This Distance Between Us

Imogen Day

Well-Known Member
OOC First Name
Cherry Wand 12 1/2" Essence of Wood Rose

Imogen was very pleased at how her exams had gone. She was pretty sure she'd passed them all and now she was looking forward to going back home for the holidays. She was smiling happily to herself as she left the school and walked to the lake front. She had her sketch book in hand and a set of new pencils. With a skip in her step, Imogen went to the place she always sat at to draw or work or think. It wasn't really her spot, but it was as good as, whenever she was outside. She took a seat and began to draw. The purple that had been in her hair, had now faded, but the tips still had some purple. She took a pencil out and began to draw the amazingly pretty lake.
Teddy streched and walked around the grounds, he had sorted out the bullying problem and was now hoping his parents chose to let him stay at Hogwarts. He streched again, his shirt rising up his stomach before falling again, and he looked around where he was.

Teddy couldn't explain it but, for some reason, he felt like going down to the lake. He hadn't been there in ages, not since him and Immy were last there. At that thought Teddy remembered something, Technically, him and Immy were still going out. They had never broken up. As he walked towards the lake he tried to think how long ago it was since he last saw her, it had been months.

Teddy was slightly shocked at himself for neglecting her. He looked up, just to see where he was now, and saw the girl herself drawing the lake. He took a breath and walked over to her. It would do no good avoiding her. "Umm, Hey."

Imogen looked up from her drawing to see teddy standing not too far away from her. She smiled at him, unsure of how she felt towards him. Sure, they were technically still going out, but she hadn't seen him in so long, that it didn't even feel like they were. She did think of him as one of her best friends. But she wasn't sure if it went any further. She pushed back her hairband slightly and continued smiling at the boy in front.

"Hey Teddy! Long time no see." Imogen said smiling at him "How are you?"
Teddy sighed when she acted normal, he was off the hook. He shrugged as an answer to her. "I've been worse but I've definately been better. What about you?" He sat down next to her. He didn't really feel the same as he did before, he still liked Immy but he really didn't know if it was the same way he had since he met her. Mybe he just didn't fancy her any more.

Imogen smiled and nodded. She was pushing to the back of her mind, the strange dreams, which she could never remember but always made her wake scared and worried. She didn't want to let that bother her. She was looking past it. And focusing on what was going on at the exact moment in time. As she looked towards him, wondering silently where they stood, if she was honest, she didn't really mind. Immy didn't think it really mattered, she was only 12 and life was ahead of her. All of it.

"I'm good. I've been good." Immy smiled brightly. No matter where they stood, Imogen was glad to see one of her closets friends. "How's your year been so far?" Imogen looked from him to the ground beside her.

"You can sit down if you want." Imogen said with a light giggle.
Teddy smiled politely and moved to sit closer to her, shrugging at her question simultaniously. "It's been alright, not amazing but not dreadful." He conviniently forgot to mention his little day of bullying and the threat of him moving to Durmstrang. "How about yours?"

Imogen was a little surprised by his answer. It was a little weird, her year had been most fantastic. Of course, there had been some minor phases of spending time just reading and studying, but that wasn't all the time. It was some of the time. She smiled at him and nodded, rather excitedly, for just the act of nodding. She was looking forward to the second term too. Where she'd be History of Magic again, and be choosing her subjects. A massive step for her in her magical career.

"My year has been great so far. Not as good as first year. But still really good." Imogen said smiling, thinking fondly of the half year which had just passed. "It has been a good year. Do you know, we get to pick our subjects for next year, next term?" Immy added, unable to hide her excitement
Teddy grinned at her enthusiasm for subjects. "Yeah, I know." He laughed, in a nice way not a teasing way. While Teddy would be picking his options he wasn't sure if it was worth it. After all, at the end of the term there was the chance he was being sent to Durmstrang by his parents

Imogen gave a light giggle. She couldn't help but think that she missed the times she spent with Teddy. They always had fun. That was right, but in her opinion they never really functioned as a couple. They were young and Imogen was sure of her emotions of yet, but she didn't think that her and Teddy were good for each other. She still smiled.

"So, What's been going on with you?" Imogen asked with a smile.
Teddy gulped, the question was, tell her the truth or leave out some bits. "Well, nothing really, umm, my dad got dumped a while back which caused some." He paused, unsure of what to say. "Stuff, but that's about it really. What about you?" He hoped she wouldn't question him, he really didn't want to tell her that he had bullied a girl and bruised her ribs by kicking her pretty hard. It wasn't really something he wazs proud of to be honest.

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