This Witch is the next supreme

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Alexis Grey

OOC First Name
Alexis or Joyce

Alexis grew up in Manhattan, New York and is now enrolled to an all girls school for Witchcraft in New Orleans, Louisiana. Despite closer to Salem, Massachusetts; her parents decided for her to go far away from New York as possible and the only school that can provide that is in Louisiana. Alexis' parents being a best selling crime novelist and an NYPD detective, they will not make their daughter ruin their reputation in New York.

She is said to be shy, truthful and smart. She likes talking to people a lot, reading books and controlling her power. Being called the 'Black Widow' Alexis never had a romantic relationship with anyone after the incident with her first and last boyfriend. (Not going into details there).

What's with the title?
The Witches Council is looking into her to becoming the next supreme because of her having three abilities which is unusual to the witches of America (she has to learn the four more abilities). Alexis decided to travel the world and meet other witches, wizards and warlocks. For its vast nature, good people and great scenery; New Zealand is her first target to stay at for a couple of months under the watch full eyes of the New Zealand council.

So, I have brief you all on her history. I won't ruin the site's plot I'm still going to follow the rules; her ability which is 'Black Widow' (You know what I mean if you know what show) won't be used in any of the plots that will I be into unless given permission by contacting an Admin (which I doubt will happen). All her abilities will not be used in any plots but mentioning it, I think, is okay?

I'm looking for just friends for now, or mentor that has the ability of not using wands and has unique ability like real witches/warlocks does. Sorry, she's not going to be enrolled at Hogwarts because the Witches Council has no jurisdiction at Hogwarts but students from Hogwarts can plot with her on Holiday breaks. I think I got everything I want to say.

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