The many faces of Kass Eindhoven

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Kassandra Eindhoven

Roscosmos Aerospace Engineer | Advance | HS Grad
Blood Status
Half Blood
Relationship Status
Single (Looking)
Sexual Orientation
Straight 12 inch Flexible Mountain Ash Wand with Mistletoe Seed
</FONT></SIZE>[ul][li]Meet 13 year old Kassandra Eindhoven.</LI>
[li]She and her older brother Ezekiel were both born in Ommen, Netherlands.
[li]Kass is of Dutch and German ancestry and speaks both languages and fluent in English.
[li]Despite living in the Netherlands, both siblings got accepted in different schools. Her going into Hogwarts Scotland and got sorted into Ravenclaw while her brother is in Beauxbatons.
<LI>[li]Kassandra loves attention and she gets it by dating popular guys at school, specially Quidditch captains. Age doesn't matter to her at all but she has a rule about no strings attached when dating. The Ravenclaw doesn't believe in love and that it slows her down. She can also be aggressive about what's hers, she doesn't like people stealing her spotlight and all. But the worst feature she has is her sarcastic mouth, she can't help it if stupid people talks to her and they don't make sense. Before starting Hogwarts, she got fond of books of any type; be it textbooks or classical novels and by the time she started school, Kass has an IQ of 190[/li][/ul]
<FONT font="Times New Roman">Okay, so, Kassandra has a rule that she shouldn't fall in love BUT secretly she's crushing on her best friend, Angelus Petulengro, since their first year. For her to ignore that feeling, she's been dating short term with random guys in different houses because she'd rather hurt somebody or even her than hurt Angelus. So, I would like a volunteer to be Kassandra's boyfriend until probably their 5th year, then they'll either dump her or she'll dump them. This is a short term plot, anyone interested for short term relationship, I'm open. I'm not picky, it can either be someone from other schools.
Lastly, she'll be needing friends or even enemies along the way. So, she's aggressive and has a bad mouth but if she likes you and you seems look like not a threat to her popularity, Kass will befriend you and even treat you good. She's easy to convince even though someone is lying to her but if she ever gets caught up, Kass will do everything to ruin someone's life. At least, until she graduates. Kass is also easily be an enemy, just make fun of her make up or clothes will do and irritate her.

As of right now, these are the things I can only give out but y'all can always skype or PM me if you have questions. Or simply reply to this thread. <SIZE size="50">Don't judge, I love Lydia, I like Teen Wolf :p I thank everyone in advance. I hope Kassandra is not a pain on your behind
Oh my gosshh D: ...
I promised myself that I wont get myself involved in any plots unless it's my Jin Howard kids..
But this sounded soo much like my fifth year Beauxbaton Kyler Norton.
He doesnt believe in love and can be cocky, he's a hugeee fan of veelas and dates them.
He's never been in love nor will he (unless he meets this perfect girl for him) but he likes being in a relationship for a short period of time and dates other girls when he gets bored of his current girlfriend.
He's not really a gentleman and can be conceited.
I swear, I didn't copy anything :p

Anyways, is that a plot I'm smelling? Because I'm so ready for it xD Are you think the relationship part or the friends/enemies part?
relationship part pleasee :r

He can be a pain in the butt tho... I hope ur girl will shove his arrogant attitude to his face and kick his... uhh... well u know :r
Oh, trust me, she can handle him pretty well. Would you like me to start one or you want to do the honors?
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