Closed This shouldn't take long

Todd Cobbler

The Grey Man | Tinkerer
OOC First Name
Blood Status
Half Blood
Relationship Status
Todd sat at a small, round table near the entrance of the library. His quill scratched against a piece of parchment as he jotted down a list of his subjects and assignments, trying to prioritise them based on deadlines and difficulty. The weight of NEWT year was already pressing on his shoulders, and he knew he had to stay organised to keep up and be able to enjoy personal time this year.

He glanced towards the entrance every now and then, hoping to get this finished as quickly as possible. His heart wasn't entirely in his studies as the thought of spending time with Penny kept distracting him. Todd sighed, rubbing his temples, and tried to refocus on the task at hand. He needed to get this list sorted so he could leave the library.

@Theodore Shepherd

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