the whole story

Briar Rowan-Cullen

Strength in diversity
OOC First Name
Blood Status
Relationship Status
Sexual Orientation
Briars rowan, 15", with centaur (aspens) tail hair and my werewolf fur
49 (2/2013)
today had been hell for a irtain Gryffindor who went by the nake of Briar rowan. from the moment she had left the common room that morning she had been stared at, whistpered about laugthed at and tripped by the rest of the students. the only good thing that had come about that day was that she had made up with her sister that had almost counterbalanced the bad. It was all because of one rumor that had spread around the school faster than anyone would have guessed. aided ver much by the posters that had been put up by jaden West. after her one and only class she had headed down to the kitchens, and eaten lunch in the company of the house elves. they already knew what she was, as they had her odd food requests ready every month. she stayed there for the remainder of the break and once most of the school had gone to class she headed to the hospital wing for her potion. then out to where she was now. the lakes edge siting in the lower branches of a willow hidden from the rest of the world. she had spent the afternoon reading through some of her textbooks. not something that se would usually be seen doing, but it did take her mind on what was going on inside the school, plus she found some cool spells. she then wrote a letter To Iris, Madlyns mother explaining her actions over the previous break, apologising, then explaining her current situation. Madlyn had told her that morning that Iris would still want her, but she flt bad for what she had put the family through. then she just sat there for the rest of the day. she had told her brother and sister where she would be. ad she hoped that they would come out after classes had finished for them, as she wanted to tell them what had happened. the secret was out so she wanted them to know at least what had happened. how the guy who was now her boyfriend had transformed, and she had tried to escape but failed. and how Jaden had found them both on Dee's boat and worked it out. she could just about see the castle doors from a gap in the branches, and she watched once the final bell of the day had gone to see if she could see Madlyn and Minoas coming.
Minoas had skipped willingly his first class of the new semester to help his friend and sister. He had tried to support Briar psychologically by creating some werewolf-supporting-pins that would spread across the castle to those that were by her side. He wasn't sure yet if what had done had boosted her confidence or had made her feel even worse but Minoas was generally acting impulsively and that was his reaction to the specific situation.

At that moment he was quite irritated and agitated. He had tolerated the caustic comments of some slytherins classmates, during the defence against the dark arts class, as they were feeling comfortable enough to do so under the lecturing of their head of house. He had never that urge to stupefy someone before but for now he was bursting his anger on a little stone, by kicking it all along the way, letting it rolling a bit every time. He knew that Briar was waiting for him and Madlyn somewhere near the lake but the young gryffindor couldn't spot her.
Homenum Revelio. he murmured commonly and smirked as he noticed Briar's red aura, covered by the foliage of a willow tree by the lake. "I didn't know that werewolves could climb up a tree." he commented with a smile as he reached with his hand the bark of the tree, waiting for an invitation to climb up or Briar to come down instead.
Madlyn had a busy day keeping the younger students in check. It was times this she was grateful for her gigantic genes, for the most part when they saw Madlyn they would shut instantly at her sight. She wasn't trying to come off mean, but when something like this happen to Briar her sister, she wanted to silence the other students of their bad mouthing. Unfortunately the older students weren't afraid to say what was on her their mind, she had to tolerate the name calling till a professor shut their mouth up. Professor A'Dare was one a few who would silence the gawking and laughing at Briar. For the rest of her day it went rather smoothly, she stop listening to the nonsense and kept at her work.

Besides she was thinking of Briar the whole time.

She wonder of what had happen last year, how all of this came to be about. She admit she had been worried ever since this morning, it was like meeting a whole new person. The last bell rang, she was done for the day. She hurried out of her classroom and out of the school yard to see Minoas talking up a tree. She guessed Briar was up there hiding from the rest of the school, not like her but the pressure was on. She lead the way across the grass lane and reached them in no time. "Ah makes sense, your the one giving out those buttons?" she pointed at his shirt, he had a few of them. Clever. She smile up the tree, she could reach her sister, ducking between branches she manage to stand besides her. "I never though I see this day, but I hope your not hiding Briar?" she poke at her chin, pulling her face up. "Come on down so we can all talk about this..."
Briar saw Minoas head out of the castle. and come towards the tree, she was about to call to him when he cast the spell to show where she was. "well we are human most of the time. and it doesn't stop me climbing trees." she said seeing madlyn leave the castle. she had chosen this tree as it made like a dome when no one could see in. she could see that minoas and Madlyn ere impressed by the badges, and she was too, It felt good that people were willing to accept her, she had seen quite a few students wearing them around the castle when she had been in there. "I'm not hiding, just drained energy, Its a full moon tomorrow and it does take it out of you, and enough has happened today wash out the energy i had. but after the full moon i will stand up for myself." she said she slipped herself off the branch and landed easily on the floor. she looked between the two of them. "I want to talk to you about what has happened. I am sure you have a lot of questions, and i think you should be the ones to know the whole truth, and know it first. so fire away. and i will try and answer them" she said. she was sure that in a few moments she would be bombarded with questions, and she would answer them fully or as best as she could at least. she would try and explain what had happened in the mountains, and then what had happened on the boat, well maybe she would leave out a few details of what happened on the boat, the slightly more personal details.
"Personally I don't see any difference. Except maybe from the fact that you'll be missing during full moons. I still can't understand how I didn't figure out before. I had noticed that you were missing a night per month but the thought never crossed my mind." he said as Madlyn arrived as well, asking him if he was the provider of those werewolf pins. "Oh yeah absolutely! I took me some time but the result is pretty cool and I skipped history of magic as well." he said with a mischievous smile, as he pressed the pin once more to emit a wolf's howl. As Briar came down the tree, he dropped his postman bag aside and sat on a flat rock, next to the trees' roots.
"First of all, I'm just a little mad that you kept it secret from us." he started including Madlyn to that. He wasn't sounding angry or anything. It was more like a friendly complain. "Did you think that we were going to get afraid of you and never speak to you again?" he asked her although he wasn't expecting a certain answer to that. He was so excited that Briar was a werewolf that he wanted to learn how did it feel to be one. "So who turned you into pure awesomeness? When it happened?" he asked asked as he was expecting to hear a thrilling story.
Madlyn moved to let Briar jump down, she stood besides Minoas. "Speak for yourself Minoas, we weren't really talking for a while. With you know the whole tragedy" she sighed heavy. She regret to bits, it shouldn't had happen, she didn't get to see in Briar's perspective, took her ages to see in her world. She bit down her lip, Minoas question was right on point. Madlyn decided to join the ground for this, she took off her robes and sat down on it.
"Not just that, I want to know how Jaden even got to the conclusion of you being a werewolf and a ...skank? That's load of crap" she yet to decide the Slytherin's faith. She would want to get her back and then some, except mom couldn't handle another of her daughter bringing bad news to her. "She's not being let out off the hook, for now she can think she's won. But I like to scare her to death just one good time" Madlyn went on ranted, she stop apologizing for ranting. It's a bad habit of hers lately with being angry sometimes and taking it out to those who she dreaded. She really needed to get back to her old ways again, if not chill out a little.
Briar smiled. "well if you didnt work it out then i reckon I did a good job as keeping it secert" she said knowing Minoas was very curious, sometimes a little too so. she looked at Madltn when she said that they hadnt spoken for a while. "I am sorry for not appoloising earlyer. I just wasnt sure how" she said. the holiday had done things to her that she wast sed to, she was able to tell people things that she wouldnt have been able to before. like now appoligising to madln seemed easy, but before the break she hadnt got a clue about where to begin. "I wasnt afraid you wouldnt talk to me, i had been advised by numorous people not to tell anyone, so i followed their advise thinking that they knew best" she said. it hadnt mattered though. the truth had come out in he end, maybe if she had told some people wit wouldnt have been quite as shocking when it did. she sat down ready to answer the questions. she started with Minoas's first as he had asked first and it made sence to answer how it had happened before how it had gotten out. "he person who bit me is called Dederick Cullen. and he is now my boyfriend, but that will fit in later down the line" she said. it was a simple start. and now she had to continue with the rest of the story. "as you know at the end of last year i went missig over the summer. well i besically flew to the south Island and spent the break going feral again in the mountains" she said. she paused for a moment to let this sink in, and see if then wanted to ask her anything although this bit was a fairly simple part of the story. "one evening about two weeks before the end of the holiday, i ran into Dee, i had met him once on a brightstone weekend. basically he came over to my camp and we split dinner. however i didn't know that he was in the mountains to get away from people when he transformed. and i didn't find out until he turned into a wolf. as he hadn't had his potion he lost control and chased me, i had started running when he started to transform. I started to climb up a cliff, but just to let you know it is hard to climb in the dark, and i seemed to have picked up a bad path as i didn't get high enough in time and he managed to snap get a hold of my ankle" she said. she waited and unfastened her shoe and pulled up the trousers so that they could see the dark scars on her ankle which were still bright even though they were months old now, they wouldn't fade. "anyway that dislodged me from the rock, and i was on the ground. thankfully i had a knife in my pocket, and i don't know how but he got scared away, as i was hardly using it. anyway that night was pure hell. It was painful, and i didn't know if he was going to come back, plus there was a sort of part transformation which was not good. anyway in the morning I managed to hobble back to camp making a bandage out of my t-shirt, and splinting it with a branch. i flew to st mungo's. and spent the rest of the holiday in there, being let out a couple of days before school started to buy my textbooks and make the necessary arrangements." she stopped there. she knew that she had Madlyns question to answer but she decided to get the first part covered in complete before going onto the next part. plus she needed a break from talking. she opened her bag that contained like normal her water, and food. she took out the bottle and took a couple of mouthfuls. waiting for them to say something, if they didn't she would continue on in the next stage.
Madlyn sat in silence for the time being, listening to Briar's entire story was worth the trouble waiting all day for this. Wow, she really didn't count on all of this happening to her. What really caught her off guard was the whole boyfriend part, after some guy bit her change her to a werewolf and now she was dating him?! "Wait so your dating this Dederick Cullen guy, after he had so change you to a werewolf? That's insane!" Only Briar, she swear the girl was out of it. "This sounds like a bad vampire story no offense!" she laughed, pushing back her elbows to lean on them. The whole story was buzzard, buzzard that happen in the wizarding world always.

"I'm sorry how did that even happen? Usually if that ever happens, a person would get charge or question by the ministry? Like the Department of Magical Creatures. Why did you let him get away with biting you?" she question Briar.
Minoas was listening devoutly to Briar's story. He was bringing images in his mind now and then and he was trying to visualize Briar turning into a werewolf. His questions weren't the same as Madlyn's. He didn't care about boyfriends, girlfriends or love. He was too young. Moreover, he didn't know what a person should do straight after they were bitten by a werewolf but he would like to know. However, different, childish questions slipped off his lips. "How does it feel when you turn into a werewolf? How does it feel after in that form? Do your senses sharpen in your werewolf form? Do you want to return as soon as possible back to your human form? Do you have that urge to get out in the forest and hunt like a real wolf?" he showered her with a torrent of questions. As always he was intrigued of anything new and that was new to him. He was probably going to find a book on werewolves if Briar wasn't going to answer his question, if they were personal, but he would like to know from her that she was experiencing the whole situation.
Madlyns reaction was a fairly typical female reaction and went straight to the point that she was dating Dee. she smiled. "when have i ever been sane. Seriously Madlyn you should know me better than that by now." she teased, it felt good to be able to have a conversation with her sister again. With both her sister and brother together she was almost glad that Jaden had let the news out as right now she was the happiest she had been in a while. As for her sanity, well she had never really acted like a normal person. a way to work out what she would do in a situation would be to work out what someone normal would do and then do something totally different, something Reckless, something crazy. when she said that it was like a bad vampire story she smiled. she hadn't though of it like that, she had never read a novel, she hated reading and wen she did it was usually a textbook or something useful. she found fiction wrong, the people didn't work right, however she had heard of the said vampire books from a couple of girls in her dorm who were talking about them. she hoped it wasn't. they seemed to cliché.
she smiled at the next questions, she would answer these before going to the second part of her story, "I know the department of magical creatures usually deal with this, someone came and talked to me when i was in st mungos but i had already decided not to turn him in. for a few reasons, firstly, it wasn't his fault, he didn't mean to attack and wasn't in control of himself, and if i hadn't been so desperate for compony and offered him food he would have been on the other side of the mountain. secondly He was the only person i knew who knew what i was going through, so it was good to stay in contact, which if he was in prison would be hard. so when they asked i said i hadn't a clue who it was" she said they were the main reasons, once again the total opposite of what most people would do.
then Minoas' questions came, more about being a werewolf than what had happened to her, these were easily to answer as they were facts not her personal thoughts ad reasoning. "the transformation is painful. the day of transformation i have no energy. last month i didn't even want to get out of bed on the day. then about an hour or so before the sun sets there is suddenly a rush of energy and i cant stay still. it starts with a tingling in the fingers ten a moment later a pain down the spine. and the movement of the bones is not pleasant. i don't think i think about human form when i am wolf, but i guess watching the clock says yes. do i want to get out? there is no way i can get out of where i have to be without magic, i think i have tried every way" she said. taking another mouthful of water to moisten her breath.
"any other questions on that or shall i answer madlyns question on how Jaden found out" she said wondering if they wanted to know anything else.
Minoas was satisfied with her answers, he had now a spheric idea of what was like being a werewolf. It seemed that it wasn't that pleasant after all and that Briar was having a hard time every full moon. "I guess wolfsbane will be making it much more easier and soothing." he said not sure if Briar was taking the potion before her transformations. He felt quite uncomfortable when the two girls were talking about romance and vampire stories and remained silent for a while.

To him nothing had changed. Briar was still going to be his friend even though she might was absent during full moons and as soon as she was ok with her new lifestyle he hadn't something else to say or ask her. However, he would like to know more about the person that spread the truth all around the castle. That Jaden that the girls were mentioning seemed like the one to be blamed. He hadn't met or heard her before but he could tell that she was probably a slytherin student. "Nope. I'm okay! I'm glad that you took the time to talk to us. It must have been a heavy burden to keep inside you. I would like though to know too about that Jaden. How do you know her?" he asked both of them as they looked like the knew her pretty well.
Madlyn let out a loud laugh. "Well I was forgetting how it was to be around you. This is so refreshing,all of this is madness but I will adjust to the whole werewolf part of you now" she quiet herself a little, she wanted to let Briar she had her full support. Regardless of the whole were wolf romance, she trust Briar to make good judgement on this Dederick Cullen character. If she trust him enough, then maybe I should trust her to be okay? She look down at the grass below her, a small gush of wind made them dance a little. She ran her hand above them, the fine grass raking through her fingers. "I want to meet him one day, you know just to make sure he's not evil at all..." she gave a playful wink before she fell silent again.

Minoas ask about Jaden. "She was the one that set buldgers out on Briar last year, for no reason really. But I'm pretty sure it was because of the whole quidditch game. She's crazy, never heard of her before that fight. All of a sudden she wanted to be notice by harassing us" Madlyn rolled her eyes. It's typical Slytherin stereotype, feels like nothing never change with them. "But I heard she doesn't like her house. Well that's what someone told me, not sure if it's true or not" she shrug. Rumors were just rumors, could be true like Briar's werewolf dilemma or not. "Where is she from anyways? Maybe her parents will hear about the crap she pulled and figure out it may have been Jaden?" she doubt it. If the chick was bad, mother hen should be hell.
Briar laughed when Madlyn said she had forgotten what it was lake to be around her. she had missed hiving madlyn around a lot. and had forgotten some of her quirks too. "I haven't changed that much" she said though she knew that quite a lot of her had changed. she was actually working hard in class, and had seemed to have grown up a lot. "I am sure you will meet him some time." she said smiling at her want to check he wasn't evil, she was pretty sure he wasn't.
on the question on wolfsbane she tried to explain but it was hard when she hadn't had a month without the potion "well from what i can tell, the potion cant stop the pain. it works by letting me keep my head, and not get taken over by the wolf mind. I think it also seems to decrease the sickness around the transformation too. the lack of energy, and nausea and headaches. on the whole they seem to have decreased. first month i was feeling it a week before hand, when we were having that quidditch training, but now it is only the day and day before" she said referring to when she had helped minoas practice quidditch before the team trials.
she listened as he sister explained who Jaden was. she had got it right. "thats right, she is a slytherin seventh year, I also hadn't heard of her before that incident." she said agreeing with her. "I hadn't heard that she didn't like her house before, though i doubt her parents will be told, i heard her and Dee talking before she noticed me and she said her parents were dead" she said. she seemed like a snake and a half, but that didn't mean she liked her house.
Briar then took a deep breath and continued her story. "well we stayed in contact once i was out of the hospital and back at school. mainly by owl." she said not mentioning that they had arranged to meet ver the brightstone weekend, and he hadn't shown. "anyway after a while he offered to let me stay with him on his boat for while over the holiday. after a while I accepted the offer, as i was bored of being in the castle. I met him in brightstone and we had a great few days sailing around New Zealand. that was when we started going out" she said starting to blush slightly at the last bit and leaving out the details. "anyway on the third morning we were just eating breakfast it was still quite early, and she appeared on the deck. he went outside to talk to her, and i learned they had been friends when they were little. and she knew he was a werewolf. anyway after a while i went out and that was when she went mental, we had a bit of an argument, all three of us, then she was about to attack me like an animal, only Dee got in the way and apparated them both away. I think she thought there was more between us than there was, which is where i would imagine the skank bit comes from. I guess she either guessed or worked out the werewolf bit." she said. wondering how this development would cause them to react. she just hoped there wouldn't be too many questions about what they had done on the three days on the boat, it wasn't anything wrong she just wanted to keep some of her personal life well personal.
"Christ, this is just unbelievable. So she started with you just because you were with him or? I don't understand" her face was utterly puzzle in expression, she was trying to figure what else she may have missed in this story. "Sounds like you have a hater, I don't get why she would keep this silly little fuel after she's been kicked out of the team" she shook her head, quite disbelief really. "But what's more important is that your alright, I mean maybe you could have died with the bite mark. There's not telling what could have gone wrong here."
Minoas was listening about wolfsbane impact. A wide smile started forming on his face as Briar was revealing that lycanthropy had taken its toll on her the day of their practice. "Aha! I had realised that something was wrong with you back then. Couldn't imagine though that it was the innocent moonlight." he joked a little bit. His smile reappeared as he noticed signs of embarrassment on Briar's features when she was talking about her relationship with that Cullen guy after her transformation. Again he didn't comment on that. He was generally speaking about things that he knew that he was going to say something smart or true.

He was going to say the same thing as Madlyn did. That Jaden was really hating Briar for som reason and that reason flashed like a lightningbolt in Minoas' head. "I guess she's jealous. I would say either because she would like to become a werewolf or...maybe because...she likes as well the wolf-boy." he mentioned with a mischievous expression on his face.
Briar shook her head, "I think she has been looking for a way to hurt me for a while. I think she tried to poison me at halloween." she said. she didn't know why but that news hadn't shaken or even surprised her at all. "d'you think? i don't know why, it wasn't me who Kicked her off the team, that was professor Styx, and it was because she broke my shoulder which was her fault. " a random thought crossed her head then. she had reported Jaden for breaking her shoulder which had been fixed half an hour later, however she hadn't reported Ded when his bite would be with her for life. "I'm alright. stuff could always go wrong, with everything. but it all worked out there is no point worrying about what may have happened." she said tossing her head as if to shake it out of her head. it wasn't that she was actually dismissive of what could have happened, but it had already haunted her, she had been told what could have happened, she could still happen if she sipped up. and she didn't want to think about what she could do to people she loved.
"I don't think she was jealous as she seemed to have something against me before she knew what i was, or that i knew him, and she doesn't seem to be the kind of girl to be into him anyway" she said. though this didn't answer the question, why did this Jaden have it in for her?
Minoas gasped when Briar told them that Jaden tried to poison her during Haloween. "Are you kidding? Have you told that to professor Kingsley? This is serious, who knows what else she's capable of doing?" he said straight serious this time without joking or anything. Poisoning was the most sneaky way to get rid of someone and if that Jaden had tried to use that means to hurt Briar, she was going to attempt again for sure. "Now I have another good reason for hating Haloween." he humoured, still serious and a bit shocked. This was also growing the chances for someone else, innocent to get hurt. What if the poison was consumed by unaware first years?

Minoas didn't like when his ideas were being dismissed because he had to come up with new ones. Whatever was the case, Jaden should have her reasons for hating Briar and maybe she wanted to get rid of her. "I don't know. Maybe it's something that she knows about you and she doesn't want you to know." he shook his head as he made a final attempt to find what might was igniting that girl's hatred for Briar.
Madlyn looked at Briar, a stern look cross her face. "You know what I notice---" she stop to yawn, feels like she was lacking the energy of just sitting there. Or she hadn't slept all great the night before. It explain why she almost fell flat on her face earlier, when she was kindly asking fourth years to move out of her way She almost landed on them, poor bastards. ---you keep saying you think, you think. You know more then your saying. I mean we need to be ready just in case she tries to attack you" it's like Minoas was saying, "Who knows what she will do to you next. And don't give me that I can deal BS cause you wasn't able to deal when you saw that poster" she scowled Briar, it's like she acts tough all the time knowing Madlyn had picked up already she had vulnerable moments.

"I do like to point out going to a professor would be bad, just saying. If your going to do anything, it's best you get even. Take it out of the school if you have to, come up with something" felt strange to scheme, but then she'd remember how she was before coming to this school. Always getting into trouble, with Stormy and their friend Apple. Good old days, Madlyn looked at Briar then Minoas.
The sixth year hadn't noticed that she was saying 'I think' a lot, at least not until Madlyn pointed it out. "I guess we are heading away from the things that i know for certain, to the things i think i know, and assumptions that i have made. although some of them strong assumptions almost as strong as fact." she said. trying to explain it but just making a mess out of it.
briar Shook her head at Minoas's suggestion that she should tell professor Kingsley. "I haven't told professor Kingsley. She gave me some sweets on halloween, which must have been poisoned. but i didn't eat them and put them in my pocket. they aren't there now the house elves must have taken them out when hey were being cleaned. I only found out the other day. and with it being so long ago and not having proof i doubt that there is much that she can do." she said trying to explain why, she didn't think it was a good plan to go straight to the professors. look how that worked out last time. she was glad that Madlyn agreed with her. "Last time the professors intervention may have seemed good at the time it only made matters worse. as now she hates me more" she said. she would do something but she was too drained to come up with a plan today. she had more energy on the day before the full moon than normally, but she still knew that once this conversation was over she would be getting onto the castle, eating food then going to bed. today had been a big day and the energy she had would not last much longer if she had to face a bunch of people in the common room. "I will come up with something, a real comeback, but for now I will just try and let her see that it didn't work. that if anything i feel stronger, and more comfortable in my fur" she said. sure she had been shocked when she had found out, but now the shock was over. and over tomorrows moon was over she would make a stand. and show how little it had shaken her (even if some of her confidence was fabricated no-one wold know).
On second thoughts, his recommendation of speaking to a professor wasn't a good idea at all. Non the less, he was the last person that he was going to be advised by a professor if he was in a similar situation. He was glad however, that at least Madlyn was able to see how severe was the situation. Briar seemed more relaxed, maybe she was having a gut feeling that Jaden would keep a low profile for a while after that event. Still Minoas could feel uneasy and he believed that she needed to be taught a lesson.

He let a frown when Madlyn advised Briar to solve her differences with Jaden outside school. Minoas wanted to participate into this and he wouldn't have the chance if it was outside school. He wasn't sixteen or even fifteen to be let outside the castle that easily. "Whatever the case is or the plan, I'm willing to help. What could be better than a young student as a decoy." he suggested as he was talking about himself as he was a piece of meat. His adrenaline mode was on and there wasn't a turning off switch. "I will try to come up with a plan as well but right now I can't think of anything else than luring her in the forest at the hole where I fell last year. But even her doesn't deserve the acromantulas." he said with a slight shrug. He had such a full day that he had started huffing a bit.
"And if you think about it..." she continued from her thoughts. ...she'll assume right away that's the first thing you will do, go to a professor and I don't think this time she will even care" she looked over at Briar, yawning been contagious within their small group. Madlyn chuckle, "I think it's about time we head up?" she move to catch Minoas huffing a bit. "If there's nothing more to say, let's go eat and get something to drink. It's freaking horrendous out here" the weather hadn't lighten up. She got to her feet, and wipe a tins of sweat running down her dark complexion. "Eeewl sweat, It's so hot in the Southern Hemisphere, can't wait till winter comes" she complain walking up to the castle, leading the way to make an exited out of the school ground.
Briar smiled and shook her head at minoas. he always seemed to be up for an adventure and a little danger. "there is no plan at the moment, but it will probably not happen until next mont if there is one, as it's my birthday at the end of this month or start of next, i never know for sure. but what i do know is that i will be seventeen" she said. being seventeen was a major thing in the wizarding wold, it meant that you were of age and, among other things, able to use magic outside of school. "humm acromantula hey, probably not an easy plan. and you're right, I don't think even she deserves them." she said, besides as a seventh year she would probably be able to find a way out of the situation. "I doubt she sill do anything in the near future, the professors will be in high alert and keeping an eye on people who may want to hurt me, and as she is the most obvious person who has had a run in with i think she may be suspect number 1.' she said seeing Madlyn yawn and doing the same. "food, drink and bed looks like a good plan, todays been a killer and i need a lot of sleep tonight as i wont get any tomorrow, and i have to be ready to face the school the day after" she said. it wasn't like she had not faced the school today, it was more she had faced the school and come off as meek and embarrassed, where as her plan was to be as strong as she could be. let no one think about crossing her. "your right it is hot out here" she said realising how hot it actually was and a little surprised that she hadn't noticed it before. she got up and followed madlyn out from under the tree. then she turned to minoas remembering a couple of other side effects of her transformations "there are also a few less important side effect of Lycanthropy, firstly my diet has got a lot more meat in it, especially around the time of the full moon, on full moon day i generally only want to eat uncooked steaks. also i seem to have developed a much better night vision, which can come un useful for late night adventures, flying, and prefect duties" she said he hoped that they wouldn't find the steaks too discussing, usually she went to the kitchen and ate there, and took a couple out with her. the house elves had refused to send raw meat up to the house tables incase someone else ate them and weren't happy with it, and Briar could see their point, she wasn't particularly happy with people watching her eat them either.
Minoas shrugged with a smile as both of them found his idea out of plan and they were right. Playing with the fire sometimes would get you burnt. He wasn't really convinced that the professors had the situation under control as in his mind was coming the face of professor Styx who couldn't care less if a student was poisoned for instance.
He stood up as they did and loaded his postman back on his shoulder.

"I love hot weather." he murmured as he was in favour of summer and heat. It was the perfect time for one of his favourite hobbies, swimming, although he wasn't planning to swim in a lake and even more in the specific lake which was full of creatures. As they were heading towards the castle for their dinner, Briar was explaining her new dietary habits. "You must have terrorized the house elves by preparing you such kind of meals. Now explains a lot why they were looking like a bunch of zombies when I asked them those badges." he chuckled as they were entering the huge, double door of the castle.

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