Closed Things Come Easy To Me....

Enoch Goldewyn

loner | tired | chaser
Blood Status
Mixed Blood
Relationship Status
Curly 16 1/2 Inch Flexible Acacia Wand with Unicorn Hair Core
06/2048 (15)
There were not too many places without other people, and Enoch was just trying to find spots to study in. He had found a little corner of the first floor after his very first class in this corridor and had decided to work there. Though people were moving about and between classes a lot he was unbothered and for the most part it was quite quiet. Enoch opened his standard book of spells grade one, and on that first page was the Lumos spell. The one that he could supposedly do without professor guidance. The book even said as much. 'This spell is very easy' it said. He had his wand in hand and was just gearing up to cast it, making sure he knew what he was doing and how he was supposed to be doing it.
Faye could explore the castle for days! It was so large. Her parents house, while large, had nothing on the school. She carried her wand loosely in her hand as she walked pretty mindlessly though the halls. Only stopping to occasionally conversaré with students who looked to be first years as well. Now on the first floor corridor the Gryffindor stopped as she spotted someone. She couldn’t tell if he was her year but he looked to be reading something interesting, so she approached. She sat down across from him quickly, “Whatcha studying?” She asked with a bright smile on her face.
Enoch needed a spot in silence, where people wouldn't be silly and annoy him. He glanced up at the girl who had just immediately after speaking sat down in front of him. He took a deep breath, and then let it out slowly before speaking. "It's the Standard Book of Spells, Grade 1," he said. "I'm just looking at the Lumos spell," he explained to her with a friendly enough tone, though he was actively making it so. "Supposedly we can do this without being shown it by a professor," Enoch stopped himself from saying any more, this girl didn't need to know anything more about it. He had said enough.
Faye took the boys tone for friendliness and she grinned as he spoke. She had no idea that she was breaking into his thought bubble. “Oh I could practice with you!” She said with a grin. She’d love to be able to do a spell this early on. Though she had never tried before and this felt like she would probably fail pretty miserably. She looked at the instructions upside down in the book silently, to see what she was meant to do.
Enoch did not want to practice with anyone, but he didn't want to be too impolite immediately. She was being nice and there were plenty of classes around that she might tell a professor so he just gave a half nod. "Fine," she said, not entirely unfriendly, but not quite friendly. He turned the book to her. "The incantation is lumos, and apparently, you just need to imagine your wand lighting up." Enoch explained, every word was a little condescending in tone. "Got it?"
Faye smiled as the boy talked about the incantation. She only glanced at the book before looking back at him as he spoke. She missed the condescending tone and nodded with a smile still present on her face. she grabbed out her wand and wiggled down on her knees before clearing her throat. "Lumos" she said with a flick of her wrist and suddenly her wand tip lit up. "oh choice!" she said excitedly.
Enoch watched with a little surprised as she did the spell and immediately got it. He had really wanted her to not get it immediately. He took his own wand and held it out, thinking of it lighting up and how easily she had gotten it and said. "Lumos." with all the confidence and air of superiority that he could, only for it to fail. His wand didn't light up. He said the spell again with a more frustrated tone, and again, it failed.
Faye watched the boy do things much the same way she had, but it didn't work. He tried a second time and it was a dud. "Hey, don't get frustrated. Mine was probably a fluke!" She said, looking down at the notes in the books. "Nox." She said, turning the light off. She then gave it a little wave to prove her point that she wouldn't get it right every time, but as she did her spell came to light and she giggled sheepishly. "Okay, you try again, I'm sure you'll get it!" She said earnestly.
Enoch frowned as she undid her spell and then redid it immediately. He grumbled a little under his breath. "I bet you've done it before," he said, but looked back at his wand and then tried again, and again. And only on the third or fourth try did the wand light up. It only lit up weakly and faded moments after. It was nice to have basically managed it, but he should've got it on the first try. he didn't get why he had taken so many tries to get it, and she had just managed it. This was absolutely unfair, his wand was definitely broken.​
Faye didn't quite understand why this boy was pouting. She gave him a confused look and then shook her head with a 'uh-uh' noise to accompany. "Ma and Pa had a strict rule on magic before a real wand or school. They didn't want me to blow anything up I guess." She laughed. She then stood up from where she had been sitting. "I think you'll get the hand of things though! I'm Faye by the way!" She introduced, reaching her hand down to shake his hopefully.
Enoch scoffed, sure that she was lying, she had to be. He was better than her, she had managed it because she had done it before and she was a liar. ”Cool. I'm Enoch,” he said shortly, standing up and not shaking her hand. he was packing his book and wand away into his bag. ”I have other places to be,” he said. ”I don't hang out with liars,”
Faye was confused by the seemingly suddenly curt nature of the boy's tone. She pulled her hand back with an obviously perplexed expression. "Liars?" She asked, she didn't understand why he would think she was a liar. "Just because I got a spell before you I must be lying? What, you don't think girls are as good at charms as boys?" She asked, assuming this was about her being a girl.
Enoch frowned at her question. "No? I don't think our genders have anything to do with spell casting. Don't be so reductive," he countered, still trying to move away from her. "You just got the spell before me, because you're a liar who clearly has had practice and likes to show off," he accused with a scoff as he moved to walk away from her.
Faye made a face and laughed. "You speak like an old man." She teased in a manner she saw as harmless. As he walked away she didn't chase him down. He could have his weird moment thinking she was a liar. She would just have to prove to him in lessons that she was indeed just good at some things. Not that Faye thought she was better than him at them - just that she now needed to prove her point.

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