The Seaweed is Always Greener


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Nerissa smiled as she swam, today was a beautiful sunny day and the sun was shining through the water. The light felt good and warm on her face. She hadn't been doing much today and wondered as she often did what was going on up on the surface. Much to the dislike of her family she often went to the surface and spoke with the people at the school. She liked helping them with there problems. She didn't here anyone near to the water yet, but decided if she heard someone approached she would have to surface. It was just to good a day to waste swimming and playing with the fish, or braiding seaweed into her hair.
The warm weather made Artemis wanting to go the the Lakefront. Every time it would be sunny, Arty would immediately think of going to the library, or probably in one of the abandoned classrooms. But since her mood told her to go there, she stood up from the couch and left the Slytherin Common Room. All she wanted to do is view the water rippling peacefully. It would really be a good sight if she does that. Nothing suprising would happen Artemis thought. Today would be a pleasant day for her and nothing would bother her.


Going to the Lakefront would be much more harder than she thought. The hallways that lead there is was so crowded. Artemis was claustrophobic, so this made it harder for her to get through. The Slytherin bumped into a Ravenclaw who just probably a year higher than her. Instantly, she mumbled an apology to him and walked away without making eye contact. It would take time if she would still converse with him, so she just walked away as fast as her legs can bring her.

Going out of the castle was a big relief for Artemis. Heading towards the lake she took deep breaths to steady her heart beat. Her pace slowed down and suddenly became cautious for some reason. She saw the lake in a distance. It was peaceful and calm, yet someone was already there, enjoying its conditions. Artemis crept towards it, in quiet footsteps and found out that it was a mermaid.

Yes. A mermaid.

The mermaid was pretty, to be honest. She was the best one that Arty ever saw, so far. She decided to approach her and greet her, since the last time she ever saw a mermaid was when she was nine years old.
"Hello there." Artemis cheerfully said. "The weather is warm, don't you think?". After the response of the mermaid, Artemis decided that it was time for introductions. "So far, you're the prettiest mermaid I saw." Arty said, giggling after. "I'm Artemis Jackson. A Slytherin." she proudly stated.
Nerissa had gotten close to the surface as she heard the footsteps approach. She always loved meeting the kids it was such a release after swimming around all the time, it could get so boring being confined to a lake with the same merpeople your whole life. She saw that it was a younger girl and she smiled, Nerissa had always liked the girls better than the boy's it was easier to relate with them and they were usually nicer. She saw the girl coming closer and hoped that she wouldn't scare her. There had been a few times kids had come down and seen her that had no idea mermaids existed.

The girl saw her and came straight to her. She was glad that she wasn't one of the ones that freaked out. The girl spoke straight to her and she smiled, it took her a moment to find her voice it had been a little while since she had spoken above water. "Hello. It is very nice out. It makes the water a lot better." Nerissa being like a fish could adapt to the water at whatever temperature, but it was always a lot more comfortable warm than cold. The next thing the girl said made Nerissa blush, she had been called pretty before but it still came as a shock. She knew some of her fellow merpeople didn't have as much of the human like look she had.

The girl then proceeded to introduce herself, "Thank you. I think Artemis is a very pretty name, mine is Nerissa." The girl said she was a Slytherin and and Nerissa thought about it. She was aware of the house but they didn't mean much to her. Thinking about it more she remembered vaguely what they meant. Slytherin was the one were supposedly the meaner kids went. But Artemis seemed nice enough and Nerissa wasn't one to judge people.
The Slytherin smiled at the mermaid. She really was pretty, and her features were more human than the others. Artemis didn't reply at her response but instead, she touched the water too see what it's like. The water was warm. The sun was like its heater to change its temperature and condition. She let her fingers gently touch the water and feel its warmth. Little ripples were formed because of this, and Arty took a deep breath. The fresh air was also nice.

"Thank you. My mother got my name from the Greek goddess of archery and the moon." Artemis shared. She really liked her name because she, herself loves reading about Greek and Roman mythology in the library and in the common room. It was very interesting to know that people a long time thought that the gods were real. Her favorite goddess was Athena and Artemis. Athena because she was clever, witty and could create strategy immediately. In the other hand, Artemis because she was good in archery and it was believed that her eyes are like the moon. "Nerissa is a nice name too." Arty complimented. "It suits you, especially for a mermaid." Artemis stopped feeling the water in her fingers and wiped it one the soft grass beside her. She wondered what happens to them when it's winter and it's very cold. "So, Nerissa, what happens when winter comes and the lake is frozen. Don't you get freezed to death? Or do you hide deep, deep into the lake?" she asked, quietly.
Nerissa watched the girl as she touched the water. It was interesting to watch as she felt it and the little rippled extended out from where her hand had touched. It wasn't often that kids touched the water besides a hand or there feet for fear of what lied in it. But some kids did occasionally take a swim, and her people liked to play tricks on them, it was really quite horrible. Artemis explained that she was named after the goddess and Nerissa smiled she did know about the gods, she had learned about them when she was younger. One of the things humans commonly misunderstood is how much merpeople knew about their culture. They learned about all kinds of things, and went to there own form of school when they were younger.

Nerissa looked at the girl, "Artemis is one of the better names from mythology. Your parents could have named you Aphrodite, that would have got some attention from the other children." She smiled at her slight joke. Artemis said her name suited her, and it did. "Thank you. My parent's were big on the watery names. My brother has one too." But then again her parent's had been given suiting names too. Artemis asked what the mermaids did in winter and she smiled, not many people bothered to ask questions like these. "Some of us leave the lake. I don't, I prefer to just go down deep. It's actually pretty warm for most of winter it retains heat the deeper you are and it's a deep lake." She smiled at Artemis, "It just means we can't surface, not that many of us do anyway." She thought about her family and how the had never broken the water's surface.
Artemis agreed with Nerissa about her joke. "Yes, that would be true. But I don't really like the goddess Aphrodite." Artemis shared. It was true, anyways. "Aphrodite seems a bit paranoid because of her obsession with love." The witch laughed along with the mermaid. Honestly, Artemis didn't really like attention. She didn't like being flashy and all that. It was too weird. Attention equals being uncomfortable. Besides, she's not the one who has the attention in the family. It was her sister. Always her sister.

Her thoughts went to her parents. I wonder if they are thinking about me now. Arty frowned. "You have a brother? That is so cool." Arty grinned. "Unfortunately, I don't have a brother. Just a sister." Her grinning features were replaced into a frowning one. Her pale features represented a person who thinking about someone who was far away. Artemis never knew that the lake had these abilities whenever winter came. "Wow. The lake can do that? It seems that I haven't unlocked its secrets yet." Artemis said, with a mischievous grin. "What do you deep down? Do you just wait for winter to pass?"
Nerissa listened as Artemis spoke. She seemed excited about her brother, they got along most of the time but Nerissa had always wanted a sister. "My brother is alright, I on the other hand have always wanted a sister." Nerissa had always wondered if it would be nicer having a sister, someone she shared interest with to pass the time. It could get very boring living under the water. There was a limited amount of space even though it was a large lake. She could have always went to the ocean but then there was all the hiding from muggles. 'It must be so frustrating for them to hide all the time.' She thought and was again thankful she lived with wizards.

Artemis said that she hadn't unlocked all the lakes secrets, "I doubt any human really will." She smiled. The lake was very different deep under the water. Merpeople did live there after all, it was interesting to say the least. She loved it even if it did occasionally get boring. "Deep down there are of course the others to keep you company. We have our own sorts of games. Normal things you might do to pass the time. Play with the fish, anything to keep you busy." She smiled at the girl not many of the others she had talked to had been as interested in her as this girl. Nerissa looked down, at the water surrounding here, even this close to the edge it was very deep. But the sun was bright making the water clear. She could see seaweed and her tail, swishing softly to keep her treading water.
The Slytherin smiled when the mermaid spoke. It was just so cool conversing with this different creature. Who would ever know that mermaids were really real? The muggles don't even believe about them. Artemis could tell that Nerissa was a different mermaid since her features were more human, which was a lot better. "Having a sister could be fun. But sometimes, it could be really annoying, especially if she's younger than you." Siblings were just the same. You would have some fights with one another then make peace again. It happens all the time.

"Right." Wondering how many secrets and chambers the lake had, Artemis narrowed her eyes. Could it be endless? Or just a hundred? Or probably only fifty? It was hard to tell, since the lake seemed dark and deep. How can they can live in this lake? Artemis questioned in her thoughts. The lake seemed endless and dark to look for its end, so she decided to picture the end. She pictured it as a dark tunnel leading down to nothingness. But when Nerissa spoke, she gave an amazed look. "Is it dark down there? Or are there lights?" Artemis asked, unable to keep her own curiosity to herself.

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