The future just a block away

Dymetris Kozlov

Al. Hufflepuff 🌿 Healer ✨ Part Veela ✨ Dad
OOC First Name
Blood Status
Mixed Blood
Relationship Status
Sexual Orientation
Faxen's ❤
Alder Wand 13 3/4" Essence of Dragon Heartstring
The season here was Autumn, you could see the changes already while you walk out of the school entrance. It's like everywhere, the trees, the leaves and the slight bit of wind, you could tell it was Autumn. What made it more Autumn was the caramel candy he carried with him, it was coated in crunch nuts and the only way you can get them like that when the house elves at Hogwarts made them around this time of year. He loved this sort of treat, growing up not having the benefits of sweet treats like this in Russia, he enjoyed what he was given. The caramel glazed his thin lips as he munch into the nuts and got a big chunk of apple inside his mouth, Dymetris love the fall.

He wander to the lake front with his apple candy and sat cross legged upon arriving the lake's setting. There were fairies buzzing close by, and if he look closer dragon flies. He rested his back against the bark Matai tree, which was unlike the tress he saw back home. The bark were grey somewhat, and they had flat orange leaves because the weather changes. It made good cover from the sun, the rays were powerful, not enough to provide great pressure of heat, still the rays would blind anyone without shaded glasses. The Matai did it's job of keeping away the sun, he enjoyed his candy coated apple and let his own thoughts drift away alone. Mostly these days, he worried some about his future, never about anything else except his awkward time with his ex girlfriend. He would wander, momentarily till his future became the main focus once more.

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