The Wimpy Little Lion Cub

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Kaleb Bane

Well-Known Member
OOC First Name
| Apple Wand | 13 1/2" | Essence of Belladonna |


Kaleb's a First year Gryffindor. He doesn't think of himself as brave, yet underneath he is able to do almost anything. Just so long as his feet are firmly planted on the ground...
He's not completely your average Gryffindor. As a lover of potions and adventure, traits he recieved from his Squib mother, Kaleb often has his nose deep in magical ointments and ingredients, as well as numerous book on many methods of potion making.

His family history has always been tied to both Muggle and Wizaarding blood from each generation, and Kaleb has grown accustomed to the seperation between the sub-species.

Kaleb was born in New Zealand, and named after his father (Kaleb James Bane Senior.) He was homeschooled up until age 11, as his parents found it more reliable than enrolling him in a Wizarding primary school or a Muggle primary school, for fear of lack of understanding of the other side.

Soo... Kaleb needs friends. Desperately! A first year gryffindor would be great, like a dorm mate, as well as someone to persuade him to face his fears. Any type of personality is welcome! Please, feel free to post Ideas or Questions.

P.S. Apologies if the Image is too big. Smallest I could find at short notice. Say so if you want me to find something smaller.
He could meet Isabelle, who is outgoing and adventurous. She could persuade Kaleb to break out of his shell and face his fears. However, Isabelle was put under immense amounts of pressure to be constantly perfect and poised by her parents, and because of that, she puts herself down a lot. She would need Kaleb to convince her that making mistakes is okay, and to accept herself for who she is.

For more info you could check out her bio.
Connor :hug:

So I think It's time Eugene met Kaleb and they could either
1.Be best friends
2.Have a mutual dislike of each other
3.Be best friends and later on (in later years) become enemies

They could probably be friends since they are both young potioneers but that might also be something they might compete in if they become enemies.Also does Kaleb like Quidditch? If he does then they could be competitive in that area or if he doesn't then Eugene would probably think hes a wimp :r since he doesnt like it.

So let me know whatcha think and if you have any plot ideas kay :)
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