This will be a long year indeed.

Andy Hydran

Well-Known Member
Bloodwood Wand 15 1/4 Essence of Phoenix Ash
Andy was having a horrible week to say the least. Earlier in the week, Andy had met the most dreadful girl in his life, she had tried to get him to do crazy things, like... dancing. It was truly horrifying for the poor Ravenclaw, not to mention the fact that she had hugged him and caused him to faint! It was horrible, especially when he awoke and she was still near him, this week was dreadful and all Andy wanted to do was curl up into a little ball and roll away from this crazy school, it was terrifying him. Everyday there would be something else that made Andy scared, whether it be those horribly cruel paintings, his mean twin cousins threatening to throw him into the lake, or a terrifying person hugging him because he said something 'cute'. Andy sighed as his hugged his knees to his chest, he was never going to finish his magical education, he was surely going to die first, or have the magic scared out of him. Either way, Andy was having a very bad week, and it probably showed, he was paler than usual and had skipped breakfast from a lack of appitite, his hair was everywhere, as if he got electrocuted and now he was sitting in front of one of his main fears. Water.

Andy wasn't sure why he was sitting in front of water, even though he was scared of water, it was the only place he could go, everywhere else had too many people there. The Library was full, the hallways were full and the Ravenclaw common room was full, Andy didn't know why people decided today to stay in all the places he went to think, he put it down to the fact that life was out to get him, one way or another. Andy was convinced the life hated his guts and wanted him to go home, back to his horrible home, back to being unimaginably lonely. Andy shook his head, he was not going to think about such things, Hazel had given him a joke book and he was going to read it, definately. Right now infact! Andy opened the joke book, but soon frowned. He did not find the jokes funny at all, he had never read a joke book before and he had very high standards, but now? He wished he had never even thought about the joke book as he put it down beside him and hugged his knees again. "This is going to be a very long year..." He muttered himself sadly, watching the water like a hawk, just to make sure it didn't randomly attack.
Kate walked out of her dorm and into the common room.People were still whispering and pointing but she had grown used to it and she was ignoring it.Some people had called her branch but it was nothing serious and to be honest she just acted as if they had said nothing.She was still trying to figure out who had wrote the magazine and how they had come by information that she had only told one person.There were two people that she had met that she hadn't told what exactly she had but it had only been there that she was refused t go to the hospital and started to bleed.She was trying to deny the fact that one of the two of those people she had thought was her friend had gone behind her back and written what they had in the magazine.Some things didn't add up and she wondered had someone else been up in the tower that day.She rubbed her eyes as she made her way to the Great Hall.She was now on sleeping pills and she was starting to look better now that she was getting some sleep.All in all she was feeling much better these days and she certainly was not faking it.

After pancakes for breakfast she made her way outside.She had been spending a lot of time outside these days.It helped clear her head.The head aches were just as bad,but she was used to them by now so they didn't bother her as much though it was hard to concentrate in class sometimes.There were a few people outside and Kate walked along the lake.For a while she stopped and found one or two pebbles and attempted to skim them.She wasn't that successful and after one or two tries she gave up and continued to walk around the lake.When she had gotten to a certain point she saw someone sitting by the water.His hair was all over the place and for once there was someone who looked paler then her.She walked over to him and heard him say something.She sat down beside him and looked out at the water. "I agree with you"
Andy was lost in watching the water, he was practically bearing holes into its surface from his constant and serious staring, he was so preoccupyed that when he heard a voice, it made him jump. When Andy was wollowing, he preferred to wollow, alone, not with a strange girl that just decides to sit with him, he wasn't that sort of person, he was the kid that sat in the corner while other kids ate ice-cream cake and played on jungle-gyms, he got lonely, but still preferred to be alone. But now that the girl hhad ssaid something, he couldn't ignore her, right? No, he couldn't, she could bash him or throw him into the lake, she looked older, maybe she could even hex him or something, Andy shuddered at the thought and decided that it was in his best interest to at least acknowledge the girl, then may we she would grow bored and leave. But what would he say? What could he say to such a statement, Andy wasn't very good at holding conversations, but he decided to at least give it a whirl. "It is nice to finally be agreed with..." he said quietly.

Andy sat patiently for what the girl was going to do next, was she going to reply or walk away? He had to admit, her walking away would not be so bad, but she didn't look overly threatening, but that didn't mean she was friendly. Andy noticed a grashopper, he hated them, he hated how they jumped and made noise and just sat there staring, then they would jump at him and make him jump too, but for a very different reason. Before he had a heart attack, he decided to move, he stood up and carefully moved to the ottherside of the girl, hoping that the grasshopper would not come closer, or he might be forced to climb a tree or run away.
While Kate was enjoying the peace and quiet she couldn't help notice that the boy beside her seemed very fidgety and there was something else about him but she couldn't place it.When he jumped,Kate nearly jumped with him in surprise to his surprise.He was obviously one edge as well or something like that.He didn't seem to be the most sociable person.He was sitting alone by the lake but even as she said it,she realized that was exactly what she was doing too.It's not that she didn't have a lot of friends it was just she like being on her own at times and anyways she could only trust five people because she knew them so well and she had gone through tough times.She wasn't that open to trusting people ever since the magazine,she was afraid that anyone could be the writer of the gossip magazine.When she thought about it,her disease did sound quite unbelieveable but she had it none the less and she hated it to bits and she didn't like being accused of a Drama Queen and a liar.She now knew what celebrities felt like when their secrets were revealed to the whole world.She was luckier because it was only the school even though it was quite big.Once she came back after the holidays everyone will have forgotten about her and she would be better by then.

Kate smiled "Not much people would think that"She said,looking out at the lake again.Most people enjoyed school and didn't want it to finish.It felt like the year was flying by.Kate had felt the same way until everything went down the toilet,now she just wanted to go home and bury herself in a book or take a nice long swim in the pool.She hoped things would be better next year,even with the stress of the exams she hoped she would enjoy the year.Whens he looked over at the boy she noticed that he was looking at something and he didn't look to happy.He then surprised her by moving to the other side of him.She looked back over and saw a grasshopper.Obviously not a fan then. "I'm Kate by the way"She said smiling
Andy didn't really read gossip magazines and he didn't talk to many people, except his cousins, but all conversations were usually about him, is he sleeping? Did he faint today? How was breakfast? Do you brush your hair? Is it okay if I wear yellow? It sometimes made Andy feel like an invalid, like he couldn't do anything he was sure people even doubted his breathing abilities. But they didn't realize that Andy could function well on his own, so what if he had several hundred fears, and could bebe considered a little paranoid and isolated, it did not mean that he needed babysitter, probably. It was odd though, this girl was so different to the girl he had met earlier, she wasn't dressed like something that would kill him and she seemed a lot quieter than Lola as well, which was a nice changed of pace for Andy, it was about ttime he met someone that didn't have him shaking like a leaf, just the odd shudder here and there, but that was mmainly the fact that there was someone near him and the lake, the lake was far more terrifying than tthe girl. With a small nod, Andy replied. "I do, not many people tend to agree with me."

Andy was now watching the grasshopper and lake, he had nearly forgotten his original fear of the girl because grasshoppers and lakes were far scarier. " Andy." He replied, not thinking twice about what he was saying, he was a little too preoccupied with watching both the lake and grasshopper, hopefully the girl didn't like grashopper either, or Andy would be running away if she happened to pick it up.
For some reason,Kate was starting to hear her heart-rate much clearer then a few seconds ago.It was suddenly very loud and all she could hear the her heart thumbing.It was going really fast and Kate feared the she was going to have panic attack.She didn't like when she could hear how fast her heart was going.It didn't sound that healthy at all.She closed her eyes and tried to ignore the sound but it was too loud.Her heart almost sounded as if it were skipping a beat every so often.Then suddenly it had all stopped and she could hear the people behind them laughing,she could hear people talking.She opened her eyes and felt momentarily dazed.That had been a new experience for her and one she didn't want to repeat.She put her hand over her heart and felt it beating that little bit faster then everyone else's but nothing like a few minutes ago.She shook her head.She just about heard what the boy said next.

What he said made Kate feel sorry for him.She got the impression that he didn't like hanging around people that much.There was an air of nervousness around him.Kate smiled"Nice to meet you Andy"She said,watching him glance from both the grasshopper and the lake.He obviously wasn't a fan of either grasshoppers or water.She didn't like grasshoppers either,she didn't like much insects. "Nasty looking thing isn't it"She said moving away slightly
Fear. One of the most primative and natural emotions one could feel, but it was also one of the most laughed at and right nnow, the way Kate was behaving, Andy assumed she was scared of something. She looked like she was going to have a heart attack, she looked worried, just like Andy when he was frightened. He had never been on this side of the fence, it was usually him having the shudders and the quickened heart, the sweaty brow and the worry in the eyes, but Kate had beaten him to it, it was refreshing, but he did nnot know how to react. The only thing he thought of was to pat her on the back, when he acted like this, he was given a hug, but he was not going to give Kate a hug, it was amazing that he was even touching her, even when he patted her back his arm was very stiff, as if worried that she would turn and bit him.

Andy cheered up slightly when the girl settled down, What made him feel better was the fact that she didid not like grasshoppers too, they seemed to have a little in common, it was nice. Bug were truly horrible things, they came in numbers, they made scary noises and they bite, three things tthat repealed Andy. "No they're not, I dislike bugs of any sort.'' He explained, looking over his shoulder, this was the first time he had not been looking at the lake, the grasshopper or Kate, for now he was looking in annoyance at people laughing, he had no idea what was so funny, no jokes were told and the lake, grasshopper or them were not at all funny, well, that was Andy's opinion. ''Why are they laughing?" He asked, turning back to Kate, perhaps she would understand. ''Is something funny?"
Kate just breathed in and out for a few seconds.That had been scary.It's not nice to hear your heat skip a few beats and the sound of your blood flowing to fill you ears.That was something that she didn't want repeated but knowing her luck it would start to become a regular occurance.Not like she didn't have enough problems as it was but sure when had life liked to give her a break.She guessed it was another symptom of Phaeochromocytoma.It was another one that she was going to add to the long list of others.She couldn't wait to get that stupid tumor out of her.It wasn't cancerous and she guessed she should be grateful that it isn't.But it was still a pain in the ass and she always felt sick.Feeling sick all the times obviously dampens ones mood so it was hard to actually enjoy her last few weeks of school.She would be facing a tough year next year.She had been told she would have to be in intensive care for a few weeks after the operation.That didn't sound too good,Kate didn't like hospitals.They weren't very happy places and the smell would be with you for weeks after.

Kate was surprised but grateful when he patted her on the back.She didn't know he had noticed her.She appreciated the gesture "Thanks"She said quietly smiling. Kate looked at the grasshopper "Me too"She said moving further away.They were just so creepy,slimy and small.They looked disgusting.She wasn't afraid of them she just didn't like them.She followed his gaze and saw the people laughing.Kate knew why they were laughing and she didn't appreciate being laughed at. "Stupid eejits"She said under her breath."I think they find our reaction to the grasshopper amusing"She sai
Andy nodded and quickly retracted his hand, placing it carefully by his side. He didn't like contact and wasn't completely comfortable with touching Kate, even if it was just a comforting pat on the back, it was foreign to Andy for him to act so caringly, usually he was too busy fainting, or being scared to eeven consider showing such compassion. It wasn't like he was heart less or anything, he was just too scared to be able to show such feelings, even now it was amazing, he had a lake near him and that horrible bug was looking at him, it was freaky and he didn,'t like i, but he just sat still and watched it silently, watching the bug took priority over watching the lake, the grasshopper was more likely to attack him than ththe llake, after all, lakes didn't run at people, and they didn't bite, they just sat around menecingly, to Andy's knowledge, he was bbeing quite calm, though to anyone else, he was shaking like a leaf in a hurricane. But he sat quietly still and wwatched the 'hopper.

That was until it hopped forward, closer to him and Kate, this was a very sudden jump, making Andy squeak and leap backwards, his face losing all colour and his blue eyes nearly falling out of his head. He was so shocked by the sudden movement of the grasshopper that he nearly missed what Kate had said. It made sense, it was rare for Andy to not hear laughter, apparently he was 'comical', it was not like he chose to be the way he was, kind of, he didn't like being scared, but he couldn't stop it either. ''Some people laugh at... strange things.'' He replied, slowly turning back to Kate.
Kate wasn't afraid of much.She was a small bit afraid of heights.She was okay when she was on a broom but when she was on the stands for example,when she would look over she would get a wave of dizziness and her stomach would lurch.She wasn't a fan of theme park rides that went really high and then dropped quickly.She liked all roller coasters and all the other sorts of rides except at times when she goes on too many she can feel sick,though she has never once gotten sick.Another thing she really doesn't like is bugs,insects anything small and creepy crawly.They just gave her the creeps.Plus some were dangerous and she didn't know how people could cope in places where all those sort of poisionous animals lived.Good thing about Ireland,no threatening animals.She never had to worry about snakes or any type of cold-blooded animal.Things changed a small bit in England because there are snakes there and moles but she doesn't spend too much time in the garden and the gardeners try to get rid of them all,so she doesn't have to worry too much.

Kate was okay with the bug,as long as it didn't move and of course just as she said that the stupid things hopped and she jumped and small shout escaped her mouth.Her face went red with embarrassment but her hair covered her face.She heard the louder laughing but she ignored it.The bug was now much closer "Shoo"She said ,swiping her hand in the direction of the grasshopper,luckily it didn;t like being "shooed"she it hopped away and was out of site.She turned back to Andy he had obviously jumped too but he looked much worse.his face was really pale and he didn't look to good "Are you okay?"She asked concerned
Andy's heartbeat was still quite fast, though it always was, there was never a time when it was just a normal heartbeat, it was always a little fast, mostly because there was always something that he feared. When you had a list as long as your bed that was full of fears, it was hard to get away from them, to do something that left you completely comfortable, even when Andy is asleep, he is scared. He doesn't like the dark, that includes the darkness you get when you close your eyes, he does not like crowds, so he leaves them and sits bby himself somewhere, only to realize that he is scared of being alone. Even colours set off his fears, age, people, animals, weather, noises and even food could put Andy on edge, the only thing Andy did not fear in any way, was himself, and even he found himself a little scary sometimes.

Andy was grateful when Kate shooed tthe bug away, he would not have been able to contract a sentence in its direction, it was too terrifying to put it simply, he would be lost for words if he had to speak to it. Thankfully he did not have to even look at the creature, for Kate had done it all for him.c "Thank you, I'm fine.'' He answered quietly, wrapping himself up into a small ball once again, just to feel safer. [Color]
Kate was feeling better but as always her heart rate was that much quicker the a normal one.This had only started once she had gotten sick,that was what caused the panic attacks and lack of sleep.It was annoying and sometimes scary.It annoyed her because she couldn't sleep because her body was always buzzing with false energy.Truthfully she was always exhausted,tired and fed up.It wasn't a very peaceful life and she couldn't wait until everything would be over.Once August came she would be one of the happiest person in the world.Andy seemed to be quite nervous and fidgety,she couldn't place what was wrong with him.He seemed to be afraid of something,what that something was she didn't know

"Okay"She said uncertainly,she didn't quite believe him but it was none of her business to ask him,if he wanted her to know he would tell her.
She turned so she was facing opposite Andy."So what do you like to do?"She asked,she knew nothing about the person in front of her.She watched as he curled himself into a ball,there was definitely something up here
Andy bit his lip, the dreaded question that Kate asked... it was always difficult for Andy to ask. What did he like? Birds were okay, but only if it was his bird, writing was nice, except the possibility of paper cuts, would could become infected, which meant death. He did quite like sitting, that was nice, standing was a favourite too, but he couldn't say any of those could he? It was socially inapropriate to say that ones favourite past time was to either sit or stand quietly, doing absolutely nothing but breathe, and even then he sometimes found things that would make his heart skip a beat, like the fireplace in the Ravenclaw common room, that was always frightening to him, the way that the fire sometimes spat... it was dreadful to say the least.

But then an idea poped into his head, he did like trying to contact his spirit animal, though once he actually meets his spirit animal, he freezes up and breaks contact, but otherwise, the sitting peacefully and getting in touch with ones inner self was always interesting and always insightful. Though not everyone could understand the significance of a spirit animal, it was Andy's culture and belief, he believed heavily in it and tried his best to try to keep in regular contact, though lately he had been far too distracted to cleanse his mind to try and think of contact, especially without spirit bones, or his aunt to help him, and the fact that this school seemed to find new and exciting things to scare him with was also a speedbump. "I like to... contact my spirit animal..." He explained quietly, glancing quickly at where the grasshopper once was, then returning his attention back to the lake and Kate.
Kate noticed that it was taking a long time for him to answer.She didn't like long periods of quietness because it gave her time to think,Kate didn't like that because she would start worrying and already felt all the worrying thoughts enter her mind.She was secretly worried about the operation that would be happening very soon.She really didn't like hospitals and the idea of staying in one for three weeks,scared the living day lights out of her.She hated the smell of them and she hated the atmosphere and her family would be stinking of it because they would be worried about her.Plus this operation had only been done a handful of times and so far everyone had been successful but that didn't mean Kate could be that one.They would be removing the tumor from her adrenaline glands,tje tumor wasn't anything like cancer.It was just the symptoms of it and also the affect it had on her heart and energy.

Kate was confused,spirit animal.She didn't know you could contact a spirit animal.That was pretty neat but she doubted she had one. "That's cool,what animal is it?"She asked curiously.She would love to do that and she wondered if she had a spirit animal what would it be.
Andy shook his head at Kates question. One of the rules of having a spirit animal, was to never identify its form, it was a more, inner personal thing, something that was never to be shared to others, not even his twin cousins, Rake and Justin identifyed their spirit animals to each other, it was unimaginably rude to the spirit guide and would cause great offense. ''I'm sorry, but I'm not allowed to identify my spirit guide to anyone else but myself, and my grandmother, since she helped me discover my spirit guide.'' He explained. Though in all honesty, his spirit guide scared the pants off him, he really wanted some form of bird, but no, he had a spider, a very scary spider for his animal spirit, and no matter how much he asked and begged, his grandmother, or the elder of his family tribe had told him that you cannot exchange your spirit guide. Something Andy had not wanted to hhear, but he put up with his bad luck and occasionally went out of his way to try and look in on himself and contact his spirit guide. ''They are quite easy to find, you just need to relax and look in on yourself, anyone can have a spirit guide, but it can be difficult to realize that you have one, without help from someone that knows what to look for.'' He explained. It there was one thing that Andy liked about Hogwarts, it was that it was quite diverse, which was odd for a boy lthat was so scared of things that were different tto feel, but he had to admit, sometimes it was nice to hear about far away cultures, they seemed so nice and grand, and if he ever got the nerve up, he would try to travel, though he would probably nnever succeed.
Kate nodded,she didn't mind.There might be some rule against it.She wondered what it was like to have a native american or any type of family like that.She had a modern family with no real traditions.Sure there was the Irish feast days and traditions but yo never really knew what your heritage was because of all the invaders that came into Ireland along history. "That's fine"She said smiling.She would love to learn about all the different cultures,she had decided long ago that she would travel the world.Hopefully she would pass her apparation exam and so she wouldn't have to pay for flights.It would be easier too and much quicker.Kate wasn't a fan of flying either.She hated it when you were between taking off and settling at the proper altitude.The feeling of being in the air,going sideways wasn't a pleasant feeling.She always felt as if the plane was going to drop.After that she didn't mind flying.She usually read a book and listened to her music and if she wasn't on a Ryanair plane she would watch a film. "Cool"Kate said,interested.Maybe one day she would attempt to see what her spirit animal was.It would be interesting to see."When did you discover yours?"She asked curiously
Andy looked around, people had started to retreat back into the castle, he tilted his head in thought, but then everything made sense. It was nearly time for class, he nodded slightly and stood up, looking down at Kate. In an odd way, he had not overly minded talking to Kate, she reminded him of Hazel so much, it was sort of comforting, and she hadn't caused him to faint or anything, in fact, she had saved him from fainting because of that horrible bug. He was glad that she had not been offended about Andy refusing to tell her much about his spirit animal, but it was his belief, he had been following it since he could remember, something that drilled into anyone was hard to go against, so he didn't try, it wasn't that bad anyway, except for the fact that everytime he thought about his spirit animal, something in his body died from the fear of the animal it took the form of. He nodded slightly, it was fun to find ones spirit animal, and could be filled wiht lots of fun and sometimes the person could learn a lot about themselves. Andy had not had this happen to him, but Apparently Hazel had such an experience, and Drake and Justin. But he and Daniel had yet to feel different in any way since finding their spirit guides, though it could happen at any time during life, it was just a matter of waiting. "Um... I discovered my spirit animal when I was six, my grandmother helped me." He explained, looking at the castle and nodding, it was time to start back to the castle. "I think it is time we go..." He added, looking back at Kate.
Kate watched the people begin to make their way back to the castle.She looked at her watch and sighed.It was nearly time for class.Kate loved classes but she wasn't exactly in the mood.When Andy stood up she realized she looked kind of stupid still sitting down.She stood up and wiped her clothes.She had enjoyed the conversation between herself and Andy.He seemed a small bit strange though,he seemed like he was frightened of a lot of things but luckily she hadn't seemed to frighten him.The fact that some people had a spirit animal intrigued her.The were so many things in this world that she didn't know or understand.She loved to discover things.She loved to learn about the past also.,this is why History of Magic is her favorite subject.She must look up native American cultures they seemed quite interesting. "That's class"she said smiling,she realized she had used an Irish slang word and he might not understand what it meant but then again he might. "Sadly it is"She said smiling at the boy.He was a nice kid and she would like to speak to him again sometime "What class do you have next?"She asked walking up to the castle.
Andy nodded. It was indeed class time, he looked around, they were completely alone now, everyone had already made their way into the castle, if they did not leave very soon, they would most likely be late, and he didn't exactly want that, not at all, but Andy waited for Kate to stand up so she wouldn't be alone, nor would he, and than he began to walk with her back to the castle, keeping a comfortable distance, which to him was half and arms length apart, but that was just him, he didn't mean any offence to Kate or anything, but he didn't like walking in close proximity to people, no matter how cousin-like or friendly they were, he wasn't going to go any closer to this girl. He sighed slightly as she brought up the subject of classes, he knew what he had on right now. Defence Against the Dark Arts. The most terrifying thing on the planet, ran by an equally terrifying Professor, Professor Styx, Andy shuddered slightly, that man rubbed him the wrong way, mainly because he was so terrifying and scary and insisted on the room being as dark as he could make it, Andy thought it to be ridiculous, it was like he was trying to terrify the Ravenclaw, and it most certainly worked, everytime. "I have Defence Against the Dark Arts." He answered, putting all his weight on his arms as he pushed open the door, only succeeding when his whole body was leanin. "What do you have?" He asked, deciding that he might as well let her answer one more question before thye parted ways.
They were now the only two people left outside.It was kind of creepy being the only two people.Last time this had happened t had had been last Christmas and it had been around five or six in the morning.That had been one of the best days though last year.It still made her smile,which was impressive.Last year hadn't been a fun year at all,it had been one of the worst years ever.Actually thinking about it,last year had been the worst yet which was saying something because second year had been pretty bad.As they began to walk back to the castle,she noticed how far away he was standing.Kate wondered what was he afraid of.He seemed to be scared about most things.Kate felt bad for him because if anyone figured that out,his life would suck.It would be so easy to scare someone who is scared of most things.Kate wouldn't do that though,she couldn't be mean to people unless they deserved it.Kate usually didn't have that problem though which was good.She was going to keep an eye out for Andy just in case he was ever in trouble.Kate couldn't help the smile when he said what class he had next.Professor Styx was not a good teacher for someone like Andy.Kate was afraid of him at time.It was a surprise that he didn't die from lack of vitamin D.He barely ever lets light enter the classroom.Kate followed him in through the door. "I have Herbology"Kate said groaning slightly.She would have to go all the ways up to her dorm and then walked all the ways down again. "I'm probably gonna be late but sure"She said walking into the entrance hall.
Andy nodded, he was not a fan of Herbology either, he didn't like the dirt involved with the class. He looked around and sighed when he realised that he was going to his least favourite class in History. If wasn't that it was a bad class, it was that the Professor was scary, the classroom was dark and scary, and his classmates were also scary, only a select few, such as Hazel and Justin, didn't worry him that much, but they were cousins, not exactly classmates. He let the door slam shut behind them and whinced at the sudden amount of noise, it wasn't like he could stop the door anyway, it was amazing that he could open it, though he did use his whole weight to open it, so there was no way he would have been strong or big enough to stop it from slamming shut like that. Andy noted that Kate didn't seem to like Herbology, Andy didn't like the dirt or the strong smell of dirt and sunlight was not a favourite of his either, he burned far too easily. He nodded, Kate probably would end up late, because Andy was running slightly late for Defence Against the Dark Arts, which made him quicken his pace, he did not, under any circumstances, want to be late for that class, oh no. "Good luck, Kate!" He called, dashing away to his next class before he was too late and had to face the wrath of Professor Styx.

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