The start of a new friendship

Jessica Tenterfield

Well-Known Member
Sexual Orientation
Curved 13 1/2 Inch Swishy Maple Wand with Billywig Stinger Core
Jessica had loved Hogwarts so far but she hadn't yet explored it -- She was too busy studying. Being at Hogwarts had meant way more homework than usual and lots more teachers. If only there was an adventure club that Jessica could go into. Then she could explore it without really worrying about her homework.

Taking her things with her, she set off for the lakefront. Being busy, Jessica had not yet explored that place and she thought that it could be the first stop of exploration. When she stepped out of the castle, she breathed in the fresh air. She hadn't been outside for ages and she was starting to get a bit pale. She turned around and took a look at the big castle. It was bigger than Jessica had thought in daylight. Being so small, she almost fell over backwards. She had a lot of adventuring to do and also lots of homework to--No! Don't think about Homework! she thought, nearly slapping herself.

Turning around 180 degrees, she continued walking. The lakefront had seemed like a beautiful place. People were sitting and talking with their friends on the grass and just enjoying the view of the lake. Jessica had made a couple of friends but she only ever saw them in class. She'd have to find them one day and they could adventure the castle. Maybe, if Jessica was lucky enough, they could take a glimpse of the giant squid!

Daydreaming about the adventures that she could endure, Jessica had carried on walking until she bumped into someone, making them drop their books. "Oh! It's my fault, I'm sorry" she said, bending down to pick up the person's books. Looking up, she saw a pretty Ravenclaw Girl.

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Sara really loved Hogwarts. She was super grateful for receiving the enrollment letter! And the sorting - oh the sorting, how lovely the system is! Sara knew Hogwarts was a big place, it was impossible to explore and finish all the nooks and crannies in one day. She heard heaps of people mentioning meetings at the lakefront and she wondered where was it? She walked up and down the castle but was lost. She was hoping she could do some reading there. The place seemed really serene and peaceful. It was a good place to just be herself and ... think. Thinking happens when you don't even realise it, but to Sara it was sort of a hobby.

She was walking on the ground floor, following this group of girls who were squealing and giggling at the same time. Sara thought they were going to the lakefront, and she was right. It was such a beautiful sight! Students were chatting happily on the grass, admiring the lake at the same time. Sara was hiding behind the pillar, she was nervous to step onto the grass. What if people stared? Or even worse, laughed? Her heart missed a beat and she felt like crying. But no, what was wrong with her? Rolling her eyes, Sara took in a deep breath. It was time to make some friends! Smiling, Sara emerged from behind the pillar, not noticing a girl in front of her. Both of them bumped and Sara's books fell down. "Blimey, I'm ever so sorry! It is my fault, entirely. Please forgive me," said Sara nervously as the girl said something at the same time, but she couldn't define it as both were talking at the same time. She looked down on the girl who was picking up her books. She looked like a Hufflepuff. Sara thought this was the perfect opportunity to make friends!

"Hi, I'm ever so sorry about that. I'm Sara, what about you?"
said Sara confidently, smiling till her cheeks hurt.
Jessica was thankful that the girl wasn't annoyed with her and scream in front of her face with everybody watching. The girl seemed really nice and had a huge smile upon her face. Maybe this was the chance to make a new friend? "I'm Jessica. Jessica Tenterfield. I was just exploring and I started daydreaming about something. Once again, I'm really sorry" she said, looking at the ground.

The girl had said that her name was Sara. She had heard that name before and thought that it was quite pretty. Suddenly, an idea had popped into Jessica's head. She looked up at the girl "Hey, do you like to go on adventures!? Maybe we could go on one together!" Jessica said, bouncing up and down on the spot. She hoped that Sara would say yes. Then Jessica could make another friend. She didn't know if she'd be able to see Sara after tomorrow, but Jessica needed something or someone to take her mind off homework.
Sara was so relieved that the girl sounded friendly when she spoke. She heard usually people from Slytherins are ... mean, but she had to hear their side of the story first. She didn't like judging a book by its cover - she thought it was rude and unmannerly. The girl said she was Jessica Tenterfield. Sara thought it was such a nice name.

"Oh yes, I do love adventures!" replied Sara to Jessica's question. No doubt Sara loved adventures! She wanted to explore all of Hogwarts - maybe a little of ... what was it called again? The Forbidden Forest? It sounded scary yet Sara still wanted to go. She finally made a friend! Success is sweet. Sara thought Jessica was a duplicate of her, both of them sort of looked the same (60.5%, maybe?) and Sara also thought there might be a chance that both had lots of things in common. "You know, I haven't explored the whole of Hogwarts yet but maybe we can do it together! Oh boy, blimey yes! A s-s-stupendous idea!" Sara felt a little embarrassed for sputtering the word 'stupendous'. She was just super excited for meeting a new friend! Her eyes gleamed with happiness as her heart thumped faster and faster.
"Yes! Yes! Yes!" Jessica shrieked when Sara had said she'd go on an adventure with her "Where should we go first? I want to see if I can catch the giant squid! Apparently, it lives in the lake right over there!" she said, pointing to the big lake that a large group of people were sitting next to. "What colour do you think it is? I don't even know what it looks like!" she added, jumping up and down on the spot.

It was true. She was too busy reading so many other books that she hadn't had a chance to read about the giant squid. There was bound to be a picture of it in the book somewhere. She ought to borrow it from the library someday to find out what to use as bate. Jessica wondered what else there might be in the lake. There was bound to be fish or something, but what about a shark? Were there some dangerous things in there? Jessica hoped so. She needed to take a risk once in her life.
A giant squid? Sara never thought of that before. No one told her! But she couldn't blame anyone, she hadn't spoke to anyone at all anyway. But the idea of finding one was really amazing! It could be an opportunity of an adventure ... With someone! Sara smiled eagerly and hugged her books tighter. "Well, back at home my grandma cooks squid occasionally, and the colour is pinkish, sometimes bright red, and at other times black or so. It depends well, you see, on the sauce or gravy. Oh gosh - what am I saying! I'm sorry." Sara blushed. Her mouth sometimes took control, and at the times it came out at the wrong time. Squids are usually small, so how big would a giant squid be? Sara sat down on the grass and opened one of her books. She remembered seeing an illustration on them. Squids squirt this black thing when they feel like they're in danger. She flipped randomly and stopped at page 74. "Hey, Jessica! Look! Right here, it says giant squids are bound to be found. It says that it's not easy at all, you'll need some requirements and acquired things. Who knows, maybe we should stay after everyone leaves and maybe we'll find a squid?" Sara smiled at her idea.
Jessica laughed when Sara had stopped herself from finishing the sentence about her grandmother's squid. Jessica's mother had made squid, but this was a magical squid that they were talking about. Merlin knows what it looks like. If they found the giant squid, she could take it home to her mother and have it for tea. No...That would be a bit rude...

Jessica's spirits were raised when Sara had stated that she had found the page about giant squids in her book. Jessica rushed over to Sara, leaning over to read the book. Jessica had always wanted to get her hands on a book as such. She hadn't had much time to, though. There was bound to be one in the library anyway. "Yes! We can wait! I wonder what it'll do when it sees us. It hopefully won't squirt black stuff at us if it ever does" Jessica had wondered what the black stuff would taste like. It was an awkward thought and she shuddered at it. "What acquired things do we need? We can get them now whilst waiting for people to leave!" Jessica paused. Would they be allowed to skip dinner just so they could explore Hogwarts? They were bound to lose points for their house, but wasn't that what people do on adventures? Risk things? Besides, it is only a cup.
Waiting for a giant squid to appear didn't seem like fun to some people, but to these two girls, it meant a dream come true. Sara wondered if it was allowed? It was just sitting. At the lakefront. Waiting. For a giant squid that was probably not going to turn up. Maybe it knew both of them were waiting for it? Maybe it could hear them speaking this instant! Wait. Squids understand English? Sara chuckled at that thought. She was so excited at the idea. Students started dispersing for dinner.

"Jessica, you are really sure that you want to miss dinner? I mean, when I arrived, the food here is ... Terrific! Chicken roast, sausages ... Mmmmhm! But maybe I could grab some stuff and bring it here? We could use the goblets and drink the lake water," suggested Sara. Then both of them burst out laughing. Drink water? From a lake that has a squid in it? Once the laughing stopped, the lakefront was practically empty, except for a pair of students who looked like they were a couple. Turning away from the disgusting sight, Sara smiled and looked at the lake. It glistened under the rising moon. Dinner seemed to beckon them, whispering their names. Sara's stomach growled silently. She was really starved, but risking dinner for having a moment with a friend was better. Jessica was a nice person. Too bad both of them were from different houses. If not, they'd be best buds for sure!
Sitting there, waiting for the squid was quite boring. Her stomach rumbled as the sun went below the horizon. Missing one meal, couldn't be that bad. Or could it? Trying to get her mind off food, She remembered as she read the book about giant squids earlier that they had liked to eat small fish. Jessica had filled her pocket with small pieces of fish from the lake last christmas as a souvenir whilst at Hogwarts. They weren't edible but they were edible for a squid. You'd think it weird for an eleven year old to have fish in her pocket, but you never know what this girl is like if you don't find out.

Taking the small pieces of dead fish out of her pocket, she ran over to the edge of the lake and placed the fish on the ground. Hopefully the squid would start jumping out of the lake and eating it. Suddenly, a voice behind her spoke. She had almost forgotten that Sara was still there. "Yes! Go and get some food! The problem is, what if the giant squid comes when your not here? You'll miss out." she replied, looking at the ground. She didn't want her friend missing out on something as extraordinary as this.
Sara was really surprised when Jessica took out dead fish from her pocket. What a weird girl - having fish in her pocket! Sara didn't mind anyway, she liked weird people - she was one of them herself. Smiling at Jessica's reply, Sara thought for a moment while Jessica settled down the food. Sara rummaged through her bag and found a packet full of Bertie Bott's Every Flavour Bean. "Hey, I have these!" exclaimed Sara. She took a purple-coloured bean out and ate it. Grape - tasty. She handed the packet to Jessica, who took a handful and shoved them into her mouth. Laughing, Sara made herself even more comfortable by taking out her wand and waving it around. Red and gold sparks flew. It was dark but it was definitely a night to remember. Two good friends ... sitting at a lakefront ... waiting for a squid to come out of its hiding ...
Jessica's stomach grumbled. She had really needed some food. Her face lit up when Sara had taken Bertie Bott's Every Flavor Beans from her pocket. Jessica had never tasted them before nor ever seen them as they were part of the wizarding world. Being very unlike herself, Jessica snatched a handful off of her and shoved them inside her mouth. A weird sensation had entered it. She tasted Fairy Floss with a bit of earwax and then Grape with a bit of vomit. It was the best thing she had ever tasted!

Turning around, Jessica noticed that her tiny pieces of fish had disappeared. "Sara! Look! My Fish! They are gone!" she exclaimed, jumping up off the ground. She remembered reading in the book that Giant Squids were particularly shy. Maybe that was the case?
Sara jumped up from sitting and glanced around quickly. The fish was gone - but where was the squid? Sara sighed, obviously disappointed. Even though the snack that she had made her less hungry, what would make her day would be seeing the squid. It was almost nine o'clock and they should be in their dormitories now. Sara's heart thumped faster and faster. What if a teacher catches them - or worse, the headmistress?

"Hey, it's getting a little late. Do you want to continue waiting?" asked Sara, glancing at her watch again. Seconds ticked by, minutes passed and soon it was almost ten. Yawning, she reached inside her bag for more of the flavour beans. She patted her bag and put her head on it. Maybe a little rest wouldn't hurt.
Jessica sighed. They had no more fish and if they had entered the castle to get to their dormitories, they'd obviously get caught by someone who was lingering around and checking that everyone is in their beds. What if someone notices that they are missing and tell a professor? No. People in Jessica's dormitory were quite nice. But what about in Sara's? Jessica sighed. They'd be stuck there all night for this giant squid that they are never going to see.

Jessica looked over at Sara and noticed that she was starting to go to sleep. Thinking that it was a good idea, Jessica put her bag under her head and had tried to go to sleep. It was quite uncomfortable lying on the grass and it was quite cold with no blankets. She'd be itching all over tomorrow. "Let's just stay here" Jessica replied to Sara's question "We can creep to breakfast in the morning." No matter what, it was still the best day Jessica had ever had - She made a new friend and they went on an adventure together. It was unlike any day ever experienced.

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