Theodore Yzak Snow

Theodore Snow

Well-Known Member
OOC First Name
Hawthorn Wand 13" Essence of Serpent Scale

"I am not pretty!"

[Full Name:] Theodore Yzak Snow
Theodore: Gift of God
Yzak: He Will Laugh
Snow: Frozen Crystal
[Origin:] Theodore's family has descended souly from France so his name and it’s Origin is French. Theodore was the second in his family to receive the name Theodore but the first to ever have Yzak ever in his name. He does not seemed to really care his name all that much.
[Birth Date:] December 12, 2008
[Age:] 16
[Gender:] Male
[Relationship Status:] In an Arranged Marriage Who: Aleyha Devearux
[Nicknames:] Teddy, Theo, and Pretty-boy
[Languages Spoken:] English & French
[Hometown:] Bordeaux, France
[Current Residence:] Hogwarts New Zealand
[Wand:] Poplar Wand 14" Essence of Gargoyle Tooth

Sometimes, I feel I'm going down and so disconnected
[Magical Talents:] Possess' Strong Knowledge in Arithmancy
[Other Talents:] Fluent in English and French. Can play the Piano, Guitar, Sing and can read music.
[Weakness':] Has a Short Temper & Weak in DADA
[Hobbies:] Sleeping, Playing Guitar, Bothering People, Reading, Quidditch, Lazing Around
[Likes:] Sleeping, Aleyha, Pancakes, Snakes, Quidditch, Green, Dark Magic, Math, Piercings, Naps, Emeralds, Snow
[Dislikes:] Being Woken Early, Annoying people, kids, drama, shopping, Muggles, Alphonse, Most Girls.
[5 Personality Traits :] Lazy, Sarcastic, Rude, Calm, Independent
[Blood Status: ] Half-Veela
[Patronus/Animagus Form: ] Polar Bear
[Boggart: ] Alphonse Snow

I'd rather kill myself than turn into their slave
[Zodiac Sign:] Sagittarius
[Sagittarius Strengths:] Optimistic, freedom-loving, Intellectual, philosophical, Honest
[Sagittarius Weakness':] Blindly optimistic, careless, Tactless, and restless
[Sagittarius Likes:] Unlimited freedom, alternative or unusual ideas, being on the move all the time, plentiful food and drink, perfumes and beauty aids of any kind, gambling, raffles and lotteries, and recreational flirting with those aforementioned people.
[Sagittarius Dislikes:] Disapproval of others, inclined to keep in the end, being too safe, secure, or confined, administrative details, and above all having their basic honesty doubted by others for any unmerited reason.
[Ruling planet:] Jupiter
[Stone:] Topaz

Sometimes, I feel that I should go and play with the thunder
[Eye Colour:] Dark Emerald Green. Usually Tired and bored looking.
[Hair Colour:] Platinum Blonde. Usually kept long and is considered to be very soft and shiny.
[Skin:] Usually Pale and smooth.
[Height:] 6"4
[Body:] Built - But has a bit of a feminine look to some of him.
[Scars:] Theodore has a small scar on his shoulder from being attacked by a hinkypunk at age five.
[Style:] Style One & Style Two
[Other Details:] Has his Lip Pierced

I've been watching, I've been waiting, In the shadows all my time
[School:] Hogwarts New Zealand
[House:] Slytherin ((Prefect))
[Years Attended:] 2020 - Present
[Favourite Subject:] Arithmancy
[Least Favourite Subject:] History of Magic
[Quidditch:] Slytherin Quidditch Beater (Co-Captain)
[Extracurricular Activities:] Slytherin Quidditch Beater & Co-Captain, Conglomerated Arts, Brotherhood
[Favourite Place at Hogwarts:] Dorm Room, Common room, Lakefront
[Least Favourite Place at Hogwarts:] Great Hall
[Inspiring Staff Members:] Professor Snow & Professor Styx
['Clique': ] N/A
[OWL Grades: ]
Charms- A
Herbology- O
Potions- O
Arithmancy- O
[NEWT Grades: ]

The History
Theodore Snow was born on December 12, 2008 right before his fraternal twin Alyssa to his pure blood father and Veela mother. At first everyone seemed proud for the second birth of twins in the family and tried their best to ignore that they were in fact half-breeds of the worst sort. Since they were raised in a wealthy pure blood family that was known for power and Dark Arts they were spoiled form birth. It also also heavily covered up that Theodore was a Veela as well as Alphonse's son, the older man planned to kill them so he figured it didn't matter much if they claimed Theodore as their son or now. </FONT>

<COLOR color="#054100"><FONT font="Tahoma">Direct Family:♥

Valere Regis Snow

Relation: Granfather
Blood Status: Pure-blood
Occupation: Death Eater
Education: Slytherin Alumni
Living Status: Alive

Caterine Deni Snow Formerly: Roy

Relation: Grandmother
Blood Status: Pure-blood
Occupation: Obliviator & Death Eater
Education: Slytherin Alumni ((Prefect//Head girl))
Living Status: Deceased
Cause of Death: Was killed by Aurors

Alphonse Severe Snow

Relation: Father
Blood Status: Pure-blood
Occupation: Death Eater
Title: Head of Snows
Education: Slytherin Alumni ((Prefect))
Living Status: Living

Margaux Eloise Snow-Knight

Relation: Mother
Blood Status: Veela
Occupation: Model & Fashion Designer
Education: Beauxbatons Alumni
Living Status: Dead
Cause of Death: Murdered by Alphonse Snow

Aleyha Megan Devearux

Relation: Future Wife
Blood Status: Mixed-Blood
Ability: Parselmouth
Education: Slytherin 4th Year
Living Status: Living

Noah Salazar Snow

Relation: Uncle
Blood Status: Pure Blood
Occupation: Beater for The Quiberon Quafflepunchers
Education: Slytherin Alumni
Living Status: Alive

Effie Monique Snow

Relation: Aunt
Blood Status: Pure Blood
Occupation: N/A
Education: Hufflepuff Alumni
Living Status: Alive

Anastasia Fleur Snow

Relation: Aunt
Blood Status: Pure-blood
Occupation: Death Eater
Education: Ravenclaw Alumni
Living Status: Living

Leon Jean Snow

Relation: Uncle
Blood Status: Pure-blood
Occupation: Death Eater
Education: Former Slytherin Alumni
Living Status: Living

Zoe Irene Snow

Relation: Aunt
Blood Status: Pure-blood
Occupation: N/A
Education: Slytherin Alumni
Living Status: Living

Nataliia Mirela Snow-Dragonov

Relation: Step-Mother
Blood Status: Pure Blood
Occupation: Fashion Designer
Title: Margrave of the Zhefarovich Family
Education: Beauxbatons Alumni
Living Status: Living

Gabrielle Angelique Snow

Relation: Half-Sister
Blood Status: Pure-blood
Occupation: N/A
Education: Beauxbatons Alumni
Living Status: Living

Xavier Joel Snow

Relation: Half-Sister
Blood Status: Pure-blood
Occupation: N/A
Education: Hufflepuff Alumni
Living Status: Living

Alyssa Christelle Snow

Relation: Twin Sister
Blood Status: Half-Veela
Occupation: N/A
Education: Slytherin Sixth Year
Living Status: Living

Joanna Cateline Snow

Relation: Sister
Blood Status: Half-Veela
Occupation: N/A
Living Status: Alive
Cause of Death: Murdered by Alphonse Snow

Aphrodite Jolie Snow

Relation: Sister
Blood Status: Half-Veela
School: Too young For School
Living Status: Living

Bijou Cyrille Snow

Relation: Sister
Blood Status: Half-Veela
Occupation: N/A
Living Status: Dead
Cause of Death: Murdered by Alphonse Snow

Hunter Amauri Snow

Relation: Brother
Blood Status: Half-Veela
Occupation: N/A
Living Status: Dead
Cause of Death: Murdered by Alphonse Snow

Babette Lea Snow

Relation: Sister
Blood Status: Half-Veela
Occupation: N/A
Living Status: Dead
Cause of Death: Murdered by Alphonse Snow

Nazaire Perrin Snow

Relation: Brother
Blood Status: Half-Veela
Occupation: N/A
Living Status: Dead
Cause of Death: Murdered by Alphonse Snow

Lucien Henri Snow

Relation: Half-Brother
Blood Status: Pure-Blood
Occupation: N/A
Living Status: Alive

Jean Ivon Snow

Relation: Half-Brother
Blood Status: Pure-Blood
Occupation: N/A
Living Status: Alive

Lucretia Cateline Snow

Relation: Half-Sister
Blood Status: Pure-Blood
Occupation: N/A
Living Status: Alive

Katrina Lucille Snow

Relation: Half-Sister
Blood Status: Pure-Blood
Occupation: N/A
Living Status: Alive

Joanna Liyla Dragonov-Rogers

Relation: Step-Sister
Blood Status: Half-Blood
Occupation: N/A
Living Status: Alive

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