Closed The Start of a One-Sided Rivalry

Kyousuke Kurosawa

Ambitious | Introvert | Open-minded
OOC First Name
Blood Status
Half Blood
Relationship Status
Sexual Orientation
Knotted 14 1/2 Inch Sturdy Hawthorn Wand with Phoenix Tail Feather Core
Kyousuke was annoyed. It had been his question to answer, and in the end some Gryffindor had been chosen instead. If she'd just left her hand down, Kyousuke would've answered and he would've gotten points. Points were what was important, after all. Points meant he was doing well, and he couldn't have someone jeopardising his plans for success. The defence against the dark arts class ended, and he left quickly, hoping to catch the girl before she went along her way. "Excuse me, can I talk to you?" he asked her as she passed by into the corridor. He wasn't even sure what he wanted to say - he just knew he needed to say something.
Apolline had really enjoyed her first Defence Against the Dark Arts class, even if it had been taught by Noel, whom she was only half convinced wasn't there by her mother's doing to keep an eye on her. If he was, then she was embarrassed but warmed by her mother, and if he wasn't then she was equally as glad. When she walked out of the room, Apolline was stopped by someone. A boy who by his uniform was a Slytherin. "Oh, yeah, sure," she replied to his question, though she was confused as to what this would be about.
Kyousuke waited until no one was around, his heart thudding in his chest. Now she was here he had to come up with what to say - and with how to say it. He stood firmly, and made the mistake of just letting loose whatever wanted to come out. "You took that question from me," he said accusatorily. "I was going to answer that. I knew the answer." Kyousuke was shaking slightly now, his nerves getting the better of him. But he had to stand his ground - she might have started this, but he was going to finish it.
Apolline immediately frowned at the boy's words. She'd taken it from him. But, the professor had pointed at her, right? She was sure of it. "I knew the answer too," she said in her defence, "Professor Waldgrave pointed at me," Apolline said in response, almost trying to assure herself of that very fact. The thought that perhaps he had picked her because they knew each other crossed her mind. But she wasn't about to say that now.
Kyousuke didn't know what to say to that at first. He frowned, trying to keep a level head. "But I put my hand up first," he countered, knowing in his heart of heart's he was being unreasonable. He didn't even know that for sure - it might've been her, he couldn't accurately remember. But Kyousuke wanted to be the best, and this girl was in his way. "Next time, just let me answer the question, okay?" Kyousuke tried to puff himself up to look intimidating, but his smaller-than-average stature betrayed him. He still looked small.
Apolline shrugged a little to his counter, crossing her arms in front of herself and taking a little step back from the boy. "Maybe Professor Waldgrave won't always go for the first hand up," she said, her voice a little quieter, since not all professor would go for the first person. The demand made her blink, and she shrunk a little into herself. She couldn't get into a fight, or whatever this was. "If I'm picked to answer, I'll answer," she said, which wasn't agreeing or disagreeing really, but trying to find a way to get out of this, diplomatically.
Kyousuke considered the girl's point. Maybe teachers didn't go for the first, in which case, he thought less of the teacher. Perhaps Professor Waldgrave wasn't all that great after all. Kyousuke noted that she was standing her ground, which was admirable, Kyousuke supposed, but it also wasn't what he wanted. "Fine, you do what you want," he said flippantly. "I don't care. Just know that I'm going to be the best in our year, whether you put your hand up and answer questions or not." He tilted his chin up to try and appear taller. He really meant it; he really wanted to be the best and no one was going to get in his way.
Apolline nodded as he agreed, to essentially let her do what she wanted. She didn't particularly enjoy the manner in which he said it. but she didn't stop it. She didn't get why he said the last part, She didn't want to be the best in the year, she just hoped to do right by her parents, make them proud, and be a perfect student. Not the best student. "Okay, I don't want to be the best, so, you can have that," she said in response, even though she wasn't going to stop trying to put her hand up.
Kyousuke was surprised for a moment that she wasn't challenging him on being the best. He just assumed that's what her goal had been, without considering that there were other options. Kyousuke huffed. "Good," he said shortly in response. "I'll see you next class then. And next time I'll be picked to answer the question, you'll see," Kyousuke said with more confidence than he necessarily felt. He had no real control over the Professor, after all. But in his mind, she was his rival now, whether she wanted to be the best or not, and he was going to try outdo her at every turn. Kyousuke turned around dramatically and left, making his way towards the library to go study.
Apolline was a little thrown by all of this. The boy replied and then left - dramatically. She was left standing alone, and wishing there was someone she could tell about what happened. She didn't want to tell her mum, worrying her mum would make it a bigger deal that it was. Apolline just didn't have a close friend whom she could actually tell. Apolline glanced around herself and then headed towards the dorm, her joy from the first DADA class gone.

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