Tholomyes Fontaine

Tholomyes Fontaine

struggling artiste | former head boy
OOC First Name
Blood Status
Relationship Status
Seeing Somebody
Sexual Orientation
Knotted 9 1/2" Flexible Pine Wand with Meteorite Dust Core
It is nothing to die ,
It is frightful not to live ,

Say Hello to
Tholomyès Marius Fontaine!
Laughter is sunshine ,
it chases winter from the human face ,

Tholomyès Marius Fontaine

Tholomyès - Tholomyès is a name from the novel, Les Miserables which his father had been reading at the time, it has no known definition and is only seen in the book. It is a French name, but it is unclear as to where the name came from.
Marius - Marius is a male given name, a Roman family name, and a modern surname. The name Marius was used by members of the Roman gens Maria. It is thought to be derived from either the Roman war god Mars or from the Latin root mas or maris meaning "male".
Fontaine - Derived from old French fontane "well". It was probably a nickname for a person living by a well, but I'm not sure that's what it actually means for my family. In any case, it's the name that we've had for a good number of generations.

Tholomyès' first name came from his father's fascination with the man in the book and the overlapping stories found within the book by Victor Hugo, it's only his first son whose name does not in some way come from either the man or his books, when Tholomyes' mother was pregnant with him, his father began reading through the book once more and trying to find names that would suit him, he wanted to call him Marius as the first name, but Tholomyes' mother said that he would suit Tholomyes as a name better, and that since it was a mouthful it could be shortened to Theo which would make things easier for him in the future and as a child when trying to get his mouth around it, and they argued and argued about about during the pregnancy and then the argument was settled when his first first held him and realised that the boy was definitely a Tholomyes, he would suit both names, but they both felt like he suited that one more than the other, and they made up for it by putting the name Marius in his middle name. He has always loved his name, though whenever Tholomyes would go to a non-french speaking country he would end up have to just give his nickname or say his name over and over until the person got it. Tholomyes has always loved his name, no matter how strange it is and has always enjoyed having his middle name as Marius too, while it is a long name and a bit of a mouthful, he wouldn't give it up for anything really. His surname is something that he can't change, nor would he, Tholomyes has always enjoyed being a Fontaine, while not a particularly common name he really loves it. He likes the way it sounds and his professors at his school before usually addressed him by saying Fontaine and he's always enjoyed that aspect of it. He really enjoys having it as a surname.

Théo is Tholomyes' only nickname because that's the only that he would ever allow, which Tholomyes is usually fairly causal about things but when it comes to nicknames, Theo will only accept that really. He loves his nickname almost as much as he loves his name, he likes how easily it flows he likes the way it sounds, he just really enjoys almost all of the aspects of it. There is not much about it that he doesn't really love if he'd honest. Theo he thinks is a really great sounding name, and if he wasn't called Tholomyes or Marius he would've like to be called Theo. Aside from that nickname which he's had almost as long as his actual name, he would never respond to anything else, occasionally professors have referred to him as Fontaine but that doesn't bother him, when it's a professor and it's his surname they are calling him by he doesn't mind at all.

He is currently thirteen years old, being the youngest of his family, Theo was always the most spoiled of them all. He got the biggest presents and the longest hugs, and he really enjoys birthdays both his and others. He liked seeing people smile like they do, and he likes feeling that way too. He's fairly cynical about what birthdays mean, but he loves them. At school he tries not to show that he's a fan of birthdays but when it's any of his friends birthdays his excitement and creativity just flows right out of him.

March 1st 2028, he was born in Charleroi, Belgium, in the city's main hospital. He was born in the early hours of the afternoon after a pretty seamless water birth. Theo was born about a week before he was meant to be, and his mother has always blamed the Mexican restaurant they went to the day before she went into labour.


Tholomyes's father is Patrice Fontaine, he was an EU politician who worked for the most part in Brussels. He left that job after failing to be reelected, and got a job teaching economics at the University of Melbourne. He was born in Charleroi, Belgium. But was raised for the most part in Brussels. His father was a large business owner, who had a small but substantial empire in the North part of Flanders in Belgium. Patrice is a muggle and for a very long time after receiving the letter about Hogwarts was distrustful of these magical school, and that Theo could actually be a witch. Although he would concede that he doesn't spend enough time at home, or with his eldest daughter Victoire to actually know. He's an incredibly smart man, who attended university in London, Studying at the London School of Economics where he received a master in Political Science and Economics and a doctorate in Economics. He married at the young age of 24 to Freija Leclercq, who was a lobbyist working Brussels for a Nordic oil company. After their marriage she worked under Patrice's father in the Fontaine company. Patrice is openly happier with his two sons than he is with his daughter. Patrice's mother was born in Belgrade, Serbia, but moved to Belgium to get married to his father. They had gone to University together. Patrice is the eldest son of his family, and has four younger brothers, all of whom hold positions in their father's company. Patrice is very close to all his brothers.

Theo's mother is Freija Leclercq, a strong and driven business woman, who splits her time between the northern cities in Flanders and the headquarters in Charleroi. She has taken a temporary leave from her job to help settle the family into their new home in Melbourne. But is looking to expand the company out to Australia, and head the division there. Leaving the company in the capable hands of her husband's younger brother. She was brought up by her grandmother because her own parents died when she was five. They sent her and her siblings to private school outside of Ghent. Where Freija went on to study Law, with Business at university in Brussels. Continuing to work in Brussels until she got married to Patrice Fontaine. It wasn't a by chance encounter. Freija had seen him from afar on several occasions and had developed a small crush on him, and decided to ask him out. They got married when she was 24, and she took a job in her father-in-laws firm. Since it had excellent opportunities for her, and because she got along really well with him. Freija is a harsh and demanding woman who is very busy. She likes keeping busy and working. She's not as close to her two older sisters as she'd like to be. But she tries.

As the youngest of the full blooded, Tholomyes has two older siblings, he has an older sister, Victoire Fontaine, who was born in 2024, she is a witch who currently attended Hogwarts New Zealand, she is a Gryffindor. They get along pretty well, though Theo would say that since her going to Hogwarts he doesn't know that much about her anymore.
He also has an older brother Louis-Philippe Henri Fontaine, who is the only child of the Fontaine's to not have developed magic, he attends Eton in England currently and is looking to follow the same career path as his father. Tholomyès and his brother Louis used to be so close they were almost joined at the hip but when Louis changed school, they grew distant and since Tholomyes got his letter they've barely spoke since. He was born in January of 2026.
He also has a younger sister who was adopted into the family when he was about 5/6. Venus Renea Fontaine is very close to Theo and he was very pleased when she too appeared to show the signs of magic that he had shown. Venus attends school in Belgium, which was the sister school of his and they used to hang out a lot.

Because of the fact that both her parents has a number of siblings, Tholomyès has a lot of extended family.
On the her father's side, he has four uncles, three married in aunts, and one married in uncle. The eldest of the children was Patrice, after that was Antoine, 39, was is married to Belgium woman from Chatelet. They have 2 girls, Clarisse and Sofia, 12 and 10 respectively. After that, is Vincent, 36, who is married to a German man who was born in Munich, they live in the German speaking area of Belgium with one adopted boy, who is named after Vincent husband, Klaus, who is 6 years old. After that are the non-identical twins Maarten and Stijn, 34. Maarten is the only one of the family not married, he is widowed, his wife not long after their son was born, lives in Chaleroi, the son was named Mathieu, and is 15, Stijn recently got engaged and will marry in 2035, to the mother of his three children, they currently live in Brussels. Lola, Hugo and Gabrielle, 6, 4 and 2 respectively.
Patrice's parents, Tholomyès's grandparents on this side are also currently still alive.

On his mothers side, she has three aunts, and three uncles married in. Her eldest sister, Olivia, 47, is in a civil partnership with her male partner, they live in Lille in France and have five children, Sofia, Jean, Jerome, Amadine and Flora, 19, 17, 15, 12, and 10 respectively. After Olivia is Roxanne, 45, who is married with three boys, currently living in Amsterdam, in The Netherlands, Anton, Michael and Petra, aged 12, 14, and 16 respectfully. The second youngest is Alyss, 43, who was unable to have her own children, but adopted three, one who was aged 15 when adopted and the other two when they were young children around 2 and 3, respectively. The eldest is called Anna, who is now 23. The other two, Charles who is now 6 and Axelle who is now 7.
Freija's parents died when she was five years old. They were mostly raised by their grandparents, Tholomyès's Great grandparents, of which both are dead.

Tholomyes has three pet hamsters which he kept in his dorm room at his school before Hogwarts. He loved his little hamsters but he knew he wouldn't be able to bring them with him to Australia and then Hogwarts so he has since given them to his cousin. He loves being able to play with them, and watch them in their cage and Theo knows he's going to miss them.

Theo did not expect to be magical after his older brother didn't develop the magic like his sister had he imagined that it would also skip him, but upon it developing the boy was very happy, everything about it seemed so interesting to him, he'd sneaked peaks at his sister's school books and was very happy that he would be going. He doesn't know much about the difficulties muggleborns can have and he wouldn't really care.

Since he is a muggleborn and very very new to this world of magic, aside from feeling like hatred in any sense is unjustified, though inevitable within life doesn't care much. He loves being a wizard, he can't wait to become powerful, and be able to do all of the cool things which wizards can do. He's doesn't care about what people think of him because of his blood, all that matters is that he is happy with it.

Theo didn't move to Australia when the rest of his family did, since he was already attending boarding school in Belgium his parents opted not to move him, only now since he will be attending Hogwarts has he moved, before that Theo lived in Charleroi in the french-speaking area of Belgium, more commonly known as Wallonia.

Since leaving school, he has moved into a small apartment near Brightstone in New Zealand

As much as he's been enjoying living in Australia, he missed his home city dearly. It to him was the most perfect place in the world, and being apart from it is pretty hard for him. He missed the familiar sights of it and to him that's the only place in the world where he should be living. Most specifically, there was a little area of the grounds of his old school, that was so peaceful and undisturbed by others and he just use to sit there and read, or paint, or write poetry. To him if he could live anywhere that even remotely resembled that he would be perfectly happy.

FIRST HOME: A large, three floored house in the nice, rich area of Chaleroi. It was an old house built in the late 1800s, and renovated after being partially destroy during both wars. It has an old feel to it, but the interior is largely modern. His bedroom was on the third floor, where his siblings' bedrooms also were, they share one bathroom, and have a study area as well. Her parents mostly occupy the second floor, which is mostly open plan, and has a study for both of them, a large bedroom and bathroom. As well as room for exercise equipment. The bottom floor is the least used area of the house. It has a large kitchen and dining area, and a living area, all of which are rarely used. It has a small garden outside, due to the fact the house is fairly centre to the city. Despite the family's move to Australia, they kept the house in Belgium but it was mostly left empty apart from when they visit.

Despite the fact he's never really done anything to think about it, he believes he is straight, to him he likes a girl, and therefore it can only mean one thing.

He has been on a date with Emma, but he's not entirely sure where it leaves him with her.

Tholomyes has a massive crush on Emma Snow, he thinks the world of her, and though they are still very young and he doesn't entirely understand his feelings towards her, he does have a very strong crush on her.

His first kiss he shared with Emma Snow at the Valentines day dance

Moments after the first kiss with Emma snow, was his first french kiss

Too Young

Too Young

Too Young

There is no other pearl ,
to be found in the dark folds of life

Despite the fact that he takes after his mother the most in his family, he like his brother, has the same dark hair of his father, he has dark brown, almost black looking hair, it sits in lose curls much like his sister's hair, he keeps it pretty short, not believing in having it too long, because then it becomes a bit of a mess to deal with and he doesn't like having to deal with that kind of thing. Theo doesn't brush his hair that often, which leads it to becoming quite knotted. His hair also ends up very frequently with paint and other things in it, Tholomyès doesn't always pay attention to what he's doing and this sometimes leads to him getting stuff in his hair, like paint, dirt and various other things. All in all, he likes his hair, how it looks and the shape of it, he has no probably with any of it.

Tholomyès doesn't mind when people dye their hair, he's always thought about it, and has always wanted to do it, but has never built the courage to be able to do it. He doesn't pay much attention to his hair, so he on the same strain thinks that it would pointless because he would forget about it, or not keep it up to date. Tholomyès thinks that he would suit most hair colours and has always thought about dying his hair the same shade of blonde as his sister which he thinks would suit him perfectly. He doesn't think that despite his desire to that he'll ever dye his hair, and Theo thinks that his brown hair is just perfectly acceptable.

Much like the rest of his family, Theo has very light blue eyes. He takes directly after the rest of his family, whom also have blue eyes of varying shades. His blue eyes are a stark contrast against his very pale skin. He always enjoyed his eye colour and has found it to usually be a starter of conversation, but he thinks that they stand out so much that it would be better for him to just have darker eyes or something that doesn't stand out as much as his eyes currently do.

Tholomyès has a small scar on the side of his stomach when he felt awkwardly off a bike when still in his first school, it looked a lot worse than it was really was, but has left a small scar, the sort which is mostly faded and would only be noticeable if he pointed it out. Aside from that, Theo has a dotted amount of freckles about his body, his skin is very pale, so they become more noticeable with a little bit of light or the smallest bit of a tan. He's always liked freckles, so he's never really had an issue with any of it. He looked very much like his mother, and she like him, has few noticeable freckles.

Tholomyès has never been the sporty type, he's got a skinny build, and it's fairly weak. He isn't that tall, standing perhaps at about average for his age group and weight is about average for his age as well, but he's always appeared to be quite pale and thin, the boy's never been an outdoor person, he'll cycle pretty much everywhere when back home in Belgium but aside from that he isn't so much of an active guy and he just likes being able to just sit inside and do what ever he wants, which usually involves him just reading his books.

AB (-ve)
Like the rest of the full-blooded siblings, Tholomyès is of the same blood type as them, AB (-ve) he isn't sure what it means, since biology was never a lesson he paid much attention in but he is sure that knowing this information will be useful to him in the years to come. He isn't sure how, and doubts very often that he'll use the information, but he knows that he would rather know in the event of than not know it just in case anything does actually happen to him. Just on the off chance that something might he would just prefer to know about it.

Right Handed
Again, like his full-blooded siblings, Tholomyès is right handed, he has never wanted to be able to write with his other hand, but given his natural talent in art the boy isn't actually terrible at writing with his other hand, he uses both to draw but he only uses his right to actually write, he's never seen the use of being able to write with both hands, it's not like, he argues something that actually enables him to learn better. It's usefully when his hand is sore or tired, but generally he'd opted to just work through that.

Because of Tholomyès' upbringing he sounds different depending on what language he speaks, he has a posh sound French accent, and a formal Flemish accent, his dutch is hinted at with a little bit of a french accent. His english though better in the beginning than his siblings is not void of an accent, it is noticeable that he's not from an English speaking country and if he's tired, his french accent is a lot thicker against his words. He doesn't mind how he sounds, but in no matter which language he speaks, it fairly obvious that he came from money and has lead a fairly privileged life. Which he can't exactly be helped no matter how much he tries to fix it.

Due to Tholomyès' schooling and his ease with languages, Tholomyès is fluent in French, Dutch, Flemish, English, Polish and Italian, with competence in German and a low level of understanding in Arabic. He is always very good at latin, though because it is a dead language he doesn't speak it, he can just read and write it very well. Tholomyès had never been particularly gifted in his sciences classes, so he was put into classes more suited to what he was good at, which was mostly art classes and language classes. He likes being able to speak and understand multiple languages, he finds Dutch and Flemish to be simple because when you understand one you understand the other, which he finds also true for French and Italian. He was able to speak French and Flemish before he went to school, and he had basic levels of understanding in Dutch and English by that point too, mostly just because of the diversity of his own family and the languages flying around. His schooling was in French and Dutch which helped perfect those languages, within his old school he took Polish, Italian and in the later years, German and Arabic. He is sad to leave those behind, but is looking to work on them while at Hogwarts.

Tholomyès has never been too allergic to anything, he'll admit to only really sticking to things he likes and isn't that adventurous with food unless assured of it's taste, but he's also allergic to nothing that he knows of at this point. This is pretty good in his mind, he's never had to worry about any of it. Never had to give it much thought about when he's eating, and given that Theo is a fairly slow eater, who is often forgetting about meals when he becomes too focused on something it's probably a good thing.

Theo has a very normal style or that's what he would call it, it's not particularly normal, he doesn't own many pairs of jeans, and usually matches them with polo shirts or just normal shirts. He's always had the best clothes, and is not always seen without brand clothing. His clothes don't stay particularly clean, and he doesn't refresh them that often unless his mother gives them to him. He doesn't really care about money, and uses any of his clothes for almost all purposes, including using a lot of them for when he's painting, so sometimes he finds it difficult to find clothes which are completely stain free, but he doesn't mind at all. Despite the fact he doesn't dress all that causally he dresses how he wants, and he's always comfortable. he wouldn't want his clothes any other way, Theo isn't a huge fan of clean and new clothes because they lack that lived in feeling which he gets from his own clothing.

George Blagden

Let us sacrifice one day ,
to gain perhaps a whole life ,

More than anything else, Theo loves art, he thinks that art is the best method of expression, and he feels this is primarily though painting, although he understands the art of fashion, and the art of music, but it is the art of painting which speaks to him the most. He loves painting, he loves the feeling of paint on his fingers, he loves the mixing of colours to create a new one, there are so many things about art and painting that he loves that it is the thing that he loves most in this world. He has always loved art and by proxy he also always loved going to art galleries, whether they be big or small, he always told his father to get more paintings for their home both in Belgium and in Australia, he used to spend hours in the halls of his school looking at each of the paintings. Aside from this Tholomyès really enjoys poetry, he loves expression in that as well and feels that it does go hand in hand with art work, that his paintings no matter how terrible he finds them are just an extension of a poem he would be otherwise unable to write. He does also really like reading in general, he likes strong scents and enjoys food to discover the different mixtures and flavours. He might be exceedingly cynical but he would still really enjoy something. He also likes flowers and the spring time, he enjoys watching and talking to people even if he's usually quite cynical about it, and loves finding answers to questions.

There are a lot of things that Tholomyès dislikes, he's a cynical person, so he spends a lot of his time just disliking thing. He dislikes cooking and having to do that, though he understands it as art in a different way. He doesn't like being unwell like most and he doesn't like having to do things for people who never do anything for him. He dislikes when people ask stupid questions but then don't learn what he tells them is right. He doesn't like when people say that art is terrible, or that poetry is a waste, he really hates when funding for arts programs seem to always be suggested first. He dislikes when it's too hot, or when it's too cold, he dislikes when it rains too much, he dislikes when it snows and the snow melts and then freezes again to form ice. He doesn't like when people make fun of other people's languages or accents, he doesn't like fizzy drinks and he really hates cheddar cheese to the point where he won't eat something if it's got that on it. He doesn't like overly long journeys but hates when muggles use cars for a short distance that they could walk. He dislikes when people get annoyed when he's too blunt or honest about things. He doesn't like people who are disloyal.

His ultimate goal in life is really just to make art, even if he never does that well, or rarely ever sells anything, he just wants to create and perfect his own style. He has always wondered what it would be, and is keen to pursue it. Even with the fact that he is magic he doesn't see this as a hinderance but rather as a great audience to his work, and possibly a lot more different subjects to explore. As well as this, Theo does desire a family, he's never been sure of what form his family might take, but he's the kind of person who despite all his cynical ways he would just fall head over heels for a person and devote his life to them.

There are really few things that Tholomyès really fears as such, he doesn't enjoy things, but his fears are a slightly different thing. He would likely just see a dog, a very large dog barking at him, because he'd afraid of dogs, but his biggest fear which might be more what he sees than a dog would be to be rejected by the person he loves. To love someone so much and for them to just not feel the same way about him, would really just kill him. He would hate it, he hates crushing on people for the same sort of reasons. He doesn't like loving and not being loved back, which could take the form of any member of his family telling him that they don't love him, not hate, but just don't love anymore.

Peacock, because of the male's feathers, the sort of artistic and colourful nature of them would really resemble who Theo is as a person. He loves peacocks.

For him this would be tricky he has a lot of good memories but not possibly many which would be good enough to produce a patronus, he would say though that his happiest memory would be when his little sister first arrived at his school for an inter-school event, she had been fairly new to the family at that point and he had been going over to the sister school often under the instruction of his father to spend time with her. With his other sister, now in New Zealand and at Hogwarts, the boy had been feeling pretty lonely even with his brother by his side, so being able to show her around his school and have fun with her is one of the greatest memories, she became a part of the family to him on that day more than on any other day. Theo had only been a little older at the time, and not too sure about what any of it meant, but it really sticks out in his head as one of the best days.

He'd arguable say that his worst memory was when she was brought into the family, he hadn't been too sure what to expect from an adopted sibling, he'd always been the youngest the baby of the family and he felt a little bad now that he had thought of it, but he couldn't help but feel like he was about to be left out, that he would be forgotten by his family because there was another child in their family. He hadn't even known why they'd brought her into their family, but they had and he wasn't happy about it, he just remembers feelings as sad as he could, he remembers despairing over what had become of their family, while he had never thought it after a week of her being with them, it doesn't shake how horrible it felt during that time and he would say he's never felt that bad since. Not once has he felt that bad, since it happened.

Despite his own thoughts about his art work, if forced to tell the truth about something, he would definitely say that he wishes that his art would end up being a huge success, he loved creating things, and his biggest dream is to be a famous painter, he knows this isn't exactly possible, but he would love for it to be true. Tholomyès has would always say that he doesn't mind what happens to art as long as he gets to continue making it but this very much a lie. He wants his art to be world known, he wants to be rich from it, to be showered by praise because of it, but he doesn't think this will ever come true, so he doesn't talk about it, and definitely doesn't ever take about his own work overly positively. He says he would rather be a struggling artist than unable to do art, and while true he would also like be able to make money from it and know fame and fortune because of it.

It would be him surrounded with his own art work, clearly doing well, with a family by his side. He would have his enter family, siblings, cousins, parents, everyone, even a family of his own, and they'd all be marvelling at him and his artwork. He would be famous, his name would a household name like any of the greats. He deeply desires both, his family to be around him and for his work to be known, which is why he would see both.

Tholomyès would smell a whole mixture of things, because he loves paint, he would likely smell paint, not industrial paint, but rather the stuff he uses, and the way his fingers smell days after when he's been painting and gets himself covered in paint. He would smell lavender and rose water, he would smell mint and honey. Really anything with a strong enough scent he would probably end up smelling. He loves the smell of burning leaves, and wood, he loved the damp smell of books, he loves the smell of lemons and oranges. He loves the smell of lilies and he loves the sea air smell, which is usually very strong.

His mother. She's always been a source of inspiration to him, since while his father is powerful and good at what he does, he's always looked up to his mother and all that she does, since he feels that without the work that she does their family would just be a typical political family. He likes how hard she's worked for everything and enjoys listening to her talk about her job, while he doesn't think he would ever want to do what she does it really doesn't stop him looking up at her. He finds her easy to talk to, and not at all like some of the mother's he'd seen from school. He desires to have that kind of ease when it comes to being a parent.



Mysterious and alluring individuals, most Pisces are extremely talented, but even though they are gifted in many ways, they still manage to spend most of their lives battling "confusing" conditions. Pisces is the sign symbolised by the image of two fish. Their symbol depicts one fish heading upward, the other pulling downward. This mirrors how Pisceans are frequently torn between two pathways in life, or actually do live two very different existences at the same time.
The number 2, is a very powerful number for them. This zodiac sign is acknowledged as being the Saint and the Sinner rolled into one; the trendsetter of fashion or art, the lost soul, the philosopher and the psychotic and the visionary. As a credit to them, considering their many vulnerable characteristics; Pisceans are incredibly adaptable and resilient. They are to be found leading the field in many diverse areas of life and many Pisces can be found represented amongst top business millionaires. On the other side of the coin, prisons, reform schools and all kinds of institutions statistically hold a high number of Pisceans too.
The Piscean's inner quest to explore their "ivory tower" syndrome can lead them into some most unusual and unlikely living conditions. Of all the signs of the zodiac, Pisces are the ones who end up in the most muddles over the years of their lives. They fantasize about situations, people and particularly romance - and because they spend so much time in their own form of 'fantasy land' this can catch them short in other more worldly areas. Because of this inner world of fantasy, Pisces people seldom perceive whatever is going on around them in its true light. They see life instead as they want to see it, coloring their view of the world in hues and tones far removed from its true reflection. No wonder this is the sign of both miracles and disillusionment. If you are a Pisces, be warned your emotions are a weak spot.

The best way to describe Tholomyès would be to call him cynical, the boy has always seen the worse side of things, if something goes wrong, he'll just assume the worst about it. He hasn't ever been the kind of person to look on the bright side, and he doesn't think he'll ever really be that person. He's always finding the worst qualities in himself and everything he does as well as with others. He doesn't think things ever go right and always just assumes that things will go wrong with the day. A lot of the time he spends complaining about things, and generally sounds fairly unhappy with things, he isn't the type of person to walk around with a smile on his face, he's far more likely to be frowning about something. Other than that, Tholomyès is very book orientated, and largely has his head in the clouds, he's big on poetry and painting, he's very passionate about both, he'll work hard at them both, it perhaps one of the few situations where his passion and drive become clear. He enjoys reading a lot and he likes being able to talk about what he reads. Theo is also very good at languages and finds himself usually drawn to them, just because of how much he can do with them. Theo is loyal to his friends and usually to what he reads, but if you present a good argument with evidence he might be swayed. He is a little stubborn, but it'll only be when he's forced to look on the brighter side of things.


<SIZE size="50">Coding Done by me, Emzies, if you want to use it, just shoot me a PM and I'll send it to you
Quotes from various works of Victor Hugo
Picture credit goes to Tumblr

Not seeing people permits us ,
to imagine them with every perfection

Charleroi Academie for Boys

From the age of three till the age of eleven he attended this school. At the ages of three and four, he only attended during the day, returning home at the end of each day, but by the time he was five, Theo was boarding at the school full time, only returning home during certain weekends and the holidays. He's never known any other school, and while the school had a senior section it was unlikely that he continue there, had he not been magic, he would've like gone to England to Eton like his brother. He is much happier however that he is magic, the school didn't appeal to him in the slightest and he figured if he had to attend a new boarding school somewhere it may as well be that one.

There were houses within his school, there were three houses within his school, mostly as they were not a very large school for more than three houses, they were named after three cities of Belgium, Liège (colours red and yellow), Anderlecht (colours blue and yellow) and Verviers (colours green and white). Tholomyès was a member of Verviers house and his brother was in Liège. Most of the time siblings were split up just to allow them to become into their own people rather than following in their footsteps, or being judged against them.

When Tholomyès first arrived on the morning of his first day as a boarding student, things were a little chaotic, the school was very old, and there were students running about everywhere, running into old friends before then finding out where they would be sleeping depending on if they were new or not to the school. Theo was fairly overwhelmed by it all, he wanted to be with his brother bad, but he knew that would not be possible, he thought the school was a lot bigger than it had appeared on those nursery days, though the nursery section of the school was a little further away they always spent two days a week at the main school in his last year to help with this integration. He was left by his father once they had all the finer details sorted out, and he was shown to his dorm by his brother. He cried quite a lot on the first day and was just very afraid and new to it all. So much so that he tried to go home, but Theo stuck it out and had a good time. But, his first thoughts of the school were not positive.

Like most school there was a lot of testing, Tholomyès had to keep his grades good to please his father and also because if they fell too low he knew he could get kicked out the school. Over the years however, Theo excelled in the languages and the arts with near perfect grades in the tests that he took, and he was the top of most of his language classes. Literature he did very well in, but it was in maths and the sciences that Theo had the most amount of problems, he just wasn't very good at them, or as good at them as he was in the arts and languages, thus he did a lot of after school work in those classes to maintain good grades, although he was very happy to find out he wouldn't need them much more after having left the school for Hogwarts. Overall, Theo grades were very good, he was a very arts and language heavy student, but it didn't mean he did terribly elsewhere, just that they required more assistance.

Any of the languages classes that he took, he loved and was well loved by the languages department of the school and very often spent time talking to the professors in their respective languages. He was good at them, and that made the classes very enjoyable to him. He wasn't sure why he was so good at them, but the fact that he was made them enjoyable and it meant that his natural gift allowed him to focus on other subjects while others would not be able to do such a thing. Theo loved the languages, he liked learning words, phrases, sentences, cultures, just everything there was to know about other languages he wanted to know.

Easily maths, it just wasn't a language he spoke, although the maths they were doing wasn't as hard as he knew maths could be he really struggled with it, he found the professors he had to be good people but boring, and they didn't captivate his attention at all, so Theo often found it difficult to just follow what was being said because the voices would just drone on and he would stop listening. He knew that the professors wanted him to do well in those classes, but he just wasn't good at it, and he did like the classes because of them.

Tholomyès might've hated maths and most of the sciences but he never once intentionally skipped school, it would too difficult a thing for him to do, given the nature of the school. Quite a distance from the city, no where to go, no where to hide without being found, so other than pretending to be sick there were few options for him to be able to skip class, and considering that he actually really liked the school, Tholomyès didn't have any real interest in skipping the classes, he knew that would only make things worse rather than better which was why he never did. That and he knew that his father would be really annoyed if he did and was caught.

There were a lot of clubs in his school, mostly ways to pass the time in the evening after classes and after dinner, Theo was a member of the drama society, the arts club, the maths club, the gardening club, the languages club and also of the study support club. Those all happened on week days and he enjoyed the arts club most because it was where he spent a lot of his time when not in the languages rooms, one the weekends Theo played football, though badly and he played Polo. He didn't have much time to spare really, because they were all kept pretty active, but Tholomyès always enjoyed the clubs, they were a great way to make friends and also to compete against the other houses and the clubs sometimes joined up with the sister school to do events which meant that Theo usually got to spend time with his younger sister. The school clubs were a huge part of the school and Theo was saddened when he had to say goodbye to them all.

The school is split in three ways, the youngest students at the day school, and then the junior school and the senior school, the juniors went up to age 12, and the seniors up to the ages of 18. At ages ten, eleven and twelve a student could be made a junior prefect, which was what Theo became when he was ten. The position was nothing more than a formality and he represent his house and year group at house meetings and at school meetings. He enjoyed it, he liked being singled out and it was a good thing too because his brother had been made one too. Aside from that, because he was so young he didn't achieve anything else.</SIZE>
Let us study things that are no more ,
it is necessary to understand them ,

Knotted 9 1/2 Inch Flexible Pine Wand with Meteorite Dust Core

Length: On the shorter side of things, this wand offers excellent control and aim - easily an extension of one's own arm.
Style: The knots of this wand's original wood remain clearly visible - earthy, this style of wand is perhaps most traditional and closest to nature.
Wood: Pine wands are often found in the hands of the 'loner', they do not protest creative and new uses of magic and this is perhaps why they seem to be the wands most successfully used with non-verbal magic.
Core: This wand core works well for people who adapt easily to their surroundings while still maintaining their own personalities. Meteorite dust seems to produce wands that are useful in Divination work.
Flexibility: Flexible: Not easily broken, this wand performs under strenuous circumstances with little effort - though how well it performs is ultimately up to its wielder.

Having never had a wand, or the feeling of a wand be described to him, Tholomyès had had no clue what to expect, but then when he finally got the wand he wanted, he fell head first in love with a silly little stick, he liked the length, the colour, the shape, the core of meteorite dust and he loved the wood, that didn't protest creativity and the thought of slightly being able to achieve wandless magic just seems like a gift to him. The boy remembered when he was finally held the wand, how just right it felt, how nothing had felt more right or more like it belonged in his hand ever. Tholomyès knows that if he was to lose this wand he would be greatly disheartened, but he was sure that something of the sort would happen to him, it was really bound to.

Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry, New Zealand

Having been in a castle in his last school, or a building which could be described as being castle-esque. He loved the way it was for him, and he loved his old school he was never certain that he would enjoy the new school it was very different from his last, it had the same sort of build but he could tell it was different, it had a different feel to it, he would almost say that he could feel the magic bouncing from wall to wall. It was different. He liked the way it was built, he liked the houses and the way the school felt. He knew he'd got lost at every turn, expecting it, but there was just something about the grandeur and the way it felt just so much of magic that made him decide no matter how cynical he wanted to be about the place that he actually preferred this school.


Tholomyès couldn't believe it really, her sister had purposefully told her nothing about it, kept it a secret and Theo had been so nervous about it, not sure what to expect and really wanting it to be right. He didn't know what to expect or what any of them meant so he was very nervous and was just sure that it was all going to fail and he was going to end up being shown the door, or that he'd trip up, just about anything that could go wrong would go wrong, and this was what he didn't want to happen when he had first arrived at the school. However, none of that did happen. Theo felt less nervous when the hat was placed on his head, and despite knowing very little about the houses was very pleased about where he ended up being placed.

He had to curse his annoyance of a name, that only time this name, his name was ever a hinderance on him as a person, Tholomyès Marius Fontaine had to curse his parents for deciding on such a name. It had never been a problem before but now he was to be sorted in the magical world and someone was going to have to say his name in front of everyone and they too would find it the silliest of names. Never before had Tholomyès ever had to worry about his name or people talking about it, his last school had been filled with French speaking people who could pronounce his name, it would roll of their tongues like it did on his but having said his name various times in english he knew it wouldn't be that same. Even though at his old school, before this magical one, everyone had just started calling him Theo, since it was easier and shorter to say, but this was a new school, filled with lots of people who didn't speak any french, or well, most of whom didn't speak any french. He knew his sister had found a couple of people who'd spoken french but Theo wasn't looking to just be speaking in his native and most natural tongue. The young boy had discovered he was magic, much in the same way his family had realised there had been something wrong with his sister, but everyone had assumed it was just a her thing, that it was a little blip of the family's "normal" radar, admittedly it had been difficult to reconcile it, reconcile with what she was, who she was, but that didn't matter any more, since no matter how much they had denied the fact, Tholomyès was also a magical person, it had skipped Julien and gone straight to him. He had been close to his brother, but they weren't any more. He was sure that while Julien disliked the magic his sister had, he disliked the fact more now that he didn't have any. It was a little cruel, Tholomyès couldn't help but wonder if he could ask for his brother to be magical, but from how much his sister had harped on about it, that wasn't how magic worked. What did it matter really? His brother wouldn't be at any disadvantage not having the magic, since he would be formally educated, it was of course a cruel twist of fate, an evil knife from life in his brother's heart to be the only one of the three without magic. But now was hardly the time to weep over the lost relationship with his brother, he with the other young students were to be sorted, and he realised that time was ever rushing towards him as he walked into the Great Hall with them.

The young boy's eyes darted throughout the room, his wonder ceasing to go away. He felt happy, he felt at ease. He felt like this magic world would easily accept him, despite his lack of magical heritage. He wasn't sure how much he would actually enjoy magic, but he was sure that he would enjoy it quite a lot. After all the stories that his sister had told him there were many things he would enjoy. Standing at the front of the room, the boy made his way as close to the front as possible, though average height for his age, the boy didn't want to miss a second of this, though he would likely hear the sorting hat sing every single year until he left the school, it would never be as good as the first time he heard it. Theo didn't take his eyes off the hat as it became animated and then launched into it's song, he couldn't believe that was magic and not just some trick, a project image, animation. It was so real, it just couldn't be those things, he had been told about sorting, what it entailed, but he had hardly believed that it really was a magic hat that sang. His sister however had not actually been lying. Theo wondered if he would be a Gryffindor like her, from what she had told him about the house, it was amazing, he wanted to be as brave as them, as willing to jump into the situation, but he wasn't, he would rather just read and try his best to figure out a solution that didn't involve him having to actually fight, or get in the middle of it. Tholomyès would rather let others deal with it, so he figured that this lack of bravery on his part meant he wouldn't end up with her. It was something he didn't know if he was happy about or sad about. He didn't know if it would be better if he was with his sister, or apart from her. He knew that she would likely look after him more if they were in the same house, he knew that his, no their, father had always put the importance of looking after the boys on his sister, and this was her world he was entering, Tholomyès hardly wanted to bring her down. He was praying that didn't end up in gryffindor, sending prays to whatever god or gods would listen to him. Knowing it likely fruitless but if it worked for others what stopped it working for him, although were the gods different in this world? He would have to try to find out. Theo realised then that the hat had stopped singing and in his daze he hadn't realised the names had begun, the boy blinked a few times, rubbing his hands with the palms of his hands. He was ready for this, his surname being Fontaine, he realised quickly that he wouldn't have that long to go, his name would be one of firsts he assumed depending on how many surnames letters prior to F. Which meant that Tholomyès didn't have much time before they had gotten to the E's and then, the F's. This was it.

Fontaine, Tholomyès

Without any hesitation the boy stepped forward pushing through what few people he had in front of him, fidgeting with his hands as he made his way to the stool and then sat down upon it. He could feel every eye in the room upon him, he glanced out at them, looking for the face of his sister, someone who would be familiar to him, but it was lost in a sea of people. Theo didn't have much other time to consider anything else before the hat was placed on his head and this process was to begin, he had to hope this hat took preference into consideration if it was considering putting him Gryffindor because as much as Tholomyès wouldn't honestly mind being in it, he would prefer something else.

"Don't worry. Gryffindor isn't right for you. Not at all. Better be...Ravenclaw!"


FIRST YEAR - FOURTH YEAR: Tholomyes first few years at school have been pretty good. He's managed fair enough grades with quite a bit of fluctuation, but he tries hard at what he can. Sometimes if he puts in the effort and really tries to focus on classes he can do better, but Theo prefers his art far more. He joined the quidditch team on a whim, but actually has really fallen in love with it, he went from playing a seeker to playing beater and he is far more suited to being a beater than to anything else. He joined the Wild Patch, and has gotten into some trouble because of it, and he's part of the brotherhood. He miss the fact he can't do languages at this school, or even any arts, but Tholomyes does love magic. He's made a few friends, and he's fairly glad that by the beginning of his fourth year he was without his sister in the school so he could grow.


Tholomyes was happy to graduate, after all the work he'd put into it it was a time for him to celebrate what he'd accomplished in the magical world. he was nervous about his speech and would've rathered not had to do one, but he kept it short and was glad when it was all over. he would miss the school and the people but he's happy he graduated

Tholomyes Fontaine would hardly believe that his schooling was at an end. This was his graduation. He would be leaving and entering the real world. It was surreal. It was going to be just fine. He knew him and Emma would have a whole host of new issues to deal with. But he was certain that they would figure it out. Theo was dressed in his best suit, his hair as calm as he could get it, and just an overall feeling of calm. He was proud of himself, of his class. He hadn't thought he would be head boy. The teen had assumed the position would go to the gryffindor quidditch captain, but he felt honoured nonetheless to have held a position. The ceremony itself began shortly, and he noticed Victoire in the crowd before turning his attention to the front. He had prepared a few words, not much but enough to be able to say a few things. He hadn't known what Charlotte would say and wanted to keep his as brief as he possibly could. Though he had been in several positions in the school, the thought of saying more in front of so many people was not something he wanted to do.

Finally, he and Charlotte were called upon to speak. Theo made his way up and stood at the podium, looking out and over the site before him. All the faces looking up at him. He felt like he was a first year again, about to be sorted into his house to start the crazy ride all over again. "Graduates, guests, professors, I won't keep you long," he had lost much of the pompousness his accent had once held, there was even a little kiwi twang, "It seems like yesterday we all came up to this stage for the first time to be sorted, and yet seven years have passed. We've all grown into smart, creative, driven, motivated witches and wizards. The school gave us all the opportunities we could ever need to excel. Now, it's over, we're on our own," Tholomyes took a small breath, "But with the words of wisdom our professors have given us over the last seven years, I know we will all leave Hogwarts and go on to make the world a better place. Here's to us, the class of 2046. Thank you" Tholomyes stepped back, and allowed Charlotte to speak, before returning to his seat, another little step closer to graduating.

Tholomyes listened to Charlotte's speech, he was rather glad that after all this time, in the days before graduating they'd actually spoken to each other, he knew that after this day when they left the school, their paths would never cross again, but he felt better about leaving knowing he'd done what he'd needed to. He'd at least learned a little about her. He took his seat once they were done, looking back up at the stage, as the final part of his school was to happen. He clapped for others, smiling as others that he knew crossed the stage. He smiled softly for the others, and then his name was called and he crossed the stage one final time. He had worked hard for this, he had spent years learning all the different things about magic he needed to, he had followed his sister, but very much carved his own path. He had at times in the first year thought about going back to muggle school, but he was happy he hadn't. It was perfect. Hogwarts had had it's ups and downs, but he was happy he'd stuck around. The head by shook the headmistresses hand, thanked her and continued across. He was a fully qualified wizard now. He had gotten through it all. Theo's smile grew, he'd done it. The teen took his seat as others got their awards, clapping especially loudly for Emma, but all too soon it was done, more quickly than sorting had ever felt, he was done.

Tholomyes has been on the ravenclaw quidditch team since his second year of school. And in his fifth year he was named a ravenclaw prefect. he is pleased with both of these positions. In his sixth year he was made captain of the Ravenclaw quidditch team with Isabelle Marie as his co-captain. In his final year of school, Tholomyes became head boy. he was very surprised by this position, though he had been involved in the school he hadn't thought he would get head boy. It was however good, he loved the position.

Potions: PHistory of Magic: PDefence Against the Dark Arts: PCharms: P
Transfiguration: AAstronomy: PHerbology: AFlying: P
[th colspan="4"]First Year Grades[/th]
Potions: OHistory of Magic: ODefence Against the Dark Arts: OCharms: O
Transfiguration: OAstronomy: OHerbology: P 
[th colspan="4"]Second Year Grades[/th]
Potions: AHistory of Magic: ADefence Against the Dark Arts: PCharms: E
Transfiguration: PAstronomy: AHerbology: A 
[th colspan="4"]Third Year Grades[/th]
Potions: OHistory of Magic: EDefence Against the Dark Arts: OCharms: E
Transfiguration: OAstronomy: EHerbology: A 
[th colspan="4"]Fourth Year Grades[/th]
Potions: OHistory of Magic: ODefence Against the Dark Arts: OCharms: O
Transfiguration: OAstronomy: AHerbology: OApparition: Pass
[th colspan="4"]Sixth Year Grades[/th]


Potions: OHistory of Magic: ODefence Against the Dark Arts: OCharms: O
Transfiguration: EAstronomy: OHerbology: O 
[th colspan="4"]OWL Grades[/th]
Potions: OHistory of Magic: ODefence Against the Dark Arts: OCharms: O
Transfiguration: OAstronomy: OHerbology: O 
[th colspan="4"]NEWT Grades[/th]

Charms is definitely Tholomyes' best and favourite class, purely because it doesn't mean has too much with theory and he can spend his time casting spells which is really the only way that he pays attention in the class, he gets distracted easily but things around him, and he'll spend time doodling if it's just a lecture. He likes being able to learn such practical magic, and it's magic he can do.

Transfiguration, though it's not too different from the charms classes, he struggles far more with it. and he feels a little annoyed by the process, since they are so similar. He doesn't really try too hard in the class because of it. He doesn't much like the professor who takes it, and always thinks it's just a better class to doodle in. Things like history of magic with so much lecture he has real trouble staying awake

Those who do not weep ,
do not see

Tholomyes was the second and last son to be born to his parents in Charleroi, Belgium. He was a very quiet child, and when he turned four he was put into boarding school, and that was his life. He didn't mind it at all, he loved the school, he liked learning, he loved painting, he liked the people he was living with and though he missed his mother he very quickly grew out of it. He became very interested in languages very early on in his education and he combined that with art, which he truly excelled at. The boy found it difficult the older he got to like anything he did, so he always pushed himself to try to do better. Despite the fact that when he was quite young his family moved to Australia, he and his brother at boarding school did not move. It was around that time that they found out that his older sister, Victoire was a witch. Initially Theo was very jealous but he quickly got over it, since he had far more at his own school. It wasn't long after that Theo began showing signs of magic, things he and no one else could explain started happening around him, but the same wasn't said for his older brother. When Tholomyes grew older and spent the holidays with his sister, hearing about magic school he did grow more interest in becoming like her, and was really hopeful that he would be a wizard. Which as luck would have it he was.

Tholomyes like his sister received letters from both Beauxbatons and from Hogwarts New Zealand, but for him the obvious choice was Hogwarts New Zealand, he didn't want to go to a french school, he wanted to improve his english by going to an english speaking school. So he went to Hogwarts and was sorted in Ravenclaw which he was incredibly pleased about. Theo feels bad about his older brother who is the only son to not be magical, but he is happy to have his magic.

Name: Patrice Fontaine
Relation: Father
Age: 41
Died: N/A
Cause of Death: N/A
Blood Status: Muggle
Marital Status: Married

Name: Freija L. Fontaine
Relation: Mother
Age: 41
Died: N/A
Cause of Death: N/A
Blood Status: Muggle
Marital Status: Married

Name: Victoire Fontaine
Relation: Sister
Age: 2/5/2024
Died: N/A
Cause of Death: N/A
Blood Status: Wizard
Marital Status: Too Young

Name: Louis Fontaine
Relation: Brother
Age: 28/1/2026
Died: N/A
Cause of Death: N/A
Blood Status: Muggle
Marital Status: Too Young

Name: Vénus Fontaine
Relation: Adopted Sister
Age: 28/12/2029
Died: N/A
Cause of Death: N/A
Blood Status: Witch
Marital Status: Too Young
[th colspan="4"]Fontaine/Leclercq Family Tree[/th] [td]

Name:<SIZE size="50"> Sofie C. Fontaine
Relation: Grandmother
Died: N/A
Cause of Death: N/A
Blood Status: Muggle
Marital Status: Married

Name: Patrice Fontaine
Relation: Grandfather
Age: 73
Died: N/A
Cause of Death: N/A
Blood Status: Muggle
Marital Status: Married

Name:<SIZE size="50"> Freya J. Leclercq
Relation: Grandmother
Age: 43
Died: 23rd May
Cause of Death: Car Crash
Blood Status: Muggle
Marital Status: Married

Name: Julien Leclercq
Relation: Grandfather
Age: 43
Died: 23rd May
Cause of Death: Car Crash
Blood Status: Muggle
Marital Status: Married

Name: Antoine Fontaine
Relation: Uncle
Age: 39
Died: N/A
Cause of Death: N/A
Blood Status: Muggle
Marital Status: Married

Name: Helene F. Fontaine
Relation: Aunt by marriage
Age: 38
Died: N/A
Cause of Death: N/A
Blood Status: Muggle
Marital Status: Married

Name: Clarisse Fontaine
Relation: Cousin
Age: 12
Died: N/A
Cause of Death: N/A
Blood Status: Muggle
Marital Status: Too Young

Name: Chloe Fontaine
Relation: Cousin
Age: 10
Died: N/A
Cause of Death: N/A
Blood Status: Muggle
Marital Status: Too Young

Name: Vincent Fontaine
Relation: Uncle
Age: 36
Died: N/A
Cause of Death: N/A
Blood Status: Muggle
Marital Status: Married

Name: Hans D. Fontaine
Relation: Uncle by marriage
Age: 36
Died: N/A
Cause of Death: N/A
Blood Status: Muggle
Marital Status: Married

Name: Klaus Fontaine
Relation: Cousin (by adoption)
Age: 6
Died: N/A
Cause of Death: N/A
Blood Status: Muggle
Marital Status: Too Young

Name: Maarten Fontaine
Relation: Uncle
Age: 34
Died: N/A
Cause of Death: N/A
Blood Status: Muggle
Marital Status: Widow

Name: Clemence R. Fontaine
Relation: Aunt by marriage
Age: 22
Died: 6th April
Cause of Death: Alcohol Poisoning
Blood Status: Muggle
Marital Status: Married

Name: Mathieu Fontaine
Relation: Cousin
Age: 15
Died: N/A
Cause of Death: N/A
Blood Status: Muggle
Marital Status: Taken

Name: Stijn Fontaine
Relation: Uncle
Age: 34
Died: N/A
Cause of Death: N/A
Blood Status: Muggle
Marital Status: Married

Name: Cosette V. Fontaine
Relation: Aunt by marriage
Age: 36
Died: N/A
Cause of Death: N/A
Blood Status: Muggle
Marital Status: Married

Name: Lola Fontaine
Relation: Cousin
Age: 6
Died: N/A
Cause of Death: N/A
Blood Status: Muggle
Marital Status: Too Young

Name: Hugo Fontaine
Relation: Cousin
Age: 4
Died: N/A
Cause of Death: N/A
Blood Status: Muggle
Marital Status: Too Young

Name: Gabrielle Fontaine
Relation: Cousin
Age: 2
Died: N/A
Cause of Death: N/A
Blood Status: Muggle
Marital Status: Too Young

Name: Olivia L. Meny
Relation: Aunt
Age: 47
Died: N/A
Cause of Death: N/A
Blood Status: Muggle
Marital Status: Married

Name: Julius Meny
Relation: Uncle by marriage
Age: 48
Died: N/A
Cause of Death: N/A
Blood Status: Muggle
Marital Status: Married

Name: Jennifer Meny
Relation: Cousin
Age: 19
Died: N/A
Cause of Death: N/A
Blood Status: Muggle
Marital Status: Taken

Name: Jean Meny
Relation: Cousin
Age: 17
Died: N/A
Cause of Death: N/A
Blood Status: Muggle
Marital Status: Single

Name: Jerome Meny
Relation: Cousin
Age: 15
Died: N/A
Cause of Death: N/A
Blood Status: Muggle
Marital Status: Single

Name: Amadine Meny
Relation: Cousin
Age: 12
Died: N/A
Cause of Death:
Blood Status: Muggle
Marital Status: Too Young

Name: Flora Meny
Relation: Cousin
Age: 10
Died: N/A
Cause of Death: N/A
Blood Status: Muggle
Marital Status: Too Young

Name: Roxanne L. Hooghe
Relation: Aunt
Age: 45
Died: N/A
Cause of Death: N/A
Blood Status: Muggle
Marital Status: Married

Name: Richard Hooghe
Relation: Uncle by marriage
Age: 46
Died: N/A
Cause of Death: N/A
Blood Status: Muggle
Marital Status: Married

Name: Petra Hooghe
Relation: Cousin
Age: 16
Died: N/A
Cause of Death: N/A
Blood Status: Muggle
Marital Status: Taken

Name: Michael Hooghe
Relation: Cousin
Age: 14
Died: N/A
Cause of Death: N/A
Blood Status: Muggle
Marital Status: Single

Name: Anton Hooghe
Relation: Cousin
Age: 12
Died: N/A
Cause of Death: N/A
Blood Status: Muggle
Marital Status: Too Young

Name: Alyss Leclercq
Relation: Aunt
Age: 43
Died: N/A
Cause of Death: N/A
Blood Status: Muggle
Marital Status: Divorced

Name: Anna Leclercq
Relation: Cousin by Adoption
Age: 23
Died: N/A
Cause of Death: N/A
Blood Status: Muggle
Marital Status: Taken

Name: Axelle Leclercq
Relation: Cousin by adoption
Age: 7
Died: N/A
Cause of Death:N/A
Blood Status: Muggle
Marital Status:Too Young

Name: Charles Leclercq
Relation: Cousin by adoption
Age: 6
Died: N/A
Cause of Death: N/A
Blood Status: Muggle
Marital Status: Too Young

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