Their Twins...for the first time

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Ryoma Echizen

Active Member
OOC First Name
Hi there, my name is Margaux some might know me because of my sister Marga and others because I have a roleplay with them, well, enough of the introductions

Here are my Charries:


Miyuki may be not that nice but, she is caring and he always love her parents but she sometime tease them. She sometimes tell some lies because she is afraid that she will not be having friends or her parents will get mad at her. Miyuki needs friends at Hogwarts but if you want your character to be enemies its okay with me but don't get irritated if my roleplays are not connected to that topic.


He, of course is the twin sister of Miyuki as said before he is kind, helpful, and he always wanted for her sister to be infront or they will be with each other so that he can protect her, I want some friends for Ryoma so that he will not only be with his sister all the time as if he is a bodyguard you if you want some enemies fine by me but my warning as said before.

Okay so they are my only charries that I will use maybe I'll make more when they graduate or when I still can handle them, question please pm me opinions you can post it here or pm me also
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