The Treasure lies hidden beneath a spout of Bavarian hops.

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Lawrence Andrew Cavell

Well-Known Member
OOC First Name
Mintzy ❤
Kingwood 15 1/2 with Essence of Thestral Tail Hair
Weird title huh? ^_^
Anyways, Hello HNZ!

Again I am Enzo and this is my character's Lawrence Andrew Cavell also known as Enzo and Harold Garrison. I am very in much need of your help.

Enzo is a flirty yet a complete gentleman lad. He is 16 years of age and is studying in Dumstrang. Sadly, he is still single! (though I am not sure if Sydney Caine still wants to be with him? :linda: ) I need some guy friends someone who will not be as flirty like him please. Then I need one girl of any age to be his somewhat stalker? Until he realizes that she is indeed a stalker. xD
Also I need some friend who are girls preferably older or same age like Enzo. Now, here it goes1 I need girls! Gorgeous and amazing girls that will make Enzo (and of course her) head over heels over her. Those girls would be like kind of flings and maybe a not so serious type relationship. Finally I need a girlfriend for Enzo, preferably someone 1,2 or 3 years older than him or same age like Enzo. Just post her please or PM me for any special plots! Hoping to flirt with you all soon! :wub:

Harold Garrison is a graduate of Hogwarts Scotland, he was a former teacher then later moved here in New Zealand. Reasons are..... his wife , son and unborn daughter died in a car accident leaving him widowed and alone. Now I need a WIFE for him, yes you hear what I said a wife. I need a final for him, someone who will make him feel loved and cared. Who will make him happy and wash-away the pain as he is now moving on with his life. Again do post here or PM me for any special plots! ^_^
Thank YOU and Good Day everyone! :D
Alois here can be a friend, he's a part-veela, (He's application had just been approved toay.. :D)

Well, he's candid and carefree, and very athletic, he's a bit of a flirt but not really that much.. :D

I'm still trying to make a CD for him..
They could probably meet at the school grounds seeing as they were studying at the same school.. (jeez, I'm stating the obvious here :p ) Anyway, they could probably just bump unto each other, or it could be like they would meet after Alois had made a girl cry.. I really have no good idea at the moment, what do you think? :D
I have Lucy Madden, who I haven't use much cause most of her work requires dealing with those who are mentally ill (like the curse, or have been tortured to now living like a vegetable) so she hasn't been use much. And wouldn't mind being Harold friend, possibly help him out (cause she legimency sp?) and needs to explore on newer patients or friends that are willing to help her out a little. Just let me know? Kay, thanks :)
I have Kaleb Styx whom just transferred to Durmstrang this year, and is in his Sixth year. He is Styx's son, so he is just like his dad, only not as apathetic, as in, he shows his emotions.
He is a complete ass, but when he has friends, he is loyal and will fight to the death for them.
Throw me a PM on Hadan Johnson if you are interested. Cause I tend to forget about my posts here in the plot development.
Hey Enzo :D

So i still have Amelia Johnson, but i think she is sorted for a final bf, so if you just wanted them to go out for a little or just be friends, im cool with that.

I also have made some Durmstrang characters (for the fun of it :p ) and so i have:

Jack Evans, 18 and a 7th year student. he is also a half-veela and im planning to make him Amelia's cousin. (we could link that in somehow....). He needs friends rather than just girls, so i think they could get on well. :D

James Green, 14 and a 3rd year student. He doesn't have any special traits yet, (but im debating it :p ). He hasn't actually done any rps yet. I have planned some, but am waiting for them to start. He could be a sort of mentee if you wanted. he needs someone to look up to and someone to teach him the ways of the world. His dad has just died, (in my idea for him,) and his mum has run off with another guy. He is left alone in the world and needs some support to stop him going off the rails.

Ok, so i hope this helps somehow :D

@Alois .. I know. Anyways Hmmm that idea of yours could work,along the hallway maybe? Should I start the Rp or would you?

@Madz. .
Sounds quite nice! She can maybe help him with his moving on issues and stuff. I think Ive already made one CD for him. Oh here you go! CD . Just tell me what you think and when will we start RPing! Looking forward! :wub:

@Sir Kaitlyn
I will now send my PM! :r

Thank You all guys, still I'm waitng for a girl...err a girlfriend for Enzo :D
@Kate. . .Ooops just noticed your post after me posting. xD
Oh yeah Amelia, well the two of them could be indeed friends, flings maybe? Just tell me when and if you want to start Rping. ^_^

Jack and James... Hmmm, I'm cool with them, just tell me when to start with the RP and all. Throw i your ideas too. THANKS! :p
thats ok, i don't mind. I think we posted at roughly the same time so we missed each others posts. :p

Would you like to start a topic with Amelia? And i will start one with James and Jack? (separate though :p )
ok, i will post for Jack now, and James in a minute :p
Lawrence Andrew Cavell said:
@Alois .. I know. Anyways Hmmm that idea of yours could work,along the hallway maybe? Should I start the Rp or would you?

Can you start it? :D
I now finally and legally own Raffaelo Menzure! My cousin finally gave him to me, due to his hectic school schedules. So the basic are:
-Raffaelo is a private young lad. Is currently studying at Hogwarts NZ, Fourth Year Hufflepuff Student.
-Loves to play the Cello and Quidditch.
-He is quite private though he is indeed kind hearted.

Feel Free to Post! :wub:
Thank you!
I have Gwenneth here though she is a Durmstrang student she's a year younger then him so I'm not sure where you want her to fit in but she is here as an offer :)
I don't know if you would like to start a topic with Hikari here, but anyways, I'm offering her to be a friend or anything..

Well, she's a werewolf. She's rather boyish and unpredictable, but she's really kind-hearted, she's a bit overprotective too..
It's cool. Any ideas you could share with me for our RP? :D

I do apologize for my late reply. Anyway I can imagine Hikari and Enzo being friends. Can you start the RP? :p
Well Gwen is pretty clutzy so she could possibly run into him and they happen to talk for a bit or something.
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