The Meeting

Eden Silverback

Well-Known Member
OOC First Name
Rosewood Wand 14 1/4" Essence of Hair from the mane of a Unicorn
Eden stormed over to the Lake she could not believe that first year so stupid or just plain dumb? She had said Eden's nose was big. How dare she that girl will pay one way or another no one gets away with calling Eden names. Eden was madder than mad she was just waiting for Hoshi to show up there where alot of things she had to tell her friend.
Hoshi came out with a notebook in hand. Her mind was working but not with pranks. The part of her that her father locked away gave way to for a compleatly new Hoshi to come out and play. "Eden, what's gotten under your skin?" She asked looking at her angry friend. Thier spat with the first year was already faiding in Hoshi's mind. There was no reason for her to dwell on the little scrap of a girl even if it was because her father was using the girl's aunt in more ways than one. To Hoshi, Sarah would always the little wh0r3 that used to intertain her father's guests when needed.
Eden turned as she saw Hoshi.
"What has gottin under my skin? Everything! My little sister is here and is a pain in the arse. And I have a secret a huge secret that I cant tell anyone not even your brother due to the fact he might break up with me if I told him. And the girl said I had a big nose! I should have her murdered in her sleep for that!"
Eden continued to stomp around for a bit before throwing herself on the grass.
Hoshi frowned and rolled her eyes. "Really Eden your secret can't be that bad. I deal in secrets you know a Koshiba always does." She said as she took a seat neatly by a tree and started leafing though the old text. It wasn't that big but it held the information that she wanted. She had found mentioned in the school library the year before something about a thing called the Sorce. Last year it was the last thing she wanted to look at, this year however it was diffrent. She was diffrent. "That girl is a frilly little nobody related to one of my father's sluts. If she says anything about you it mean anything." She said lightly. Angela really was nothing in Hoshi's eyes.

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