This part of the world

Imogen Lyon

Imogen's life rotated around her rink and her figure skating practices. But finally she had gotten the same invitation that her older sister received five years ago. Yes, an invitation to be enrolled to Hogwarts. But first she needed to get things for her future study in the enchanted castle. With a cheerful heart Imogen walked down the aisle of Brighstone Village, at last! She was out of the imprisoning rink. She had too much figure skating that she wanted to quit it though part of her wanted to keep on doing it. Because all of these distracting thoughts, Imogen accidentally bumped on a boy dropping all her figure skating theory and physics books. "Oh my gosh, I am soo sorry" she apologized hoping that he wont be too irritated. She didn't intend to bring any annoyance to him, it was a pure, innocent mistake.
Marcos Morales wondered the Brightstone Village a little nervously, twiddling his fingers and letting his gaze jump between all the different things before him. The magical world was nothing new to Marcos but this part of it was a little. He had always thought he would attend the school in Brazil, but since Pia and Flavio had both come to this school, Marcos hadn't wanted to be alone. The young chilean boy was eager to get started at the school, he felt nervous about what it could bring, what issues he might have with it, Marcos was nervous about the language difficulties and accent barriers, he was nervous about learning magic, he was nervous about sorting. Marcos in short was just nervous. But he was also excited. Excited at the adventures the school could bring him, the friends he might make and the sports that would be on offer. However, today, the chilean boy was wandering around, until very abruptly he wasn't, and was stopped as someone bumped into him. Books fell to the floor and Marcos was left a little bewildered at what had just happened. His mind snapped out of it as the person, a girl spoke. He shook his head and bent down to help with the books, "It is okay," the boy told her, he couldn't help but notice the titles of the books, physics and figure skating theory, he knew little about both subjects, "Here," Marcos said handing her the books he had picked up. He stood to full height, no taller than most his age, "Why are you reading books about figure skating theory?" Marcos asked curious both because he hadn't realised there was theory but also because he was actually interested.
How clumsy and embarrassing! Imogen had just come to the unfamiliar part of the world and she had started to make a reputation as being a lost, clueless, clumsy person. "I'm terribly sorry" she apologized one more time as she bent down to take the scattered notes. She shyly took the book that the boy handed her. She knew no one from the wizarding world except for her sister, and the worst part is that... She's not here. "I-I" she organized her books and shut her eyes, feeling stupid. "Oh gosh" she muttered under her breath before opening her eyes slowly to see if the boy was still there. Well of course, why else would he leave her before she answered his question? "I'm a figure skater" she managed to finish her sentence and blushed madly from being so awkward. Not that she was socially odd but she was nervous as she could be in meeting wizards. "I'm completely groggy, sorry for the awkward stutter" oh how embarrassing!
Marcos shook his head at the girl, when she apologised once more, was this something that people in this country did? Why say sorry more than once when he had already accepted the first apology, but it just seemed to be that the girl was ill at ease, and perhaps that was playing into why she was reacting as such, he just shook his head at her again, "It's okay," he repeated, and was fairly content when she chose to answer the question and really it made sense and nodded in response, he did no such thing, he was more interested in what quidditch could bring. The magic of quidditch had to be better than any other sport that he could possibly have to ever do. The use of the word groggy didn't make much sense to him either, maybe it was his more literal definition of the word that was inhibiting him to understand why she had used it in such a context, but he just shrugged at her, "English is not my first language, so I understand," the chilean boy had a look of understanding on his face, and he hoped she wouldn't mind that about him. He didn't know what to do now, he had helped the girl get her things off the floor, asked a question and that seemed to be the end, which he didn't want. Marcos was determined to meet people before school, "I'm Marcos," he therefore added a little suddenly as he pushed through his own nervousness to be talking to someone to boldly introduce himself to this girl.

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