The warmth of the morning sand


Well-Known Member
Rain swam up to the edge of the lake, she pulled herself onto the waters edge and made herself comfy, it was 4am and the darkness was just lifting, No Kids would be down to the lake for atleast another hour or two atleast.
The Mermaid pulled herself up the beach trying to get out of the water as best as possible, she Loved the spring sun on her skin.

Rain looked around just to make sure no one was around before making herself a pillow out of sand. Rain often wished that she could go to school like all of the students. she wanted to lie in the green grass of the gardens and look out the window of the top of the castle. But instead she was stuck in the water for ever.
Rain got comfy with her little sand pillow and dozed off in the morning sun.
Daisie enjoyed being Professor she really did until it came time for her turn in making sure that the grounds where clear of all students. Why there would be any students out of the castle at 4am Daisie didn't know but it seemed that the headmaster knew better or at least pretended that he did. Pulling her cloak around her tighter. Daisie continued to make her way across the grounds looking for anyone or anything that shouldn't be there. If she ever came across on of these things she wasn't sure what anyone expected her to do seeing as she was seven months pregnant and making it up and down stairs was fast becoming a daily challenge she was slowly losing.

Deciding that once she checked out the lake if she didn't see anything she was going to go back into the castle right into the kitchens and have the house elves make her breakfast. Giving the rosebushes one last look. Daisie headed over to the lake expecting to find a whole lot of nothing just like with every other spot that she had checked. As the sun started to come up over the edge of the forest. Daisie spotted something that looked very out of place on the shore. Getting closer Daisie saw what could be a young female student just laying there. Daisie reached for her wand getting ready to send up sparks to call for the headmaster just in case something was wrong. Creeping closer Daisie saw a tail coming from the body of the young women. So there where in fact mermaids here at Hogwarts. Wondering what she should do Daisie coughed slightly louder than was needed just to alert the creature of her presence.
Rain was dozing happily in the sun, she heard someone cough and she sat up on her elbows, she looked around and saw a woman with her wand out. Rain was far up the beach so she was clear of the water and she would look stupid trying to wriggle back down into the lake.
Rain waved at the Woman and rolled onto her stomach lifting up her tail just to make surethe woman knew she was mermaid and didn't try to send her to the castle. But if she could go to the castle she would be over joyed, even if she could be a study for one of the classes. How she dreamed of being inside those big wooden doors, she had a crazy idea one day of dragging herself up to the castle and trying to get in, but that would be stupid.

Rain was slightly different from other Mermaids, she could talk for little bits out of water. She often kept quiet though 'Hello' the Mermaid spoke watching the Woman with the big belly to see what she would do.
If there was any doubt in Daisie's mind that the women in front of her was a mermaid. It was pushed away when she rolled over and waved her tail in the air. "Well I'll be damned." Daisie said softly as she just looked at her. Was there any protocol when it came to creatures being on the grounds? Daisie wasn't sure at all. Should she send of the headmaster to have the mermaid placed back in the lake or should she just leave her alone? Daisie wasn't sure what to do. Placing a hand on her stomach Daisie felt the soft kick on her son waking up from what might have been a nap.

Finally deciding that she would just leave the mermaid alone to enjoy her time on the beach. Daisie was going to turn and go when the mermaid spoke. "You can talk?" Daisie blurted out. Realizing that she had been rude Daisie blushed. "I'm sorry I just didn't know you could talk. I'm Professor Daisie A'Dare. Who might you be?" Daisie said deciding that she would be polite.
Rain smiled when the woman was nice to her 'I'm Rain' the Mermaid said looking at the woman. Rain pulled herself further up the beach closer to the woman 'Whats that' She said simply and pointed at the womans Stomach 'Its Moving' the mermaid added as she crossed her arms infront of her and rested her chin on her forearm.

Rain looked at the sand on her arm and dusted it off before putting her head back on her arm to rest, the one thing she hated about being on the beach was the sand getting stuck in her scales, it was horrible to get rid of and the only way was to swim and hope the water would flush it out.
Rain watched as the womans stomach moved a little bit, she was curious who this woman was. She didn't look like a student or act like a student, most students screamed or tried to poke her with a stick.
"Well Rain its nice to meet you." Daisie said trying to get used to talking to a mermaid. Waving her wand she made a chair appear so that she could sit down. Looking to where Rain was pointing Daisie smiled. This would be Jason. I'm pregnant and of course he's moving he's trying to get comfortable in a very small space." Daisie said as she placed a hand on her stomach doing her best to try and calm the child inside of her.

Daisie wondered why Rain was so far out of the water. Could they even live outside of the water? Daisie just didn't know she had never met one in her life so this was a new experience for her. "Why are you out of the water?" Daisie asked wondering if she needed help with something.
Rain nodded 'Oh.. so a little child is going to get out of there and start coming here next year? How exciting' Rain said as she smiled. Rain looked at the stomach move 'Pregnant... how did the little kid get in there in the first place.. Holiday apartment for kids? how Weird' the Mermaid thought to herself as she stretched out her arms infront of her.

The woman asked her why she was out of the water and Rain rolled onto her back again 'Its not very warm in the water, i like the warm sun... i want to go up there' The curious mermaid said as she pointed to the grassy lawns. 'It looks so pretty and warm, but i've tried to get there before and the kids are out before the suns hot enough and i need to drag myself back down here.' Rain said as she dusted the sand off her stomach.

Rain looked at he Woman upside down 'You're not a Student?' Rain asked curiously but before the woman could Answer rain started rambeling on. 'Could you get me up there to lie in the warm for one day without being bothered by kids... Could you get me in the castle, Oh it would be a dream come true, i could talk to the kids, they could ask me questions.. Oh i could teach them to swim!' Rain smiled at the Lady 'Oh please Please Pleassee!' she begged.
Daisie smiled at the mermaid. "No he wont be coming to school for a few years. He's going to be a baby and will need me to care for him." Daisie wasn't sure how mermaid's reproduced. "Erm Rain how do mermaids make little mermaids?" Daisie asked, maybe if Rain explained how they had babies Daisie would be able to explain it better for her.

Daisie looked to where Rain was pointing. The grass sure was nice and warm. "During the summer break when the students are gone you could. I'm just worried that you would dry out and be unable to get back to the water." Daisie wondered if maybe she could have the groundskeeper help Rain with this thing.

"No I'm not a student. I'm a Professor I teach Astronomy at the castle." Daisie explained to Rain. Listening as Rain talked no begged to go to castle and talk to the students or even teach them to swim. Daisie shook her head. "I don't think the headmaster would be okay with that. As for teaching the kids to swim. Don't you guys try to pull them to the bottom and drown people?" Daisie asked, she wanted to protect her students. Even more so now that she was getting ready to be a mother.
Rain looked at the woman 'A Baby?' she asked curiously 'Is that a little student then?' she added to her question. Rain rolled over again, the sand was starting to heat up and it was feeling rather nice on her skin and scales. When the woman asked how Mermaids made little Mermaids rain sat up and thought for a moment 'Ermm, I'm not sure. It just happens i think' Rain said as she remembered how she was born. 'Don't you have a book knowing why? No ones told me yet. All i remember is waking up in a bed with my Mother around me... but not my Father, i've never met him.' she said as she lay back down on her chest.

Rain smiled as then woman said during summer break she could go to the grass and she smiled 'Really!' she said joyfully as she lifted her long golden tail which was starting to sparkle in the morning sun. 'I won't dry out, i'm different to other mermaids. Everyone calls me a freak because i can talk above water and not dry out.' the Mermaid said.

The woman who she still didn't know her name but that she was a professor said that she would drown people Rain's face changed to sadness 'Why would i drown them. They do get annoying trying to poke my tail with sticks, but thats only because it hurts. But i would never drown them.' Rain said as she rested her head back on her arms.

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