The Water's Lovely today, isn't it?

Takuya Blaze

Wizengamot Interrogator
OOC First Name
Blood Status
Half Blood
Relationship Status
Sexual Orientation
Takuya walked out along side lake, watching the kids around him, knowing that they all had to be doing something, whether or not that was a good thing he had yet to decide. He enjoyed working here at Hogwarts, and always enjoyed being able to pass his knowledge on to the next generation of young people, even if they would probably forget it at all some point. He turned around, and sat down at the bottom of the lake, basking in it's glow. He didn't care what the children thought of him, he was here to teach them, and he didn't give a stuff what they thought of him when he wasn't doing so.

Takuya turned to look around, there weren't that many people outside today. He'd heard there would be a new Professor coming in soon, as one of the old ones had left. He didn't have any idea who that would be. He just hoped that whoever they were, they were able to control their students. Takuya sighed, standing up and walking back towards the school, only to bump into somebody on the way there. "Oh, I'm sorry." He said, abruptly.
This visit to the lake today was a happy one, something that didn't come often to Melodie Lowe. Since the attack Melodie seemed to walk around as though she had glass walls around her, keeping intruders out, more like keeping her in. She was shut off from the outside world, but that was all going to change. Having just been accepted for the job of Divination Professor at Hogwarts put a smile on the young veela's face. She adored working with children and needed a big distraction from everyday dramas that seemed to follow her family around. Melodie took in a fresh breath of air and smiled sweetly. She had so many things to think about and the lakeside seemed like the perfect place to do so. She hadn't yet established what knd of Professor she would be, but she was pretty sure she would be the kind and motherly one, that was afterall her nature.

One thing Melodie was excited about was teaching her younger sister, who she was getting to know again. Melodie had trouble remembering things, mostly people. But she remembered things like facts and figures now, meaning she was fit to teach a few classes surely. It was quiet at the lake and Melodie let her mind wander, that was until she bumped into what she could gather was another Professor, Melodie was proud to say she had done her homework so knew the Professors name, potions she gathered. "Professor Blaze isn't it?" she said with her sweet voice, her half french blood coming through with each word. She held out her still frail hand to be shaken and smiled brightly.
Takuya looked up when the person he had bumped into addressed him as his title. At first he thought it was a younger student, but then he realised that the voice was different then anybody he had heard around the school. He smiled at her, she seemed like she was a little bit older then most students. Must be one of the new Professors. Takuya thought, remembering he had heard there would be two, a guy and a girl.

Takuya smiled softly at her, "Yes, that would be me. But please call me Takuya." He said, winking at her. He wouldn't have much of a problem getting along with her, it seemed. "I take it you're one of the new Divination Professors?" Takuya asked, she was a female, so it would have to be Melodie. Takuya liked to know what was going on around the school, so he would often try and find things out straight away. "I take it you're Professor Lowe, then?" He asked, kindly.
Melodie smiled at Takuya as he told her to call him by his first name and gave her a little wink. She giggled slightly before looking up at him again. "Yes, I'm one of the new Divination Professors" Melodie replied kindly with a sweet smile still spread across her pale cheeks. It was a beautiful day, and the young woman had a feeling it was going to get even better. She was already settling in nicely to her new position and was only now beginning to meet the other Professors at Hogwarts. She had heard about a few of them through her sister, and some were the same she had in her graduating year so she knew them too. "Why yes, thats me!" Melodie replied as Takuya guessed her name.

"Beautiful day isn't it?" she commented, trying to spark up conversation. It was another thing that hadn't come easily to her after the attack, but after therapy she had become more comfortable talking to strangers, which was a good thing as she no longer had to isolate herslelf from the world. Melodie looked out over the glistening lake and couldn't help but wish her sons were there with her, they had been so rudely taken from her in a courtcase not long after she had beome mentally unwell and she still wasn't allowed to see them. "You're the Potions Professor aren't you?" she asked kindly, taking a seat on a nearby bench.
Takuya chuckled slightly at her. He watched her giggle slightly when he winked at her, and knew that it had to have been a good thing, for she hadn't turned and ran. He rolled his eyes at her in mock horror when she confirmed what he already knew. There was nothing else she could have been at this school, as he hadn't heard of any other new people apart from her and Dante. Takuya smiled at her. He could tell she enjoyed the job, even though today was only her first day, and she seemed to fit in quite well into the swing of things here at the school.

Takuya smiled brightly. He could see the two of them becoming good friends. He saw her sit down at a nearby bench, and walked over to sit down with her. He hoped she didn't mind, "You don't mind if I sit down here, do you?" He asked, awkwardly. He could see there was something troubling her, but that didn't matter much, as it wasn't any of his business. Takuya chuckled, "Yes, I am the Potions Professor, and yes, it is a beautiful day. Better then others that we have had at least." This was true enough, we had had a lot worse days then today, and Takuya didn't want to see any more.

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