Closed This Isn't a Date, It's Just Walking

Ares Jeffreys

class of 2047 | trying | Kaikōura Kea Chaser
OOC First Name
Blood Status
Half Blood
Relationship Status
Sexual Orientation
Curved 14 1/2" Rigid Larch Wand with Phoenix Tail Feather Core
3/2029 (32)
Ares didn’t know why he’d agreed to go for a walk with Dimitri, he didn’t know what had possessed him to say yes but he had and now he was waiting for him so they could go. It had been on his mind all day, he’d played poorly distracted and both hyping it up in his head and trying to not. He fully expected to be stood up. It wasn’t because he thought Dimitri was a bad person but simply that he would’ve found someone more interesting to spend the time with so why would he bother with someone like him. He hadn’t told Xavier what he was doing, just that he was going out for a walk which given that this was something Ares did wasn’t all that. He just didn’t want to mention another person, possible friend or otherwise in case he didn’t turn up. The quidditch player wasn’t sure how long he’d leave until he just headed off, maybe 10 minutes after the meeting time. So he just had to wait twenty minutes. He could do that.
Dimitri was running a few minutes late. But just a few. He had styled his hair to perfection, doing his best to make sure that he looked his best for his date. He jogged up to where he was supposed to meet Ares and smiled widely as he spotted the man. "Ares!" He greeted happily, skipping over. He came up and slipped his arm through Ares's, leaning in and kissing his cheek. "Sorry I am late," He pouted a little, laying his head on Ares's shoulder. "I could not get my hair to behave. Where are we going?" He wondered briefly if his Russian accent was too strong even after his time spent away from home, but the thought passed quickly as he smiled at Ares.
Ares knew he was giving him a whole ten minutes to appear but after a minute of him not turning up Ares had been pretty close to leaving near immediately. He was surprised when the man appear, since he hadn’t thought he would come at all, and because the man put his arm around him and kissed him on the cheek and then leaned upon his shoulder. He shook his head at the statement. ”You don’t need hair to sit well for just walking,” he said as he was slow to extract himself out of the hold and just stand next to him. ”We aren’t going anywhere, just walking,” and Ares set off, he was late Ares wasn’t going to now waste time with describing where he was going.
Dimitri pouted as Ares pulled out of his grasp. He jogged after Ares, sticking his hands in his pockets for now. "Well maybe not if I am just walking," He conceeded, "But I do want to look my best so I look cute for you," He smiled brightly. He enjoyed the soft breeze in his hair. "How have you been, dorogoy?" He asked, curious to know and eager to hear more about Ares.
Ares looked at Dimitri as he caught up with him. Once again giving a rather strong statement, ”You don’t need to do that for me,” it was wild to Ares that anyone would legitimately do that for him and really genuinely mean it. So it was just easier for him to deflect it again. ”It’s only been a day, nothing has changed,” he kept his pace but decided to be perhaps a little nicer, ”Had quidditch most of the day, it was draining but in a good way.” he thought that was fine to say didn’t give too much information. It was light, good conversation really. ”What about you?”
Dimitri laughed. "I might not need to, but I want to," he reassured Ares. He reached over and took Ares's hand in his. "I was looking for apartments and a job today," He answered easily. "I'll still perform, of course, perhaps only work part time, but with you living in the area it is really the only place I have wanted to stay. My guitar pays for hotels, but I shall need to work at least a little bit to be able to afford an apartment," He spoke easily, smiling up at Ares. "I would like to walk with you every day, but you still have not made any indications that you like me, dorogoy. Can I join you once a week then?" He asked, thinking that even if he wanted more, asking for something smaller to start would be better. Give him more time to win over Ares. Dimitri had made up his mind, and he was willing to work for it.
Ares looked at him with a questioning gaze. He didn’t understand why someone would even remotely want to do that for him of all people. He still didn’t get why Dimitri cared so much. He just pushed it aside just listening to what Dimitri said he’d been doing. ”There are some cheap places about, you’ll find something,” Ares said to him. If they knew each other better he might offer the couch but really he didn’t know him enough. He rolled his eyes as he walked, thinking it mad that someone would want to join him everyday. ”I don’t walk everyday.” he replied but he then sighed. ”Look I don’t really get why you seem to like me…..I just…..I’m just….no one. I always set off at the same time, you’re welcome to join, if i’m not there on time i’m not going, that’s what I can offer you,”
Dimitri laughed. "I am sure I will find something," he agreed. He stopped completely when Ares called himself nothing. He listened quietly as Ares went on about the walks, and when the man had finished talking Ares gently turned his chin so Ares was looking at him. "You are not nothing, dorogoy, and you are not nothing to me. You are strong man, with good heart." He placed a hand lightly over Ares' heart as he spoke. "I will stay until you tell me to go, dorogoy," he promised, reaching his hand up and brushing it lightly along Ares' jaw.
Ares would’ve kept moving but he stopped when Dimitri did, wanting to know the answer to the question. He let them man touch his face and looked towards him. He was hearing the words, understanding that he did perhaps mean them, but he didn’t know why. He couldn’t figure out why. Dimitiri could’ve had anyone. ”You can stay,” he said eventually letting himself clearly slowly come to that conclusion. ”I’m just….let’s just keep going,” he said, deciding against saying what was on his mind and just continuing on forwards. Fairly certain that soon Dimitri would be walking along side him.
Dimitri felt like he was waiting for the death sentence in the silence that followed, suddenly sure Ares would tell him to leave. When Ares finally spoke again, Dimitri's heart started back up, thumping in his chest. He let out a soft sigh, he smiled widely, and hurried to catch up with Ares. He held back from taking Ares' hand, but walked closer than he really needed to.

The next few months passed easily. Dimitri met up with Ares four or five times a week, but still waited at the appointed meet up spot daily in case Ares decided to walk that day. He was having a great time. He'd found a small apartment that was cozy, with a good view and a decent rent. His neighbors had been annoying at first, but after one well placed question in Russian asking if they were always a pest they left the 'crazy russian' alone.

It had been getting a little chilly, so he was wearing more scarves again, glad to have the opportunity to look cute in his winter outfits. "...and that was when mother took my sisters out of their music lessons," he laughed lightly as he finished telling the story of how his sisters had learned to play rock on their cello and violin to thwart their classical music lessons.
Surprisingly as they walked over the next few months he became very accustomed to Dimitri’s presence. It was different, but it was a constant. He felt like he had a friend for once, someone who actually wanted to spend time with him. His brother was obviously his friend too, but just not in the same way as Dimitri was opting into being his friend. Ares liked Dimitri’s presence, it was nice. He’d shared more information about his Hogwarts life, and about his brothers. He laughed lightly at the story of Dimitri told, noting somewhat rudely how different their lives had been, how alien aspects of Dimitri’s life were to him. ”Neither me nor my brothers play anything. My oldest brother can sing, but that’s about it,” he said with a little smile. ”You hungry Dimitri, do you wanna grab some food at the leaky, I’m pretty hungry,”
Dimitri smiled wider as Ares laughed. He reached out easily and took Ares' hand. His eyes lit up as the man asked about food. "I am hungry, yes," He agreed quickly, squeezing Ares' hand in his own. This was a good step! They'd been on walks forever, but getting lunch was a first, one he was very eager for. "Let me pay for lunch today," He smiled brightly up at him. "Is it a date? I would like that, I have a little bit, I would like to buy you lunch." He was practically bouncing, looking excited.
Ares resisted the urge to pull his hand away, he had slowly grown to let it just happen. Dimitri was an oddly touchy person with people he didn’t even know all that well, but as Ares has grown to know him better he’d been happier to just let it happen. He shook his head before raising a hand and indicating he had two points, ”Okay one, it’s dinner and two, no, it’s just that I’m hungry and if I can’t be bothered making dinner,” Ares told him, ”Just a leaky cauldron meal shared amongst friends,’ he assured him, he was waiting for Dimitri to accept that at least verbally before he let them apparate to it.
Dimitris shoulders dropped visibly when Ares declared it wasn't a date. "Well, food is always welcome," he nodded, agreeing. Even if he wasn't on a date, he still enjoyed the time he spent with Ares. Dimitri was patient, and he didn't mind waiting until Ares was ready. But Dimitri couldn't help but start to wonder if Ares liked him at all. He could wait, of course he could wait, forever if he must. But was he waiting for something that would never happen? He looked up at Ares, smiling. "I can still buy dinner," he spoke. "I was paid well the other night," he laughed lightly.
Ares was just not ready yet for a date with Dimitri, but he could manage a dinner. At the words, the offer he shook his head, ”No, I’m paying, I have a steady job and income, this random dinner is on me,” he told him. Before putting his arm out to him so they could apparate together to the leaky cauldron for the meal. He figured he might get some push back about the dinner but Ares thought it would be dumb to make Dimitri pay for it. He might’ve had a good night but if he then had a bad night and money had been wasted on a dinner, he wouldn’t like it. No, Ares could pay.
Dimitri sighed, pouting a bit. "Oh, alright, you win. This time," He teased, moving to lace his arm through Ares's. "I'll win you over eventually," He laughed lightly, stepping closer. Of course, he could say it was simply to make the apparition easier. Really they both knew Dimitri just liked to cuddle and be close to Ares. Tri had spent an entire lifetime being prim and proper and honestly, he was over it. He was more than happy with the public affection, and the private affection, and really just any affection in general really.

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