They Call Me Lollipop, Lollipop, Oh Lolli-Lolli-Lolli; Lollipop!

Lolli Lovre

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OOC First Name
Straight 8 Inch Flexible Fir Wand with Manticore Venom Core

Full Name: Lolli Anne Lovre

Nickname: Lollipop

Date of Birth: January 27th, 2015

Current Age: 11

Favorite Color: Rainbow, she doesn't have one. Just bright colors. They make her happy!

Pets: She has a black cat. it's name is Marsh, because she saved him from drowning in a marsh.
Of course she also has three dogs, a mouse, and two snakes. Not to mention the three owls that they have for messengers. Of course, not all of these are hers. Her sister Corey owns the mouse, and the rest are kind of family pets.

Area of Residence: She lives in New Zealand. She can't remember her address, but she knows that it's a big brick house, with a sign that says Bayview Orphanage.

Blood Status: Unknown

More? Lolli has an appropriate name, since when she's nervous she tends to eat lollipops. Dianna always said that she was going to rot her teeth out, but, she never has to get fillings. She hasn't once had too. Lolli can be very hyper at times, and the only time to catch her calm is when the rain is coming. Other then that, she bouncing around somewhere!

Basic Appearance: Lolli has very, very bright blue eyes and light, sandy brown hair, which is mostly worn down. She tends to let her hair get a bit messy, because she neglects brushing it. It is silky though, because she uses a special, organic shampoo. She is very thin, even for her age and height, but that is mostly due to the extensive training she's had in the martial arts. For being such a fragile girl,. she is a good fighter; she is actually glad that she is so small for that reason. No one would think that she could fight. She has a scar on her upper lip to show for her five or so years of training. She had her front tooth busted out in a tournament, she was seven then. She is currently missing her two, middle, bottom teeth. They have only begun to grow back in.

SPECIAL! This is very important for anyone who wants to roleplay with Lolli. When she was about six, she was diagnosed with a Pituitary gland disorder, called Pituitary Dwarfism. This makes her look very much younger then a lot of students her age. She'll look like she's seventeen when she's about 30. With Pituitary Dwarfism, either puberty hits ver late in life (20's) or doesn't come at all. Lolli knows this, adn pretends like she doesn't care, but when she turns 14 or 15, and other girls are filling out. She'll be very jealous :p

Personality: Lolli is really a a good kid when someone gets to know her. She's a bit of a punk, and tends to be so determined that it gets her into trouble. She is a caring person, and feels a bit babied, being the youngest in the orphanage. She's a very mellow type of person, and enjoys her alone time. She likes to draw mostly, and she enjoys working out; such as with her Karate. She's dedicated to anything she puts her mind too, which includes her family. If anyone even tried to hurt her family, she'd do anything she could to stop them, because even though they aren't her real family, they're all she's got. Since Lolli was eight, she has refused to eat any meat, adn sticks to being a vegetarian.​

History: Lolli doesn't know much about her history, though she hasn't tried to pry to much. She can only remember as far back as her sixth birthday, when she fell down the stairs and lost the memory to anything else. This rfall that she took down the stairs, is why she has Pituitary Dwarfism. She hit her head on the landing very hard, and had to get stitches. This hit almost completely severd her spinal chord, adn she was in the hospital and rehabilitation center for a greater part of three years. Sometimes she still has back pains and headaches. And after getting a cat scan, they found that her pituitary gland was not secreting the right hormones. So for a very long time, she'll be stuck in her six-year-old body. She lives in the orphanage with her sister, and 11 other people that she considers her family. Even in muggle schools, her foster father pushed her to be the best o f the best. Which gave her more stress then she is needed, and gave her headaches. Later that year, she was taken to the hospital with a migraine, which they later found out was stress related. Lolli hates the headaches, but it always helps when she looks at the mysterious locket that she has. She has a locket that must have been given to her by her parents, which has a photo of her mother and father in it. She looks at it every night before she goes to sleep, hoping maybe one day, that she'll be able to be a good mother for a bunch of children. Having lived in an orphanage, she knows how lonely it can be, so she has decided to adopt when she gets older.
Lolli was taken hunting the year she turned 11, and she saw her "Father" shoot a doe, and since then, she has been a vegetarian. She hates to eat animals of any sort, and this also may contribute to her thinness. (Sorry that she doesn't have much history, she'll have more once fully developed, maybe in her third year or so?)

Special Abilities: She's already reached black belt in Karate.

Interests or Hobbies: Fighting, and animals.

Additional Skills: She has skills in Dancing, and fighting in many different styles of martial art.

Strengths: She is strong in fighting and when it comes to caring for people, she's one of the best. She also finds strenth in her charisma; her smile seems to make other people happier.

Weaknesses: She is weak when it comes to animals. Often she brings strays home to teh orphanage. She's a 'Fixer Upper' she helps people or animals to be better, whether it's a bird with a broken wing, or a person whose been offended.

Describe your character in three words: Caring, Determined, and Sweet

Favourite place to be: At the very top of the orphanage, is a quiet little attic. With old pictures, where the spiders come to nest. Lolli can sit up there for many quiet hours, sketching them in her little notebook.

Friends: Everyone at the orphanage, and the milk man.

Hogwarts House: N/A; though she aspires to be a Ravenclaw.

Hogwarts Hopes and Ambitions: She hopes to become head girl, and get into Ravenclaw, the smart house. She wants to at least pass with decent grades, but the higher the better. She really wants to make some friends though, knowing that all she has is family sometimes makes Lolli a bit upset.

Best school subjects: She has always known she'd be good at Muggle Studies, because a muggle lives in the orphanage. She also thinks that she'd be good with COMC, because she loves animals. She even hopes to be good at transfiguration

Worst school subjects: She has assumed, from what she's heard from older 'siblings' that she would be really bad at Potions. Mostly because she's no good at cooking.

Extracurricular Activities: She has taken Taekwondo, Judo, Karate, and self defense classes for five or more years. She took ballet from ages four to seven, and used to ride out at a local stable, working in exchange for lessons. She hopes to maybe someday, pick up an instrument, or maybe get back into dance.

Current Job: She helps with the cleaning up around Bayview orphanage, where she lives, but it's not necessarily a job.

Plans for your future: She wants to become part of the ministry, work with the control of Magical creatures. Or maybe even work at Hogwarts!

Your Patronus: Her Patrounous would be a ram, the symbol of determination.

Your Patronus memory: Her Patronus memory would be the first time she flew in a plane. It was flown by her unbiological brother Richard, and it was her and her Biological sister Cory. It was so much fun, just them.

Your Boggart: Her Boggart would be her Unbiological Brother, Richard, crashing in his plane, adn dying.

Your Animagus: Her Animagus would probably be a Labrador Retriever, because she's loyal and obidiant.

Mirror of Erised: She would see herself being head girl, and being one of the highest scoring students in Hogwarts.

A page from your diary:
Dear Diary,
I was just hoping that you could listen to me, nobody else is. I mean, if my days lessened by the number of mistakes I made, I wouldn't have made it to this day. Father is mad at me again, I fell through the floor in the attic for the third time this year. He and Mother keep telling my not to go up there, but I have to. Something drives me to be so high up and so alone. The spiders love me to be up there, I'm thinking about releasing some flies up there or something, I think they'd enjoy that.
Lately my headaches have been driving me insane. I just can't bring myself to tell Mom and DAd. I mena, if I do they might think that there's something really wrong with me again, and pull me out of Karate! I couldn't live without it. But, I hear them calling; it seems to make my headaches so much worse. But, I'll write more on the lecture later!

-Unbiological Father-
Name: Richard Carell Ricci III
Age: 46
Occupation: Helps to run the Bayview orphanage with his wife, but is looking for other work, such as a job in a restraunt or even to open up his own restraunt.
How They Get Along: Richard has always pushed Lolli to be her very best in everything. So naturally, she dislikes him a lot. She finds that he is pushy, and doesn't believe in childish behavior. She loves him though, and knows deep down, that if he hadn't of pushed her, she wouldn't be the way she is now, smart and brave, and strong.

-Unbiological Mother-
Name: Dianna Ross Ricci
Age: 40
Occupation: Runs the Bayview Orphanage with her husband. She is basically a stay at home mother.
How They Get Along: Lolli knows that Dianna is not her mom, but they get along as if she was. Lolli loves her so much, and no one is allowed to hurt her, ever. Dianna protects Lolli when her husband becomes too harsh, and that definintly helps the relationship around. But, jealousy does take Lolli over when Dianna seems to pay more attention to the other kids in the orphanage.​

-Unbiological Brother-
Name: Richard Carell Ricci IV
Age: 22
Occupation: Piolet for muggle passenger planes
How They Get Along: Richard adn Lolli, though literally oceans apart, a re the best of friends and she is closer to him then anyone else in the household. Richard has been looking to adopt Lolli, but because he is unmarried, and his career keeps him from home, he can't. Him and Lolli write as much as they can though, she she sometimes rides in his passenger planes at a discount price.

-Unbiological Brother-
Name: Anthony Lee Ramone
Age: 18
Occupation: He works as a kitchen hand in the orphanage, adn stays there at night. it pays little, but they do not charge him rent, and he gets to eat with them. He had lived and worked in teh orphanage when he was younger, and decided to stay as a full when no one came to adopt him.
How They Get Along: Anthony loves Lolli like his own sister, and is extreamly protective over her. He doesn't want her dating anyone until she's forty, which makes Lolli laugh. She thinks he's goofy, and is constintally sparring with him. They are best of friends.​

-Unbiological Sister-
Name: Andria Rose Ramone (Anthony's Twin Sister)
Age: 18
Occupation: Babysitter (recently graduated Beuxbaton)
How They Get Along:Lolli and Andria have a normal sister relationship, which means they annoy and love each other to death. Andria picks on Lolli's size, adn Lolli picks on how tall Andria is. But they do it in fun, because they do care.

-Unbiological Sister-
Name: Traci Cori Rachetti
Age: 17
Occupation: Attending a Muggle school
How They Get Along: Tracy adn Lolli talk everyday to share information about each others worlds. When Tracy was eight, she showed up at the orphanage, because her parents didn't want a squib. Tracy learns about magic from Lolli, and Lolli learns more about muggle schools from Tracy.​

-Unbiological Sister-
Name: Laura Ray Simone
Age: 17
Occupation: None (Expelled from B:cool:
How They Get Along: Lolli doesn't like Laura at all, it's simply because she is a trouble maker. Laura has been adopted many times because of her beauty, but has never stuck in a home unfortunantly. Lolli knows it's because of her troublesome ways.

-Unbiological Brother-
Name: Noah William Starr
Age: 16
Occupation: Durmstrang Attendent
How They Get Along: Noah is loud, obnoxious, and up for any challenge. He helps Lolli with her Karate, and trains her in the perfect ways to belch. He taches Lolli a lot of things about boys as far as the fact that since meeting Noah, she can now belch the alphabet and fight through any crowd of boys.

-Unbological Sister-
Name: Carri Lynn Alexander
Age: 15
Occupation: Beuxbaton student
How They Get Along: Carri and Lolli have a mutual respect for each other, but haven't really spoken since Carri arrived. She only speaks with her sister, Lynnie.

-Unbological Sister-
Name: Lynnie Ray Alexander
Age: 14
Occupation: Beuxbaton Student
How They Get Along: Lynnie and Lolli hardly talk, but more then what Carri and Lolli do. They are both smart, and respect each others art tastes. They tend to dace and train in the same places, and know a lot about each other without speaking.​

-Unbiological Brother-
Name: Kaysee Eric Lornn
Age: 13
Occupation: Durmstrang Attendent
How They Get Along: Kaysee is a bookworm whom keeps to himself. He has never spoken to Lolli but is constantly watching her. Lolli has helped Kaysee out when Laura steals his books, but he never really talks to her other then that.

<COLOR color="#CC0099">-Bological Sister-
Name: Corey Lynn Lovre
Age: 12
Occupation: Buexbatons Student
How They Get Along: Corey and Lolli are rarely seen apart. They are the best of friends, and though Corey is deaf in both ears and can only hear enough to read lips, they are contantly talking. Corey is very protective of Lolli, and vice versa. They've always taken dance together, and even Karate. They read the same books, adn sometimes wear the same outfits. They are always color coordinated when they are out of school. And they love each other more then any sisters could.​

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