The start of something new

Theo Smith

Well-Known Member
Ebony Wand 15" Essence of Phoenix Talon
Theo walked along the harbour. It was cold today but Theo had always been good with the cold. He had his hands in his pockets as he went to go and sit on a bench. He sighed as he sat. It seemed like he was remembering this place well although it has changed in the last few years. He looked out over the water and pictured him self here as a young 15 year old, before he had run away from his family and friends. He sighed again
Alexia was happy walking around Obsidian Harbor. It was cold but she didn't really mind and expressing this in her shorts and T-shirt. It wasn't too often that she was caught wereing anything longsleeved. It just wasn't like her. She was thimking about her brother coming home. Her only living relative she knew of. And he had decided to stay. She knew he was in a heap of trouble with the German law and that was why he came but she didn't mind that she was just glad to see him. She saw a man that looked to be around her age sitting on a bench and thought it might be nice to take a rest, so she walked over and sat down. "Hi." She smiled warmly.
Theo looked to his side to see a girl speaking to him. He smiled back at her. " Hi." He looked back away from her and over the waters. " Its beautiful here dont you think. I find the water relaxing." He chuckled then looked at her
Alexia nodded it was nice out. "It is, I love it the water." She smiled and thought of her brother Alexander and how he was terrified of water. She thought how weird it was to fear something you need to survive. It was all really fairly silly. She looked back at the man with her liquid topaz eyes. "I'm Alexia."
The thought for a secong, he wasnt sure weather he should give his name to a complete stranger. He looked at her to see if she was hiding anything or anything like that. After a quick study of her he couldnt find anything so he decided to play nice. " Im Theo." He wasnt dure what tp say now, as he was rarely in friendly conversation with someone it wasnt really the easyest thing to do. " So Alex have you lived here long?"
Alexia looked around for a second expecting to see her brother but remembered this Theo didn't know about Alex. "Yeah a while actually. What about you?" Most poeple called her Lexi so it didn't get to confusing but she didn't mind if they got to know each other a bit she might explain it. But she didn't want to tell a complete stranger about her home life, espescially with her brother and her own background.
Theo nodded blankly at her question. He didnt really want to show any of his emotions to her just yet, he would need to get to know her well before he let his guard down enough for that to happen. " Yeah kind off i suppose. I was born here then i moved away and now im back." He was keeping the whole thing as ill detailed as he could, Theo didnt like to talk about himself to strangers like this one next to himself
Alexia nodded knowingly. He seemed to be holding back a little but she didn't mind it was smart really. She respected him for that there were those people that spilled there life story the first time you meet them. Alexia personally didn't like those people the they were annoying really. She turned back to Theo, "It's weird that we havn't met yet then." She wondered why that was she knew a lot of the locals here now that she had been here a while.
Theo shook his head and ruffled his hair up. He still kept his answer simple. " Not really, i have only just moved back and as i lived in scotland for a number of years im sure you lived in a different part of New Zealand to me. Anyway you wouldn't have liked me when i was younger." He met her gaze then looked away again, he didnt like to look at someone too long when they were looking at him
Alexia shook her head, "That all depends I don't have a clean record if that's what you mean." She looked down all her past was full pf her problem causing. She wished she din't like it so much but it was something she liked to do. It would probably never change but she could hope.
Theo shook his head. " Thats not really what i meant but of well. What i meant was you wouldnt have liked me because i wouldnt have liked you." He folded his arms across his chest. Theo never really liked anyone when he was younger, not that that had really changed much
Alexia shrugged. "I'm normally not the nicest person in the world, but my bothers in town and he has a way of softening me up a little." She looked at him and wondered why she was being so nice. Even with Alex around she didn't normally have to work hard to live up to the witch title.
Theo listened to her completely disinterested in what she was saying. He nodded. " I have heard of people having that effect on others, no one is like that with me,. I decide what i act like and to who." He looked away from her and sighed
Alexia rolled her eyes at his comment. "I can tell." She looked back to the water. If this guy kept acting like this he was going to but her in one of her moods. She tried to think about how nice things were working out for her with her new job and all. It wasn't really working but she kept trying. With thoughts of the duplex and how her brother was home again, she found her center again and turned her attention back to Theo.

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