Thinking At The Lakefront

Vanessa Parker

Well-Known Member
Vanessa was just sitting on the ground thinking about her friends, and not really noticing anything else around her. The water looked beautiful and sparkly. She was thinking about a lot of different things. There were footsteps near her, but she didn't notice because she was deep in thought. Just as she was thinking of making new friends, she came back to Earth and saw a girl her age. "Hi," she said. "I'm Vanessa."

Imogen's holiday had been a slightly short one. She'd kept having the weirdest of dreams. And them she could never remember what they were. It was really beginning to get onto Immy's nerves but for the sake of Pixie, Immy had ignored them so her and Pixie could enjoy Christmas. Generally the trip home had been a good one, but had thrown more worries on this 12 year olds mind. So was she walked beside the lake front, she'd lost herself in thought. Trying to piece everything together. Everything. A voice saying hi, made this blonde girl jump out her skin.

"Scheisse" Immy said when she jumped, while making herself steady and placing her hands on her knees. She laughed and looked up at the girl, who looked like she was her age and had just introduced herself to Immy.

"Don't ever do that, Vanessa." Immy said with joking anger. She stood up straight and smiled brightly at the girl. She held out her hand to her. "I'm Imogen, or Immy. It's a pleasure to meet you Vanessa."

Immy gave a warm smile and nodded. She wasn't often scared. She was a Gryffindorian after all, but this girl had got her off guard and for that she had to congratulate her. Imogen smiled again, and nodded again. She was good, if she did think so. It was good to have someone new to talk to. And this girl seemed like a perfectly nice person.

"I am very well, thank you. How about yourself?" Immy responded, returning the question to her.
"Good to hear that. I'm pretty good," Vanessa said. She thought of something to bring into the conversation. "What house are you in? I'm in Hufflepuff. Just wondering. I know you're not in Hufflpuff because I would have seen you," she said. "You don't seem like Slytherin, so Ravenclaw or Gryffindor. You could probably fit into either of them."

Immy continued to smile, she did really do nothing but that. She nodded along with what Vanessa said. Immy knew a lot of Hufflepuffs. All lovely people. Imogen was like Vanessa, quite good at guessing peoples houses. Immy knew she could've most likely been in either. She did think of herself as pretty smart.

"Gryffindorian and proud. And at your service to do any heroics, you may require." Immy said with a small pretend bow. "Hufflepuff, is a very cool house. So where are you from, Vanessa?" Immy continued. Imogen had a very proper english accent, which was slowly fading and being replaced, with a more New Zealand one.
Vanessa laughed when Immy did her fake bow. "I'm from the U.S.A. In the state Massachusetts. Where are you from?" Even though she had stopped laughing, she couldn't wipe the smile off her face. "Oh, and if you need a loyal friend, come to Hufflepuff." She decided a fake bow didn't fit, so she pretended to shake hands with an invisible person. She shook it way too hard. She hoped that Immy would laugh.

Immy was very impressed as to where Venessa was from. America. The U S of A. She was smiling a lot. She watched her new friend as she pretended to Shake hands with someone, and laughed. Immy's light laughter filled the air. It floated and mixed with Vanessa laughter. It would seem that these two, only just met had known each other for a long time. Or for a little longer than 5 minutes.

"I am from Wales, in the UK. It rains, all the time." Immy said smiling. "I prefer the weather here, but I prefer it in general back in Wales. What about you? Massachusetts, I have heard is very cool."
"There's always wacky weather in Massachusetts. Normally hot summers, cold winters. Precipitation mostly comes in Spring and Winter. Oh gosh, why am I talking like a computer?," Vanessa said. "When someone asks me something, I always start adding facts that are relevant to what I just said, or using words that not many people use. It's weird...." She smiled at Immy. "Most of the time people don't tune out while I'm talking like that, I hope," she said with a laugh.

Imogen nodded. If she was honest she hadn't read much about America. Out of all the countries in the world, to Immy, it really did seem like the least interesting. But that would be matter of opinion. Immy was enjoying the facts, she smiled brightly.

"Well, I didn't" Imogen said before giving a smile and explaining why, "I love facts. And I tend to every so often, use words not many others do use. It's awesome! I love facts. Did you go back to the U.S Of A, for the holidays? It'll be winter there. I'm still not used to the swamped seasons."
"Good to know you didn't tune out while I was talking," Vanessa said with a wink. "Here's the test on what I just said." She laughed. "I actually stayed here for the holidays. Oh, and I was definitely kidding about the test. Why would I test a friend? I'm actually a weather-liking person, I don't really know a word for it. I stick my head out a window and feel the breeze or rain or sunshine, and it feels good on my face. She felt a light breeze on her face and smiled.

Immy was ready for a test. She knew that even if Vanessa in the end didn't actually give her the test, Immy would've still scored a high mark. She gave a light giggle as she spoke of her kidding about the test. Immy too loved the weather, within reason. There were some days, where it just didn't seem right that they should get such horrid weather all the time. In wales.

"I love sunshine and rain. And here's a massive shocker" Immy said dramatically before leaving a slight pause before continuing. "I hate snow."
"Snow is fine, as long as I don't have to shovel it off the driveway or get it put up my sleeve. I'm muggleborn, so my parents don't use magic to do it. I seriously wish they would, especially when there's a lot of it," Vanessa said. "I like to feel mist and wind on my skin, and rain also. Sunshine feels nice as well."

Imogen didn't agree with the snow part. If it was snowing Imogen day was inside. At All times. Though she did agree with she second part of what Vanessa said. Mist felt good. She did love chasing misty too, letting that lightly touch her skin. Imogen nodded. It was sunny right there and then.

"Mist is pretty awesome in every field." Immy said. "We have defense against the dark arts together."
Immy remembered. It was the only class they shared with Hufflepuff. "We should be partners. If you want to."

Immy nodded happily, she was glad she'd finally have a proper partner. She'd never really had one before. So this was going to be fun. Plus, now they actually going to be doing proper spells. Immy smiled happily at her new Hufflepuff friend.

"Awesome." Immy said smiling. "What's your favourite class?"

Imogen couldn't help but continue smiling. She did have a favourite class, but there wasn't a class she didn't like, so it was quite difficult to pick a favourite favourite.

"It's a competition between History of Magic and Astronomy." Immy said smiling. "But I really love them all. The subjects are all amazing. And this term we get to pick what we get to do next year. Do you know what you are picking?"

Imogen had read up on the subjects she could chose from but was far from a decision about. The only subject Imogen was not so keen on was Care of Magic Vreatures, being a person not so keen on animals, but she did not know. She knew when the time came she'd be able to make a decision on the matter, but until then she'd just have to keep thinking about it.

"I have no idea. They all seem soo good." Immy said smiling. "I can't wait though. I'm kinda new to the whole magic thing, so I'm doing a lot of Reading on the different subjects."
(Sorry it's so late. I didn't notice you had replied.)

"I think I'll do at least Care of Magical Creatures, Divination, probably more," Vanessa said after she thought about it. "They all seem interesting. Excuse me, but I have to go. Bye, Immy." She waited for Immy to say goodbye before she left.

(Sorry for the lame post.)

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