair



Thomas Barnwell
Thomas is recorded in the Greek New Testament as the name of Thomas the Apostle (one of the twelve apostles of Jesus). It is ultimately derived from the Aramaic personal name
HOMETOWN: Greece, Santorini
AGE: 10
BIRTHDAY: 31 March 2038

NATIONALITY: Greece, Santorini
BLOOD STATUS: Half blood.
SEXUALITY: Hetero sexual
ZODIAC SIGN:Aries. As an Aries born on March 31st, your personality is characterized by ambition and creativity. While others struggle to find motivation, this is rarely the case for you. You want great success out of life and are fully willing to put the necessary effort to achieve your goals. Your hardworking and vigorous attitude have earned you many admirers in life. Your friends and family would be the first to send you praise for your ambition, but it may be your creative and playful mind that they appreciate the most.
ELEMENT: Fire. Fire is your sign's paired element and of all 12 zodiac signs, you have the only fundamental connection with the element. Your special relationship with fire gives you the spark to be a self-starter and natural leader. As is the case with all fire signs, your elemental connection gives you a strong passion that burns deep within your being. As you embrace the active qualities of fire, you will continue to work toward your goals with fortitude. Be weary of fire's negative influences, which include impatience and impulsiveness.
PLANET: Mars. Mars is the ruling planet of your sign, but as you were born in the second Decan, or part, of the sign, the Sun also lends you a generous helping of its planetary power. Being the planet of assertiveness, it is Mars that can be credited with your vigor, courage and action. In the same light, it is the Sun, the planet of integration, that can be credited with your individuality, vitality and creativity. Your unique combination of planetary influences makes you the most charismatic of all the Aries Decans. Your charm makes you popular, which is good because you enjoy being the center of attention. If your influence had one downfall, it would be that your tendency to brag and boast of your accomplishments. Although it is understandable to want to the world to witness your ambition, it is important to remain humble. In love, find a partner that shares in your energetic and youthful attitude, as this will bring you the most happiness.

PLAY BY: Rupert Grint
HAIR:. Rice colored hair
EYES: Blue

Thomas was always less explosive than one weak. Dark brown hair, brown eyes and fair skin. When it comes to clothing, one-on-one fashion is dominated by jeans, t-shirts and sneakers.
An expressive leader, someone who will engage in any event, sometimes without pre-calculating the consequences. Deep in the heart, they hold their interests well above the interests of others, but try not to show it everyday.

Born on as far back as July 21, 2006 on the outskirts of Greece. Father Tyler Barnwell is a Greek mixed-blooded magician. Mother Molly Barnwell was born in Greece. Both parents own a small pastry shop in Santorini. His name came from Father Tyler's parents, who still live in one of the small towns of Greece, where the name is considered very popular for high-born offspring. But the thing is, Thomas Barnwell could not be called a high born, but neither is the last poor. An average boy with a slightly stubborn temper who, on a daily basis, is reluctant to attend a local primary school and play football in his spare time. At school, Thomas was often considered a leader in the classroom. Why? The others may have been attracted by the somewhat defiant nature that at times dared to send out a sharper phrase in the direction of the teacher, perhaps it was also a tall, but unfortunate, body.

The magical manifestations of Thomas began to manifest at a rather late age. The first time it happened was at the age of ten, when the boy thoughtfully managed to change the color of his shirt when it didn't fit into his pants. A couple of months later the long awaited message from Hogwarts came. Finally Thomas was ready for it.

LIKES: Video games, sweats, poition, chess games
DISLIKES:Bullies, being humiliated, writing with quills, bees
GOALS: To be a good people with others.
FEARS: Water.
BOGGART: .Three black ribbons with spiders
AMORTENTIA: Cherries, Candy worms, choclet frogs cards.
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