the long way back.

Briar Rowan-Cullen

Strength in diversity
OOC First Name
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Sexual Orientation
Briars rowan, 15", with centaur (aspens) tail hair and my werewolf fur
49 (2/2013)
After the start of the second semester Briar had been spending more and more time at the quidditch pitch. firstly because she had heard that there would be another game soon, but also because it was a place whee she had aways been able to let her mind go and be who she was. With the odd looks that had been following her round the school recently she needed a break and training was the perfect excuse. she was glad that most in her house had supported her once the news had gotten out. sure some people were wary of her, but she didn't mind them, she had her friends and that was all that mattered. It was mid afternoon of the first week of term. It had been a killer of a week but the gryffindor prefect was getting used to everything that was going on. she had been practising on her own on the pitch but when the Ravenclaw team arrived for a training session she had had to leave. she had no option but to land, pick up her bag and make her way up the garden. she walked slowly up towards the castle taking the long route via the lake and savouring the time alone before the looks she had been attracting when she was inside the school started again. she was dressed in her usual weekend clothing, of shorts, and a T-shirt. however this week she had started to wear a new set of shirts and today was no exception todays shirt said 'my boyfriends a werewolf' she hoped Dee wouldn't mind, but she didn't think that anyone at the school knew him. Then again she hadn't thought they did before and look how that had worked out.
She was making her way along the edge of the lake looking out over the cool water and in half a mind to get back on her broom and fly over it for a while. but for the time being she continued walking. her eyes wandered to the garden, in particular one tree a tree known by most students as a random tree and one that couldn't be climbed easily, but to her it had a totally different purpose. it housed the entrance to the howling cavern. of corse it, like many of the secret entrances at the castle, had a password, and this was a password that no one would speak. she had it set to the word "werewolf' in her native language. no other student spoke that language, and the only way that someone could open it accidentally would be if a centaur was walking past randomly talking about werewolves. which would be a near no chance. she put her bag down the sunlight warming he skin, she liked the sun, it was warm and when it was up she was safe, she could no transform when the sun was up. her last transformation had been a rough one, the middle of summer had made the cavern horribly warm and that had caused her wolf brain to become frenzied. next time she would think of more water, but in the mean time she had the scars form that night as a reminder, the ones on her arms legs (and some on the rest of the body) were healed but still stood out on her skin, and she had also had four running parallel down her face which would probably be there for life as the nurse hadn't been able to fix them properly due to their position near her eye.
Kate wasn't good at all this term.Even though she had been diagnosed properly and she would be getting her operation n=in a few months she was more worried now then ever.Stefan hadn't returned to school and he hadn't been at their date either.Kate was frantically trying to find out what was wrong.She was trying to deny the fact that it was probably his dads fault he hadn't shown up.He might be too hurt to come or something or maybe something worse.Kate didn't know,but all this worrying was not good for her in her condition.At firt the ne or medication she had been given had been working pretty well,and she had only had to take a sleeping pill maybe one or two times a week but now she had to take one every night and her heart was in over drive and panic attacks were common.Her parents had been furious when she had told then that he actually hadn't shown up.She hadn't been able to tell the reason why,so they weren't very keen on hi at the moment.But that was the least of Kate's worries.School hadn't been too bad other then that.She had a quidditch match soon and she had been practicing for it.A little bit nervous but she was looking forward to it all the same.She had dived into all her school work and that was all she did most days.She just pushed herself to do all these things so she couldn't think about the stuff that worries her.

Kate had decided not to do any practice today.she was taking a day off because frankly she knew her other way of life wasn't too healthy.The weather was quite warm so Kate was still able to dress in her summer clothes,much to her delight.She wanted a bit of fresh air so sh walked down to the lake.She heard some whispers as she went along about the girl named Briar.Kate hadn't actually seen the poster befroe it had been taken down but Danielle and another professor had showed her,when she had asked.To be honest she didn't really see what the big deal was.she had met Briar once before and she didn't look like the sort of person who would go around attacking people.Maybe because she hadn't grown up in the land of magic there might be something she may be missing but she had heard plenty of werewolf stories and she honestly didn't think Briar would do that.Kate saw a few girls looking at her strangely and Kate knew why.she didn't exactly look healthy.Since second year she had never really been the normal weight and now since she had started vomiting up and she ate,her weight was decreasing rapidly.Her face looked much better though since she had been getting sleep but since it was a drugged sleep,her face didn't have the usually brightness.Sighing she walked to the edge of the lake.She just walked around it and into the garden.This was one of her favorite places to be,she loved the smells of all the flowers.She was walking past a tree when she saw the girl everyone had been talking about.Kate walked up to the girl and stood beside Briar "It's nice here isn't it"She said
OOCOut of Character:
sorry it stuck s i am half falling asleep here
Briar stood there at the edge of the lake, her attention had been caught by a flock of birds which had been scared form the forest. she watched as they flew over head, and she wondered where they were going to, somewhere in the direction of the mountains that as for sure. just as they were getting so far away that she couldn't tell each individual bird she heard someone walking up beside her. she didn't turn around and look at them she just kept watching the birds. when the girl spoke she smiled. "year, there is nothing like large landscape to make you feel insignificant" she said. before she turned to look at the girl, her voice had been familiar but she couldn't place her. it took her a moment to realise who it was, she looked a lot different. a little sick. "Its Kate isn't it? she checked. wanting to be sure that she had indeed remembered the correct girl. she tried to remember what year and house she was, she was pretty sure she was in hufflepuff, and was a year or two under her, though she wasn't entirely sure which year. "I haven't seen you in ages, what are you up to this afternoon?" she asked, trying to avert the conversation off herself as soon as she could before the questions started coming. usually starting with are you a werewolf, and covering if she stuk along long enough, had she attacked anyone (no), what were the transformations like (painful and inconvenient)how the how she was feeling (fine). no emotionally (yeah ffine).
Rain was swimming swiftly through the cool waters of the lake, chasing a ground of Grindylow, they didn't like it but she found it fun, her long golden tail behind her she glided through the water with ease, her Long blonde hair floating around her. The Mermaid swum low between the seaweed and ran her hands through it as if they were curtains, she did a small spin in the water and noticed a school of fish just above her kicked her tail into gear and swum up higher in the water, she shot through the group of fish making them dart in many directions, she laughed enjoying herself when she noticed some Shadows on the beach. Rain swum up and reached the surface hiding behind a rock, she peaked out to make sure that it wasn't anyone bad and then smiled.

Rain ducked under water again her hair following her down, underwater she always had the best hair styles. The Young..ish Mermaid gracefully glided to the waters Edge and slid onto the beach making little to no Sound.
Rain was a different Mermaid, for short amount of time she had managed to hold water to be able to speak above water, she could manage a few lines before she needed another mouthful of water but she wasn't complaining. 'I like the Grass and the Tree's we don't have any underwater, only seaweed, i tried cutting it into grass but it didn't work' she said before she lowered herself so her mouth was in the shallow of the water. Rain lifted her large golden Tail and lowered is slowly into the water letting the water roll off it. She sat up again and smiled at the students 'Don't you agree?' she asked curiously, she acted like she was a curious young child, she even had the hint of tone in her voice, but she looked atleast 18.
Rain folded her arms infront of her and hoped the two girls wouldn't suddenly attack her.
Kate wasn't the most happiest girl in the world these days.She tried her best to stay positive but sometimes it was just to hard.She was worried about so many things and right now was the worse time to be worried,she was just making herself worse.Her parents had tried convincing her to stay in England but she needed to take her mind off things.Plus she had the OWLs next year and she was planning on getting good marks,she wanted to make a life for herself.Sure she was musical and she could probably make a career out of it but Kate likes to have the options open and she might plan on doing something to do with magic.She was contemplating being a healer.They did so much and she would love to help people,people like her and all the other sick people out there.Sure there would probably be sadness with her job but sometimes the happy things outweigh the sad ones.She wasn't sure whether she would be a muggle or magical healer,so much things to decide.

Kate followed Briar's gaze and silently agreed.They were so small compared to everything else in this universe and this world but they acted as if we are the smartest and best type of creature ever.In reality we were probably doing the most harm.But some people just cared about the money which was pointless because if we keep on destroying the earth,money will be the last thing on our minds. "Yes"Kate said smiling weakly as Briar turned around.She probably looked much different.Briar did too,she had three scars going down her cheek and Kate guessed that was from whatever werewolf had turned her.Kate was curious as to who had done it and had they even been reported.Kate didn't think Briar would like to talk about that. "Nothing much,just getting some fresh air,what about you?"Kate asked.She didn't feel very well so she sat down on the ground.She usually got these moments of weakness or sickness.It was because she didn't eat much,they usually passed after a few minutes and they were nothing out of the ordinary.She just looked like she was sitting down.Kate looked over when she heard a voice come from the lake.Kate had never seen a real mermaid before,she had seen pictures but nothing more.Kate listened to her and nodded her head in agreement "Yes,though there must be some nice plants down underwater"Kate said
Briar was glad she had remembered the right girl, it would have been embarrassing if she had got the wrong name. she wasn't a fan at not knowing people when they knew you and it seemed everyone in the school knew who she was either from quidditch, or prefect, and if they hadn't known her the rumours this week had ensured that she was recognised throughout the castle. She saw Kate look at her face more specifically the fresh scars on her cheek. and she was glad that she didn't ask, about them, and in return didn't ask her if she was well, as she did look rather ill. "its too nicer day to be inside. I have been practicing quidditch ready for the match, but when the ravenclaw team arrived i thought i had better leave them to it." she said. gesturing to the pitch with her head. she sat down beside the younger girl just as she did so she head a voice coming from the small 'beach' below her looking down she saw a mermaid.
she had med mermaids before back where she lived as a child but had never spoken to one before, mainly because they couldn't talk above the water, when watched as this young one (though admittedly older than her)seemed to have developed a technique where she held water in her mouth and was able to speak through that. "Hello, i didn't see you down there, thats cool how you can talk." she said "I guess seaweed wants to stay seaweed." she said smiling. she wondered what it would be like to be a mermaid and live in the lake, probably something like being a centaur, but a little wetter.
Rain looked at the two Girls when they noticed her and didn't seem phased by her, which was good, she wondered if any of them had seen a mermaid before but she highly doubted it but she never knew. Rain tilted her head and rested it back half submerged in the water before she came up to speak again 'I wish it was grass, i want to touch that grass, it looks so soft' she said before she lowered her head again, it was a tiring effort but it was good that she could talk to Humans. Rain raised her tail again and the sun shone off it magestically. She blew bubbles in the water 'Its hard Work talking' she said underwater which must've sounded a bit funny. Rain smiled eagerly 'My name is Rain, whats yours' she asked curiously.
Kate nodded and yawned.She was wrecked and she wanted to sleep but for some reason her mind wouldn't rest and neither would her heart.It's a bit disconcerting when you lying in your bed and all you can hear is your heartbeat which is going way to fast.Its almost scary because you automatically think heart attack and at the beginning that was what Kate had been worried about most buts he had been told that that was just left over adrenal going through her system.Stupid tumorKate thought angrily.She didn't notice that she was tearing pieces of grass and flower petals into shreds.Why did she have to inherit the disease that had killed all her previous ancestors.She had already been sick in second year and loved someone who could be dead for all she knew.Kate felt one tear roll down her cheek but she wiped it quickly before the other two noticed.She was just going to have to deal with this and she knew she would be on the road to recovery in six months but she wasn't sure what she could do about Stefan.Maybe she could send a letter or something just to see if he was still alive.Kate picked up some grass and handed it to the mermaid "Here"She said,Kate personally didn't think grass was that soft but maybe that was because she had been touching grass since she was a tot. "Kate"she said
Briar though for a moment when the mermaid said that she wished that it was grass. she had an idea of a spell that she could use, she had leaned it in class to make flowers, she mat be able to stretch it to create grass. se took out her want and tried to picture grass as best as she could hoping that it was enough like the lowers that she had practiced on for the spell to work, she then tapped her want on the sand and muttered "orchidious" she smiled when few blades started growing soon followed by others until there was a small patch of lush green grass growing form the sand. "there you go, a small patch of grass, though i don't think it will be able to survive long" she said, it wasn't really the conditions that grass would flourish in.
her attention was drawn back to kate when the girl moved and put her hand to her face. "Kate are you okay?" she asked. as she saw the girl ripping up grass and throwing it to the mermaid, she seemed to have something on her mind. turning to Rain she smiled. "you are doing a good job. My name is rowan, though people around here call me Briar" she said, it was odd to her introducing herself as briar to a mermaid,her herd name seemed more appropriate. but kate my think it odd if she used a different name so she had used both.
Rain smiled when they introduced themselves to her and gave her some grass to feel, she took it and llingered in its touch, she wish she had brought her bag to put it in so she could keep it underwater forever, The other girl made grass appear infront of her and she moved herself higher up the waters edge to just lie in it, She smiled as she enjoyed the feeling, but she could feel it slowly fade and she wish it would never stop she went to open her mouth to talk but she had been a bit far away from the water and pointed at the grass she didnt know how to say she wished she could lie in that.
Rain reluctantly wriggeled back into the water she smied up at the girls 'Kate and Briar?' she asked hoping she remembered it correctly 'You have Faces that seem worried' she said her wording sounding funny 'Come Swim' she said as she wriggeled back further so she was close to being fully submerged 'A Good Swim is good for you, helps you think' she said as she dipped her head under then came back up again 'I won't Drown you, I'm not a Grindy Low, and you cna just hurt me with those sticks anyway' she said remembering a time when someone thought she was drowning them and pointed the stick at her, it hurt.

Rain floated on the surface her tail keeping her steady
Out of the corner of her eye Kate could see making a patch of grass.Kate's magic was improving and charms was one of her favorite classes but concentrating in class was getting harder these days.Too much thoughts going through her head and that's never a good thing.She looked up quickly when Briar asked her a question "Oh nothing,just a lot of things on my mind"She said holding her hands together so she couldn't kill anymore grass.Kate nodded at the mermaid,she had to admit she was quite fasinated with the mermaid.Being muggle-born she had believed that mermaids were a myth but then again she had been told magic was a myth to so she should of expected most things that were myths to muggles were real in the magic world.SO now she had met a werewolf and a mermaid in the one day.Pretty impressive.She wondered were all creatures myths of were it only some.She hoped there were no vampires or any nasty creatures like that.Sometimes the muggle world could be safer because they didn't believe in any of that stuff.But then again there were the nasty people.Kate smiled,Was it that obvious? she thought.She probably did as all she did was worry.As much as she liked swimming she didn't find the idea of swimming in her clothes where everyone who came down here could see her.She didn't think the mermaid would drown her,when Rain mentioned the stick things Kate remembered her wand in her pocket.She took it out and laid it in her palms.She sometimes she forgot she could do magic especially after the holidays.She was looking forward to when she could do magic outside school "Maybe another time"She said
Briar didnt want to question kate about hte what was on her mind as she didnt want the firl to ask her the same questions she had had a lot on her mind too, though now she was starting to get over it, the news was out and she was surprised that it hadn't been as bad as she had thought. ran her fingers across the new scratches on her cheek, she was still getting used to them. as she was doing this she looked bak down at her top again stating that her boyfriend was a werewolf, she happened Dee wouldn't mind, she had basically bought everything she had found that said werewolf on it over the break after being warned that there was a chance that her news would get out. she smiled at the mermaid. "I think we are fine. there is just some stuff going on in the castle at the moment that is not the most pleasant thing" she said answering for both of them although she knew kate would have different reasons for being worried.
st the mermaids offer of a swim she shook her head, "as much as i like sport i am not very good at swimming, though i would not have even thought that you would try to drown me. running and flying is more how i clear my head" she said, her childhood was high on running and once she had started school she had started to use flying as an alternative.
Rain pouted and moved her way up to the waters edge 'But the Waters nice and you're upset' she protested sweetly as she splashed her tail in the water, she felt stupid being so low to the ground and looking up to talk to people 'Flying, is that that broom thing, One girl fell in once, i helped her get to the beach' she said proudly she moved her blonde hair out of her face and lifted her tail again, enjoying the warm sun on her fins.

'You have to Promise to come swim one day okay?' she said smiling hoping that they would, she did get rather lonely in the water by herself 'Whats been going on in the... Castle you call it' she said getting curious about their lives, she always wanted to go to the School and learn. Rain lowered her tail again hardly causing a splash 'Whats a Werewolf?' she asked curiously finally making out what the girls shirt said. Rain rested her head in the water and blew some more bubbles
Kate wished she didn't have to be so negative all the time.It sucked only thinking about bad things and she wished there were something remotely positive about her life.So far the one of the only good things that happened to her this year was getting on the Hufflepuff team.That was probably one of the last times she had been delighted.She was nervous about the match because she certainly was in no shape to play but she had been picked as chaser for the game so she was going to have to play.She was looking forward to it but she had those nervous butterflies in her stomach that always appeared before any match.The only other thing was whens she had been asked to the Yule Ball then Stefan and when they had danced.That was one of her sparkling memories in her brain and it helped her sometimes.her hand went to the heart pendant necklace he had given her.It had been his mothers and it meant a lot to Kate that he had given it to her,She just hoped that it hadn't been a goodbye gift.But it couldn't of been a goodbye gift because they had agreed to meet during the holidays or had he known he wouldn't of been able to go to them? No she thought.Her thoughts were so jumbled up it was a wonder her brain could tell her to walk and breath.
Kate nodded,the two of them had gone through some tough times but Briar's was possibly worse because everyone knew she was a werewolf.At least Kate would soon be better but everyone would remember everything about Briar.Kate wondered what it was like to be a werewolf but she wasn't going to ask that question.the water might Kate feel better for about ten seconds and then everything would come crashing down on her and she would be wet and cold.Kate had gotten over her minor fear of heights for the try-outs she had been rather proud of herself but she had added some fears on to her list since then. Kate nodded,it was the best promise she could give. "Nothing much really"Kate said she wasn't sure if Briar would want to tell Rain about what happened so she would leave that to Briar to decide.Kate wondered why did rain suddenly say werewolf.It wasn't until then that Kate realized what was on Briar's t-shirt.Kate raised her eyebrows at that.So maybe that's how Briar became one but if Briar hadn't reported it Kate wasn't going to say nothing.She thought it was cute in a way. "What's his name."She asked
briar smiled at the mermaid "yeah, that is what flying is, i guess its similar to swimming but we need brooms to do it." she said meaning that you could go in all directions, including up and down. "I am sure the water is lovely and cool, but i am not a good swimmer, but it will certainly come down some other time for a swim" she said. in truth she was able to swim her usual energy and fitness making up for lack of style or technique. however the last week had taken a lot out of her, the moon had been the worst one she had had, and with the rumours she was still rather drained. yes i will defiantly come in some other time" she confirmed.
kate said that there was nothing going on at the castle, maybe kate had been one of the few who hadn't seen the posters, but she would have thought that by now the rumours were flying around the school faster than the flu, and that went fast. "there are just some rumours going around that I am a werewolf" she said although she didn't necessarily say it was true, anyone with half a brain would realise that they were. as she now always supported tops that said that, and she wasn't trying to hide her scars any more, though where they now were it would be a pointless effort. "a werewolf is someone who has a, umm, illness, which means that during a full moon they turn into a wolf, which is very painful, and they loose their mind." she said answering rains question. however when kate spoke up she was a little baffled, "whats who's name?" she asked. before realising what she was asking. she knew that Dee hadn't told many people what he was, she had learned the hard way last winter, she had told her siblings about him, but she didn't want to tell the whole school. she looked down at her shirt dismisivly. "oh that, i had been warned that the news would get out so over the holiday i bought all the tops i could find that said werewolf, i had wolves on them. and this was one of them" she lied. she was pretty sure she said it convincingly, as she had a lot of practice at hiding facts about her past.
Rain smiled, 'Cool' she said refering to the flying, she started to Day Dream what it would be like to be a Mermaid on a Broom flying around, she could go anywhere, She wondered if she could get a broom, fly up to the Castle and find the room with the Water, she could sense that there were a few of them in the castle and wanted to go there, she would happily live there, Rain then began to wonder how the brooms worked and how she could get them to fly. The Mermaid snaped back into focus and listened to one girl say nothing then the other saying Rumors had gotten around, she had a feeling that either the Other girl didn't like her that much or was going through some tough times. Rain listened to her explain what a werewolf was and she pulled away from the waters Edge 'I'm not going to catch the Sickness and become a Wolf, I would have four legs then' she said worrying what a MerWereWolf would be like and if she could become one. Rain raised her tail again which she seemed to do alot, she felt like she needed to keep on moving since she was always swimming around.
'Are you a Werewolf?' she asked as she let her tail fall and splash on the waters Surface.
Kate nodded,though she was sure there was something else to both of them.You aren't just able to do either of them,well unless your a mermaid swimming is going to come naturally.Kate might go swimming another day,but she was neither ready for it nor was she in any mood to go swimming.She did loved swimming especially in the sea and in her pool at home,but she hadn't gone swimming in a while.She had been too busy.Kate guessed Briar didn't mind too much about the rumors,but the again they are the sort of things you have to get used to or the person who starts them wins.If that ever happened to Kate she would make sure not to give the said person the satisfaction.Kate was curious at to what a werewolf actually was.of course she had read all the fantasy books but they didn't exactly explain it except for maybe twilight but Kate had feeling that wasn't how it worked.Kate felt sorry for Briar as she explained her "illness",she was certainly glad she wasn't a werewolf but then again maybe she would get used to it.Kate was about to gesture to what was written on Briar's top but she seemed to realize what she was saying.Kate did't really believe her but if she didn't want Kate to know,that was fine.She wouldn't ask again.By saying what she had said she had confirmed she was a werewolf "So you are one?"Kate asked
Briar chuckles lightly when the mermaid looked worried that she would catch lycanthropy, it wasn't funny what she had said, but she had just got an image of a merwolf and that was rather humorous. but she shook her head. "no, you wont be able to catch lycanthropy, it only effects humans, and is spread by saliva blood contact" she said she wasnt sure how human the humans had to be, if one was a part veela, giant, or goblin she didn't know if it would effect them, but she knew she wasn't going to try. she wouldn't want to hurt anyone as a wolf especially her sister. when both of the girls asked the same question she closed her eyes briefly and then nodded once. "yes I am, I have been for five months" she said counting he transformations she had had in her head, she didn't count the night she was bitten on the mountains as one as she hadn't transformed properly then. it had been a night of pure excruciating pain. and then the next morning she had to get herself off the mountains which hadn't been easy, at least her broom had been at the camp. she wasn't sure what else to say. so she stayed quiet for while. however after only a few moments her stomach started gurgling, it must have realised that she had finished training and the time it would be happy to reach the great hall in was gone. she rolled her eyes and reached inside the bag that she kept with her everywhere. "apple?" she offered drawing out three of the fruit. she wasn't sure if the mermaid are apples, probably not but she offered her one anyway as it would have been mean not to, she may just want one.

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