The group in the making

Stephanie Duboit

Well-Known Member
OOC First Name
Stephanie was bored outher skull. Usually at this point, she woud be finding something to have a fight with her sister about but she couldn't find Leslie anywhere. She sat next to the lake reaing a book wishing there was something else to do. She only read books because she was so bored that there was nothing else to do but she was hoping that could change now she was at HNZ. Steph closed the book and chucked in on the floor next to her, lying down so she was looking at the sky through the leaves of the trees above her.
Sasha skipped out to the lake, she was in a good mood today. She was planning on meeting up with Shaylah later, who had promised to interoduce her to the other two girls, and she was hoping to run into Sam again at some point and get him to come meet her. As she arrived at her favourite spot she saw another Ravenclaw there, one with a book. Sasha automatically assumed she was one of the nerdy ones in the house, the ones who actually enjoyed studdying and stupid stuff like that.

Sasha, quite rudely, barged her way past the dorky girl and sat down by the lake. She took off her shoes and soks and dipped her feet into the water, slowly sliding in her ankles and thighs, happy she had worn a skirt today. She took out the magazine she had convinced her daddy to send her and lay back, reading about all of the fashion disasters that had happened in the time she had been here.
Stephanie felt someone barge past her and wasannoyed that someone would treat her like that. She was going to make sure no one tried anything like that. "Hey. Who do you think you are??" She walked over to the girl and stood next to her.
Sasha looked up as the nerd complained. "I'm pretty sure I'm me and that gives me the right to be myself.. Which includes barging nerds out of my way." She coffed and returned to the latest fashion blunders. Giggling at the niavity of some of the celebrities these days.
"Nerd?!" That was the one word that alwas annoyed her when people called her one. It was the word that caused most of her sisters injuries. "How can you call me a nerd?? I am nothing like a nerd. Nerds are freaks and wierdos that think they know everything."
Sasha closed her magazine, it was now obvious that she wouldn't get very far reading it with this girl around. "No, Nerds are people who sit outside reading books on a nice day." She spoke in a way that sounded innocent but so obviously wasn't and batted her eyelashesin a sweet way, creating a complete patronizing look.
Steph suddenly realised why she had been called a nerd. "I was only reading because I had absolutely nothing else to do. On a day like this, I'd much rather find my sister and put her in hospital again."
The last sentance from the mystery, not-so-nerdy-girl caught Sasha's attension. She turned around, taking her legs out of the cooling water, and stood up standnig just a bit taller than ther other girl. "That's the kind of sentance I like to hear." She smirked and crossed her arms. "What's your name?"
Stephanie liked the fact that by mentioning the fights she hd with her sister, this girl was suddenly interested in her. Pehaps she's a possible friend. "I'm Stephanie Duboit. Who are you??"
Sasha looked at the girl, eyebrows raised. "You're Stephanie? Shalyah's friend?" This was such a wierd coincidence, meeting the girl she was supposed to be introduced to later. "I'm Sasha, Sasha Harris."
Shaylah walked down the path to the lake with Sydney beside her. They were meant to be meeting up with Sash and Steph.
She got to the lake and saw the two girls already there. They seemed to have already met. "Hey, girls. I didn't know you two knew each other." She grinned as she got next to them.
Sasha laughed as Shaylah arrived with an older girl behind her. "We just met actually, she was reading like a nerd so I barged her." She giggled at her own explanation of it. "Who's that?" he nodded to the taller girl she had been walking down wtih.
Sydney followed Shaylah down to the lake where she said she would be meeting her knew friends. She was assured she would like them, Sydney doubted this very much. Sydney was suprised when Shaylah ran off towards two girls and followed her just in time to hear the taller one ask who she was. "I'm your superior." Sydney answered simply, she wouldn't be nice until she was sure these girls were worth it, she wouldn't be nasty either, Shaylah had good judgement.
Shaylah grinned at Sydney's comment then she turned to the other two girls. "This is Sydney. She's a second year Slytherin." If Shaylah knew Sydney at all, she knew that Sasha and Steph would have to prove themselves before Sydney would become friends with them.
Sasha looked up at the older girl. "Nice to meet you." She smirked, in a nice way, and sat back down next to her magazine on the muggle world fashion. "Oh, Shay. I found this cute boy you might like to meet, I mean mega cute. His name's Sam." Now was just the not mentioning he was a hufflepuff part.
"Oh really." The one thing that Shaylah was a sucker for was cute boys. "Does he go to this school??"
Stephanie shook her head as she lstened to the girls talking. "Why are you so obssessed over boys. I mean it's not like they have brains."
Sashe turned back to Stephanie. "Actually, Sam does. He's quite sweet actually. And in our year. I told him you'd like to meet him." She nudged Shaylahs elow and winked, joking around.
Sydney rolled her eyes as the conversation turned to a boy. She took off her jacket, laid it on the floor and sat on it, making sure no dirt got onto her clothes. She closed her eyes and leant back on her arms, they were on her jacket too, and blocked out their conversation. She attempted to soak up what sun there was at the begining of the school year and relax as much as she could with gossiping first years around her.
"Come on, what school does he go to??" Shaylah looked at Sasha impatiently. She hoped this boy went to hogwarts bcause then she could meet him.
Sasha laughed at her friends impatientness. "Ummm, guess." She grinned cheekily.
"You are kidding me. I'm just going to say Hogwarts because it's the most obvious one." She grinned hoping
Sasha paused, a small smirk forming on her lips. "Maaaybe." She giggled. "Yeah he goes to this school."
Stephanie got interested when Sasha sid he was in Hogwarts. If he was in Gryffindor, he would atomatically be a reject to this group of girls. "What house is he in??"
Sasha paused. "Well, He's not a Gryffendor." She hoped that would be enough for them, really wishing they wouldn't care about hufflepuffs.

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