The Full Redaction of Saveli Matveev

Saveli Pendleton

Mother of Two // Ded
OOC First Name
Blood Status
Mixed Blood
Relationship Status
Sexual Orientation
Reuben <3
A death among the students - a slytherin nonetheless. Saveli felt nauseous. She didn't know Avie very well, though she'd heard things about him since he was a prefect. Still, he wasn't much older than she was - and he was gone from the earth like he was never even there. The motions that created the blonde's day seemed to blur by. Gabriel was much too busy to see her with Lydia on his arm, and she and Felix didn't talk past the yule ball, as Saveli made her intentions clear. She wanted no one by her side at that moment - she needed to concentrate on her studies as they were the most important thing to her.

How though, could she concentrate, with her own mortality staring her in the face. At a ripe young age Saveli came to the realization that anyone could be taken away at any time. Avie was - he was young. Saveli sat in the green grass of the lawn, knees hugged tightly to her chest. The bright sunlight reflected off her blonde waves, that clung tightly to her t-shirt, damp slightly from the sea breeze that came off the water. She'd not wanted to be alone and had sent word to her sister via an owl. She wanted someone to open up to, and since Monty would have been dealing with enough already and Gabe was too far away to reach it seemed, then Prudence seemed the better option. Saveli only hoped she came quickly.
Prudence received an owl from her sister not more than twenty minutes ago, and the worried blonde made her way down the stairs of the school and out onto the lawn. It wasn't hard to find the only blonde sitting alone by the lake front. "Sav." Prudence rushed to her side and sat down. "You said you needed me, what's going on? Is everything okay?" The bottle-blonde looked over her sister, into her melancholic eyes. Prudence had an idea what it may have been about. She too was a prefect - and Avie was someone she knew in face and name at least. However he was a slytherin. Could it be that Saveli knew this boy better? Her sister was fairly secretive after all. It could be possible that she was madly in love with Avie, though Prue highly doubted it.
Saveli was like stone as Prudence approached. The slytherin felt her sister take a seat beside her, and sniffled a small amount holdngi back pathetic tears. She had needed her sister, though now that Prudence was here she felt herself sinking within her own mind. How stupid could she be to cry over someone who wasn't her friend? Saveli was weak and she knew if her father could see her now he would tell her the same. Her father - that was someone she'd not thought about in some time. Another wave of near forgotten emotions caused a shudder, though the temperatures were warm. Goosebumps pricked her arms, and she was sure it was obvious that her own thoughts were chilling her to the bone.

"I don't understand the end of life." She whispered, her tone robotic. However the robotic and stone stature of the girl didn't last long as she placed her head into her knees and sobbed. "He wasn't old enough to die!" She sobbed, her mind frantic to search for a reason. She had no knowledge of Avie past his rather charming smile and the fact that her patrol partner happened to be friends with him from what she saw - or at least she thought they were. She didn't know. The blonde sobbed again. What did she knew? Would she too disappear like that, poof, gone from everyone's minds within a month. "If I were to die like him, to just leave they'd do the same. Flowers and then forgotten. No one would do anything differently. I..." She sobbed again.
Prudence should have looked into seer rather than animagi, as she knew that Saveli's tears and pain would have something to do with the loss of a fellow housemate. For a moment Prudence wondered if there was anything she could do to comfort her. After all, when Nate had died it was more that he had really just disappeared. He'd not had a candlelight vigil, or any flowers placed in his name. He had nothing to show he was at the school other than leaving Prudence with a bitter need to stop dating and getting close to people. prudence didn't say any of these things out loud though. Instead she moved and wrapped an arm around her sister, hugging the blonde close to her. She sat there cooing a bit. Trying desperately to calm the slytherin down.

"Savvy, please listen to me." She spoke quietly, her chin rested on the top of Sav's head. "Everyone has a time and a place to go. This doesn't mean you'll be forgotten. People hold you dear in memories. I've never forgotten Nate, or my parents - they have an existence in my heart." A tear slipped over Prudence's delicate waterline and she squeezed Saveli's shoulders. "Saveli you're so young, you shouldn't be worried about death. You should be worried about boys, and school, and about what haircuts are in season. Please, i know he may have been your friend or more but this is a time to grieve and then move on." She murmured.
Saveli didn't resist Prudence pulling her closer, and snuggled into her sister, the warmth of being comforted easing her shaking only slightly. She shook her head as Prudence talked, though if anyone knew about loss and death it was her sister - whom had lost both her parents and a boyfriend. She couldn't believe Prudence had managed to cope. or had her sister coped at all? "Prudence I didn't know him I just. I don't wanna go, I know there is a time but he was so young. Wasn't he your age? Why did he go so young? What's the reason for that it doens't make any sense!" She fought against the comfort her sister tried to offer her and sobbed again. "What about Monty? He's like four times the age of Avie, what if he goes too? I don't want to be alone again, I can't Prue." She was selfish in her mourning and knew it, but she couldn't help it. It was how she felt and she was being honest.
Prudence gave a sad sigh and listened to her sister's pain, hurting for her and with her. The Gryffindor squeezed her again. "Monty has quite a bit of time left on his clock, that man lives each day to it's half fullest not it's fullest - he's extended his life it seems." Prudence backtracked. "Listen, everyone will die, that's why it's important to spend our lives loving those people, and showing them we care. WE need to let them know while we are with them that we care." She whispered, suddenly thinking of Asa. Her situation was different though. Everyone she'd loved was dying, or dead. "I'm here, just let it out." She held her sister, wishing she could help - but her own emotions were complicated so all she could offer was empty words.
Saveli moved away from Prudence quickly. "How could you say that?" she asked, before backtracking. "I don't want to lose Monty but how dare you say he doesn't live his life. Everyone lives life differently Prudence - just because he's not sky diving and running with the bulls doesn't mean he doesn't live his life..." She trailed off. "Even if he's halfway through he... keeps living." There was a moments pause in the girl. "So I have to remember that don't I? You wanted me to stop feeling sorry for myself, didn't you?" She inquired, looking at her sister through drying eyes.
Prudence watched Saveli both explode and come back together within a few minutes. She gave a soft smile to her sister and nodded. "People die in life Saveli, and one day you and I will be dead to. It could come tomorrow, or a hundred years from now, but it happens. If all we do is look at the death we wont live." Prudence moved to stand and offered a hand to her sister. "And I should know, yeah? Just trust me. This too shall pass." Prudence imparted the little wisdom she had, a bittersweet want to listen to herself egging away at her internally. Would she learn to let go of death as well?

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