The Sprinklers are On! Phewwww!

Greyson Knighton

Well-Known Member
Dad had always said Greyson would be the odd one in the family. No one ever believed he was right, but you can't really just judge the book by it's cover. Greyson was just always happy and when he was happy his smile reminded everyone of painted doll faces and clowns that belong in the circus. You would think he would take offense to it, but no! He actually love the attention and could never get enough of it, long as it were positives he was right for it.

Well one afternoon, while he was bored and alone, after his lesson were done for the day Greyson went outside to the lawn to see if he could catch a glimpse of fairies or those small twig garden. It was hot and bright outside, the sun beat down his pale faces, reddening the freckles all over his arms. He took cover for the fades and stood away from the sun, it did not the stop the humid air from making sweat like a dog and his clothes feel soak from his sweats. Nasty ick feeling roll over his body, he took action and drop his bag from his back and rolled up his sleeves to look shorter. When that fail, he toured away his sleeves and his arms flap around the big gap from his shirt. He felt better and free from the desperate heat, still he sweated like a monkey and the ick feeling stayed longer than before!
Rebecca had been feeling really good lately, she had met some really nice people here at Hogwarts and she had been told she was a lot nicer than when she first got here. Today she had finished all her homework and had went outside, it was really hot but she was used to it by now, living in New Zealand her whole life had made her pretty tolerant to heat. Smiling as she walked around she couldn't help but see another boy outside.

Not many people looked to brave the heat so it had surprised her a little to see someone else out and about. Making her way over to him she wondered what he was doing, he looked hot. Rebecca watched as he rolled up his shirt sleeves, but it didn't seem to help much. She got closer and she could tell he was around her age. Excited with the idea of a new friend she completed the distance between them in no time. "Hi there." She said coming up from his left. She smiled, "I'm Rebecca." She extended her hand, the heat made her happy and she couldn't help it.
Greyson green eyes skip away the land around him and fell on a girl who approached by his lefty side. in a bit of an icky mood, he shook the girl's hand anyways. "Greyson, Greyson nice to meet you Rebecca. Can you believe it? It's still just spring but yet it's hot outside that I had tear my shirt up, to make arm holes yet that did nothing. Now I have sweaty arm pits" he complain to Rebecca like an old friend. Greyson hid no shame or didn't act proper when it came down to meeting new people. Greyson remain being his own regular self, dad's reason calling him an odd ball. The boy never switch gears around new peeps.
Rebecca shook Greyson's hand although bit sweaty she didn't care. She knew some people were affected by the heat in different ways, even she had a thin layer of sweat accumulating on her skin. She laughed about him having sweaty arm pits, "This heat is pretty strong. A good day to go swimming." She then thought about the rumors of there being a squid in the lake and decided maybe that wasn't the greatest idea after all. "So what made you come outside I take it you don't really like the heat?" She had wondered for a while why he was out here and know maybe she would get her answer.
"You are certainly right, it really does sound like a good day for a swim" he felt his lips bubble up with sweat and spit, he had to side step just to fling it out right out of his mouth. "Well I can't be stuck in the castle it just be more of headache if I stay in there all day in this heat. I feel bad for the poor saps who's already in there" although it happen to be brightstone weekend and out of bad luck he forgot to as his mum to sign his permission slip and send back to Hogwarts. She can be very forgetful sometimes, many times she is!

Bother by the heat, and his hair losing it's spike from this morning, there was lower pressure happening underneath his foot that made him jump. He look for the no good creature who was trying to bite his close shoes toes, just to see a few metal iron poke out of the grass. "Hey look at this Rebecca, what you suppose that is?" he inquired her to look!
OOCOut of Character:
Again very sorry for the late reply.

Rebecca laughed at his answer to her question. "Yeah it is awful to be stuck in the castle all the time." She smiled at Greyson. He seemed really nice. Next thing she knew Greyson had pointed out a metal thing pointing out of the ground. She wasn't really sure what it was. "I don't know it reminds me of something..." She said thinking about the few times she had been to muggle communities. "But I don't see why they would have those at Hogwarts." She said thinking aloud. 'It must be something else.' She said wondering what the thing could possible by. She figured they would just have to wait and see what happened.

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