Theo Smith

Theo Smith

Well-Known Member
Ebony Wand 15" Essence of Phoenix Talon
The Basics

Name and its meaning:
Theo- Its source is Theodorus, a Greek name meaning "God's gift."
Atticus- From Attica
Lewis- Its source is Hlutwig, an Ancient Germanic name meaning "Famous warrior."

9th September 2003

Wellington, New Zealand

Blood Status:
Mixed Blood

Ebony Wand 15" Essence of Phoenix Talon

Hogwarts Scotland



Short spiky black hair

Deep brown eyes, his eyes give nothing away as they are dark and emotionless.

Theo's style is usually smart. He wears expensive suits or things that look smart but not make him stand out too much when he doesn't want to be noticed. As Theo is very proud he doesn't like to be seen in public in anything that was cheap or looks worn. When he isn't in a suit his clothes usually consist of a collared shirt with a cardigan over or a dark colored hoody, he wears dark jeans mostly black or dark blue. Theo also has a unique tattoo on his upper chest on the left hand side. It is a ancient chinese symbol that means Theo

A little deeper:

Theo is very dominating, evil, rich and arrogant. He was always taught by his father to be the one with power over people, and to hate muggles, and especially muggle borns.
He will never show mercy or sympathy towards anyone anything, not even to his own family. He won’t help a person in pain, instead he will make fun of them or leave them the way they are and not even care about them.

Theo was born on the 9th of September in 2003 in Wellington, New Zealand. As his parents were rich and he grew up around witches and wizards he thought that magic was normal. He had never before seen a muggle as he grew up. Theo had anything that he could ever have asked for, toys, clothes, animals, anything and everything. Living in a very social environment with many wizard friends who adored him, Victor grew to be an arrogant, evil and selfish child.

When Theo was 8 he faced the first proper low in his life. His mother, Bella died. At Theo’s young age he did not understand why his father left New Zealand. They had to leave their whole life behind them. Theo had to leave all of his friends and he had to leave the house which he adored, he had to leave behind everything that he found familiar.

When Theo was 9 he was living in Scotland when his dad got married to another lady, Millie who was a few years younger than his father. She was rich and she loved Theo like her own. So once again Theo had everything that he could ever want with even having to ask for it.

He began his first year in Hogwarts Scotland where he was then sorted into Slytherin, the house of cunning. From his very first step in Hogwarts, Theo’s personality changed greatly. He knew his purpose at the school, gaining knowledge and he did it to the best of his ability keeping all other priorities to follow.

Hitting adolescence was a completely different case for this young teenager. He became even more sulky, arrogant and dominating with others. He had made several enemies in school, mostly from Gryffindor and Hufflepuff. One Hufflepuff in particular, Daniel Gardner, he was Theo’s greatest enemy. Daniel and Theo competed each other mainly in Qudditch as they both played chasers. But at the age of fourteen, Theo discovered that a girl named Jasmine Hampton from Hufflepuff which fancied him.

Theo kept meeting her gaze in classrooms and in the corridors, as they were in the same year as each other. As Theo began to dig up her story he came to realise that she was a half-blood, and also a muggle lover but yet she still liked him. What Theo also came to realize is that Daniel liked Jasmine. Theo saw this as a perfect opportunity to make Daniel jealous. This was an opportunity that could not be missed.

It was for this reason and this reason only that Theo began to pursue Jasmine. Asking her on dates and to the yule ball, showering her with gifts and making her blush so that Daniel could see so he would be jealous of him. Theo could see the dark circules under Daniels eyes but he still didn’t stop, he wanted more than that. Kisses and Snogging followed, first in bushes where nobody could them them and then in corridors where they could be seen by anybody, including Daniel. The girl seemed to enjoy Theo’s attention that he gave to her, although Theo was not at all interested in her but of course he could hide that side of him and pretend to be the boy that she liked while Daniel was here.

Daniel being totally heart broken left the school in the end of their fourth year which was when Theo dumped Jasmine. She kept following him and demanding a reason in which he left her but the only thing that Theo would tell her was that they were never even together in the first place.

When Theo left in his fourth year he moved out of his house because of his family problems. His dad was starting to hit his wife and Theo. Theo was made to watch and he was told that he could not help because if he did then he would hit his brothers. Theo moved to live with one of his friends in England. Graduating from Hogwarts Scotland at the age of seventeen with the best NEWTs and OWLs he did an advanced course on Potion making and charms because that was the line that he was the most passionate about.

The death of Martin
When Theo had left school he and his best friend who he lived with, Martin, began to get closer. They were like brothers to each other. They got jobs together and did everything together.

It was a big hit for Theo when Martin died. He was killed by a gang of muggles. Theo didn’t know what to do with himself. The now felt a burning hatred for muggles because of what they did to his best mate. This event changed him for the worst and Theo turned heartless, he swore to himself not to get too attached to anybody again as it would only leave him hurt again. This Theo was nineteen at this point and now he had no where to live and he didn’t know if his family still loved in Scotland. Theo began to look for them. He started in Scotland then spoke to some people who used to be friends of the family. He was informed that they had all moved back to New Zealand. Theo decided to wait a while before seeing them again, he needed to stay with Martin’s family a while to show his respects to them.

By the time that he was twenty one Theo moved to New Zealand to begin his search for his family. He found his dad soon after moving, he was told that they had moved here because Riley had been thrown out of his school for constant fighting and that he had changed since Theo had been gone. Theo now lives closer to home and feels like he has let his family down with the huge betrayal of leaving them.

Theo and Ana
Theo first met Ana in the spring of 2024 in September. She had just left his little brother Riley after catching him cheating with another girl. She had been in the harbour and Theo went to talk to her. They didn't really have the best starting as Ana was a little scared of him. He offered her someone to talk to and gave her a little advice. After she had lost Riley baby which had been killed by their father, Ashton, she had gotten pregnant with his best friend, Jason. Theo listened to what she said and made her feel better.

They met again about a week or two later. Ana was still scared of him but they got talking again anyway. After getting to know each other Theo offered her to go back to his house as Ana was cold and he thought that it was best she warmed up because of her pregnancy. Once at his they spoke a little more and one thing led to another and they ended up in bed with each other. Soon after this event Riley intruded after hearing Rumours about Theo's return in New Zealand. As Riley didn't know about Theo and Ana, Ana wanted Theo to get him to leave. Of course because they hated each other this led to a fight between the two brothers and Ana had no choice but to make her presence known to Riley. Of course this came as a shock to him and Theo then wiped his memory so he could remember anything that he had seen or heard about him and her.

Theo soon learned that he had feelings for Ana. He couldn't admit it to himself or to Ana as he didn't understand them because he had never felt this way towards anyone before and they were confusing him. Theo knew that he couldn't leave her because he would regret it and he hadn't figured her out or why he had these feelings for her so he stayed with her so he could sort himself out. The feeling only got stronger the more he was around her and when she said that she loved him, he couldn't manage to say it back as he had never said that word before. Of course this led to an argument which then led to Theo opening up about his past. This was also another first for Theo.

After Theo and Ana had begun to get serious he convinced her to talk to Ashton about them. Of course Ana was reluctant because she was scared of him. Theo said that it would be fine and that he would protect her, Ana agreed and they went to see him. Once there Ana told Ash about her being pregnant with Jason's child. Ash flipped and stabbed her in the stomach which resulted in the death of the child. Theo saw this as his own fault and beat Ash up. He hated himself for what he had let happen and felt more responsible because he was the one who made her go. Ana kept telling him that it wasn't his fault and that he couldn't have know what would have happened.

In early November Theo was just starting to sort himself out when Ana informed him that she was pregnant again, with his child. Theo was confused by this. On one hand he was angry because he didn't like the fact that she was pregnant again and he didn't really want to be a dad because he didn't like children. On the other hand he was happy because the woman he loved was now carrying his baby which meant she was officially linked to him through another person and they would raise it together. They are now working together and Ana has moved out of her old house with her family and lives in her own house which was a present that Theo got her.

Mum: Bella Smith (Deceased)
Dad: Ashton Smith
Brother: Blake Smith (Deceased)
Half brother: Riley Smith
adopted sister: Alexia Smith

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